Tag: Catalonia

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An Interview With Embattled Catalan President Quim Torra
Editor's Сhoice
An Interview With Embattled Catalan President Quim Torra
January 15, 2020

The Catalan independence movement, comprised of three main factions, Junts per Catalunya, Esquerra Republicana Catalana, and Candidatura d’Unitat Popular—which roughly correspond to the positions of center-right, center-left and far-left on the political spectrum—is wracked with internal divisions.

When Germany Arrests Madrid’s Opponents, the Parallels Are Too Eerie to Dismiss
April 6, 2018

The arrest by Germany of Catalonia’s exiled former President, Carles Puigdemont, follows on a German tradition of tracking down and imprisoning political opponents of the “regime du jour” in Madrid since the fascist putsch launched by Generalissimo Francisco Franco in 1936.

When Germany Arrests Madrid’s Opponents, the Parallels Are Too Eerie to Dismiss
It’s Feeling Like the 1930s in Spain and France
It’s Feeling Like the 1930s in Spain and France
February 28, 2018

Unlike the Rajoy regime, which has misused the Spanish courts and constitution to imprison Catalonian political leaders on arcane and trumped up charges of sedition and rebellion, the Catalonian independence movement has been open and transparent about its aims, Wayne Madsen writes.

Russia’s Alleged Meddling in Catalan Vote: Playing the Blame Game
November 14, 2017

Western politicians have been resorting to blame-shifting tactic increasingly often. Each and everything going awry in the world is the fault of Russia. The drive of peoples for independence is a good example. Take Catalonia to illustrate the point.

Russia’s Alleged Meddling in Catalan Vote: Playing the Blame Game
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Europe Threw Catalonia Under the Bus
Editor's Сhoice
Europe Threw Catalonia Under the Bus
November 8, 2017

Millions of pro-independence Catalans are on their own. Europe turned its back on them, violating fundamental international law, affirming the right of self-determination for all people.

Direct Rule: the Latest Weapon for Crumbling Governments
November 6, 2017

The recent imposition of direct rule by the Spanish government on the autonomous region of Catalonia is having a ripple effect across Europe and around the world.

Direct Rule: the Latest Weapon for Crumbling Governments
Kurdistan, Catalonia and the Iran Deal: The Perils of Overreach
Editor's Сhoice
Kurdistan, Catalonia and the Iran Deal: The Perils of Overreach
November 1, 2017

In just the past few weeks, two examples emerged to demonstrate the harmful consequences when political leaders overplay their hand and provoke harsh responses. One occurred in Iraqi Kurdistan, the other in Spain’s Catalonia region. Both entities now teeter on the brink of calamity. There also are pertinent lessons from those episodes for U.S. policymakers.

Catalonia in Limbo
October 30, 2017

Things are in unchartered waters, crisis conditions a long way from resolved. Both sides have polar opposite values. Pro-independence Catalans want their democratic rights upheld.

Catalonia in Limbo
Editor's Сhoice