Tag: Caribbean

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Why Haiti became a failed state and is unlikely to recover
Why Haiti became a failed state and is unlikely to recover
April 30, 2024

Victor Jeifets, a Russian scholar specializing in Ibero-American studies, explained in an interview with International Review TV show why Haiti is doomed to never-ending violence. Below are the major takeaways.

The Caribbean and colonialism: The Haitian crisis and its causes
April 3, 2024

In reality, the Haitian crisis has persisted for several decades, with its roots tracing back to the American occupation that began in 1915.

The Caribbean and colonialism: The Haitian crisis and its causes
Editor's Сhoice
Carta a los pueblos por la integración de América Latina y el Caribe
Carta a los pueblos por la integración de América Latina y el Caribe
March 18, 2024

Los pueblos del mundo estamos transitando a nivel global una crisis estructural del sistema capitalista, cuyos resultados son impredecibles. Esto es producto del propio despliegue del capitalismo en su fase neoliberal que pone en jaque los diferentes aspectos de la sostenibilidad de la vida.

A Glance at the Cuban Missile Crisis
March 25, 2022

As the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s (NATO) plans for expansion plays out on Russia’s borders, the question of sovereignty and defense could be recalled through the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962.

A Glance at the Cuban Missile Crisis
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Haitians Reject Calls For U.S. Military Intervention
Editor's Сhoice
Haitians Reject Calls For U.S. Military Intervention
July 30, 2021

U.S. media has called for a U.S. military intervention in Haiti following the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse. MintPress News spoke to Haitians to ask them what they think about a possible fourth U.S. military invasion of Haiti since 1915.

U.S. Regime Change Echos in the Caribbean
July 23, 2021

Having annihilated the island’s native people, the Europeans brought in African men and women who had been captured and enslaved. What unites the West Indian islands is not language and culture, but the wretchedness of slavery, rooted in an oppressive plantation economy.

U.S. Regime Change Echos in the Caribbean
Editor's Сhoice
Suspected Assassins of Haitian President Moïse Trained by U.S., Linked to Pro-Coup Oligarchy
Editor's Сhoice
Suspected Assassins of Haitian President Moïse Trained by U.S., Linked to Pro-Coup Oligarchy
July 10, 2021

As shock grips the Caribbean island nation of Haiti following the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, the Haitian government has carried out a campaign to arrest suspects it alleges are responsible for the murder.

South America: The Escazu Agreement Requires a Change in Regional Politics
October 10, 2020

Access to information on environmental matters, which is part of the Escazu Agreement, is anathema for governments relying upon the exploitation of land and corruption.

South America: The Escazu Agreement Requires a Change in Regional Politics