Tag: City of London

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England’s Second Battle of Stamford Bridge
England’s Second Battle of Stamford Bridge
May 9, 2022

The City of London’s shock blitzkrieg against Chelsea FC, who are currently the reigning European and world champions, will totally transform English football into a shadow of its former self.

Sugar and Spice and Everything Vice: the Empire’s Sin City of London
March 8, 2020

The world is so evidently run by criminal activity that at this point we have become dependent on its dirty money to keep afloat the world economy.

Sugar and Spice and Everything Vice: the Empire’s Sin City of London
Post-Brexit Britain to Be the ‘Largest and Most Destructive Tax Haven in the World’
Editor's Сhoice
Post-Brexit Britain to Be the ‘Largest and Most Destructive Tax Haven in the World’
February 21, 2020

After three and a half years of acrimony, Brexit has become a reality. One very small but extremely powerful grouping within British society is likely to be delighted that the independence they have long desired has finally been achieved; alongside […]

Financial services industry slowly abandons Britain ahead of Brexit
October 4, 2019

A report by a London based think tank that focuses on capital markets has published the most comprehensive analysis yet of the impact of Brexit on the banking and finance industry in London.

Financial services industry slowly abandons Britain ahead of Brexit
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The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire
The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire
February 21, 2019

At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.

Will the Brits Muddle Through?
December 2, 2018

Two of the most perilous military operations are crossing rivers while under enemy fire, and retreat while engaged with enemy forces. Britain’s embattled Prime Minister, Theresa May, must accomplish both maneuvers if she is to extract her very confused nation from the horrid Brexit mess and save her job. We wish her lots of luck.

Will the Brits Muddle Through?
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Britain’s Most Censored Stories (Non-Military)
Editor's Сhoice
Britain’s Most Censored Stories (Non-Military)
July 3, 2018

We recently reported about a transatlantic network of lobbyists pushing against action on climate change and (latterly) for Brexit? This group are all based out of one building around the corner from the Palace of Westminster. The network is funded by shadowy elites in the UK and US and lobbies for rampant market deregulation while pushing the myth that climate change is a hoax.

Untouchable Bankers: Too Big to Jail?
April 22, 2016

The latest news from Wall Street: according to Fortune magazine, the «Big Six» banks in the US – Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley – paid a total of more than 30 fines, about $110 billion, for ripping off the mortgage market and thus sparking the 2007-2008 global financial crisis…

Untouchable Bankers: Too Big to Jail?