Tag: Fidel Castro

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Will the Cuban revolution survive the storm of 2025?
Editor's Сhoice
Will the Cuban revolution survive the storm of 2025?
January 3, 2025

Danny Shaw has been traveling to Cuba since 1995 in support of the country’s socialist revolution. Unsatisfied with the official proclamations and guided tours for international leftists, he embarked on a project of first-hand ethnographic research across the country over the decades. With a command of Cuban Spanish, Shaw wandered off the beaten path, independently evaluating conditions in the country.

Desde Cuba con amor
June 22, 2024

“─ Su ideología es la misma que la mía”

Desde Cuba con amor
La Revolución cubana: punto de inflexión histórico-geopolítico en la doctrina Monroe
La Revolución cubana: punto de inflexión histórico-geopolítico en la doctrina Monroe
December 27, 2023

La Revolución cubana es una doctrina anti-monroísta, fundada en las ideas de liberación americana de Simón Bolívar y José Martí.

CIA, NATO and the Great Heroin Coup: How Miami Became the Center of International Fascism and the Murder of President Kennedy
May 10, 2022

The logic of Northwoods was the stripe of Gladio. The general staff inclined towards prefabricated violence because they believed benefits gained by the state count more than injustice against individuals.

CIA, NATO and the Great Heroin Coup: How Miami Became the Center of International Fascism and the Murder of President Kennedy
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Cubans Will Not Forget U.S. Treachery
Cubans Will Not Forget U.S. Treachery
February 10, 2022

Is the U.S. in a position to maintain the embargo upon the pretext of bringing democracy to Cuba with its record in destabilising secure states, even those upholding democracy?

Time for Political Initiatives Against the Illegal U.S. Blockade on Cuba
February 11, 2021

It is time to unify and take a collective diplomatic route to calling out the U.S. illegalities against Cuba, Ramona Wadi writes.

Time for Political Initiatives Against the Illegal U.S. Blockade on Cuba
The Correlation Between U.S. Democracy and CIA-Sponsored Terror in Cuba’s Case
The Correlation Between U.S. Democracy and CIA-Sponsored Terror in Cuba’s Case
October 13, 2020

October marks the 44th anniversary since the explosion of a Cubana Airlines flight off the West Coast of Barbados, in which 73 people from Cuba, North Korea and Guyana lost their lives.

Fidel Castro’s 1960 Speech to the UN Did More for Anti-Colonial Struggle Than the UN’s Hyperbole About ‘Eradicating Colonialism’
September 26, 2020

Had the UN not been monopolised by the greater political powers, Fidel’s speech could have been a turning point in international history.

Fidel Castro’s 1960 Speech to the UN Did More for Anti-Colonial Struggle Than the UN’s Hyperbole About ‘Eradicating Colonialism’