Tag: CNN

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CNN’s reporting reaches new level of farce. What should its new CEO do?
CNN’s reporting reaches new level of farce. What should its new CEO do?
December 19, 2024

Where was the tipping point for CNN which now no longer has any credibility as a decent news outlet on the world stage, it once had in the early days?

Scandal deepens around CNN’s Clarissa Ward staging Syria prison scene
December 16, 2024

Footage showing CNN’s regime change-crazed correspondent supposedly freeing a forgotten prisoner from a Syrian jail has been exposed a scandalous fraud, yet the network continues to re-air it, while defending its correspondent.

Scandal deepens around CNN’s Clarissa Ward staging Syria prison scene
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Norte-coreanos na Ucrânia? Como criar um factoide e torná-lo um escândalo geopolítico mundial
Norte-coreanos na Ucrânia? Como criar um factoide e torná-lo um escândalo geopolítico mundial
November 3, 2024

Os serviços de desinformação não perderiam a oportunidade de inventar mais uma das milhares de histórias sobre a insatisfação com o regime, cada vez mais enfraquecido e prestes a cair.

The only good thing about this nightmare is that it’s exposing the monsters for who they are
October 26, 2024

A really extraordinary moment occurred on the CNN “town hall” with Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday.

The only good thing about this nightmare is that it’s exposing the monsters for who they are
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Fake news now at peak as Kamala faces CNN “interview”
Fake news now at peak as Kamala faces CNN “interview”
September 4, 2024

Harris is seen as the most suitable candidate to further the causes of America’s military industrial complex whose six main companies cannot slow production down

With friends like CNN, Kamala Harris can’t fail
September 2, 2024

After weeks without sitting down for an interview with the media, she finally agreed to a chat with liberal-friendly CNN. The results were telling.

With friends like CNN, Kamala Harris can’t fail
CNN compares campus protesters to nazis in stunning propaganda segment
Editor's Сhoice
CNN compares campus protesters to nazis in stunning propaganda segment
May 3, 2024

Propaganda only works if you don’t know it’s happening to you, so hopefully they keep going mask-off like this for everyone to see.

La polémica por el lanzamiento de ayuda a Gaza en paracaídas que ha matado a varias personas
May 1, 2024

Incluso sin saber nadar, palestinos desesperados ingresan al mar para rescatar algo de la ayuda humanitaria que es lanzada sobre Gaza desde el aire por Estados Unidos y otros aliados. Pero esta desesperada situación también trae consigo trágicos desenlaces. Más de 100 palestinos han muerto desde febrero en distintos incidentes relacionados con la entrega de comida, incluyendo a decenas de víctimas en los lanzamientos aéreos.

La polémica por el lanzamiento de ayuda a Gaza en paracaídas que ha matado a varias personas