Tag: Caspian Sea

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Azerbaijan, the perfect move: Russia and Iran consolidate the North-South corridor with the help of Minsk
Azerbaijan, the perfect move: Russia and Iran consolidate the North-South corridor with the help of Minsk
August 27, 2024

Since 2022, Ilham Aliyev’s Azerbaijan has changed direction and has now become Russia and Iran’s new strategic ally. With the authoritative support of Minsk behind the scenes.

The Heartland Southern Strategy: An overview of objectives and priorities
July 24, 2024

Russia is beginning to be seriously affected by the processes taking place in the Middle East and higher up in the Pacific region.

The Heartland Southern Strategy: An overview of objectives and priorities
Crossing the Caspian Sea geopolitical route
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Crossing the Caspian Sea geopolitical route
July 13, 2024

Russia acts as the needle of the scales for military control of the region and this is essential to maintain a balance between the powers present and those further afield.

In Eurasia, the War of Economic Corridors Is in Full Swing
July 18, 2022

The War of Economic Corridors is now proceeding full speed ahead, with the game-changing first cargo flow of goods from Russia to India via the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) already in effect.

In Eurasia, the War of Economic Corridors Is in Full Swing
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Caspian Deal a Model of Diplomatic Success
Caspian Deal a Model of Diplomatic Success
August 17, 2018

One can only imagine the outcome if the US had been one of the Caspian Sea claimants. Other nations would have been bullied, browbeaten and dispossessed of their natural rights by American “gunboat diplomacy”.

Caspian Deal Highlights Shift in Azerbaijan
August 17, 2018

For Azerbaijan its relationships with its neighbors are about to undergo a sea change, which should see meat put on the bones of this weekend’s agreement about oil and gas rights.

Caspian Deal Highlights Shift in Azerbaijan
Caspian Sea Convention Signed to Open New Prospects for Region
Caspian Sea Convention Signed to Open New Prospects for Region
August 13, 2018

With economic and security interests uniting the five littoral states, the signing of the convention may serve as a starting point for emergence of a new international forum.

Caspian Games: Central Asian ‘Stans’ Vie for Connectivity Market
April 21, 2018

Azerbaijan, as a Caspian nation, maintains deep ethnic and linguistic links with Turkey. Yet Baku prizes secularism in an Ataturk vein – which sets it at odds with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Islamic-tinged neo-Ottomanism.

Caspian Games: Central Asian ‘Stans’ Vie for Connectivity Market
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