Tag: Caucasus

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“Work, brothers” – for Dagestan and all of Russia
“Work, brothers” – for Dagestan and all of Russia
June 30, 2024

Western intelligence services rely on extremism to destabilize the Russian Caucasus, but the domestic cohesion of the Russian Federation has never been so strong.

“Trabalhai, irmãos” – pelo Daguestão e por toda a Rússia
June 27, 2024

Serviços de inteligência ocidentais apostam no extremismo para desestabilizar o Cáucaso russo, mas a coesão doméstica da Federação Russa nunca esteve tão forte.

“Trabalhai, irmãos” – pelo Daguestão e por toda a Rússia
Terror de todos os lados: A nova aposta dos EUA contra a Federação Russa
Terror de todos os lados: A nova aposta dos EUA contra a Federação Russa
June 26, 2024

Diante do fracasso militar e econômico, financiar ataques terroristas tanto por parte do regime de Kiev quanto por parte de radicais salafistas parece ser a nova aposta de Washington contra Moscou.

Terror from all sides: The U.S.’ new bet against the Russian Federation
June 25, 2024

In the face of military and economic failure, financing terrorist attacks by both the Kiev regime and radical Salafists appears to be Washington’s new bet against Moscow.

Terror from all sides: The U.S.’ new bet against the Russian Federation
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Don’t confuse them with facts
Don’t confuse them with facts
May 11, 2024

Time will tell what measures the Georgian authorities will employ to ensure the integrity of their country, Stephen Karganovic writes.

Saving Armenia: A Personal Encounter
February 28, 2024

Despite all the pious talk about helping Ukraine, it seems that the asset-poor but culturally rich Christian nation of Armenia must fend for itself.

Saving Armenia: A Personal Encounter
Editor's Сhoice
Pashinyan’s Latest Anti-Russian Statements Shows That Armenia Became a NATO Proxy
Pashinyan’s Latest Anti-Russian Statements Shows That Armenia Became a NATO Proxy
February 25, 2024

Since the 2018 color revolution, Armenian has become a NATO ally against Russia in the Caucasus.

Últimas declarações anti-russas de Pashinyan mostram que a Armênia se tornou um proxy da OTAN
February 24, 2024

Desde a revolução colorida de 2018, a Armênia tornou-se aliada da OTAN contra a Rússia no Cáucaso.

Últimas declarações anti-russas de Pashinyan mostram que a Armênia se tornou um proxy da OTAN