Tag: Capitalism

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Do bem-estar à guerra: o keynesianismo militar
Do bem-estar à guerra: o keynesianismo militar
March 25, 2025

Trump quer que os EUA deixem de pagar a maior parte do financiamento da NATO e de fornecer o seu poder militar e quer acabar com o conflito Ucrânia-Rússia para poder concentrar a estratégia imperialista dos EUA no “hemisfério ocidental” e no Pacífico, com o objetivo de “conter” e enfraquecer a ascensão económica da China.

Il protezionismo di Trump: un’aberrazione senza precedenti o un ritorno al “sistema americano”?
March 20, 2025

Il fatto che il nucleo del liberalismo stia ora adottando misure economiche protezionistiche rappresenta anche un colpo ideologico significativo per le élite liberali dei paesi colpiti dall’imperialismo e dallo sfruttamento capitalistico internazionale.

Il protezionismo di Trump: un’aberrazione senza precedenti o un ritorno al “sistema americano”?
We’re running out of eggs
Editor's Сhoice
We’re running out of eggs
March 18, 2025

I was lying with my mouth open, staring up at a poster of a palm tree, when my dentist started complaining about the price of eggs. She’d just spent £37 on a small bag of basic groceries. But it was the price of eggs that was really freaking her out.

O protecionismo de Trump: Aberração inédita ou retorno ao «Sistema Americano»?
March 13, 2025

Apesar dos EUA terem se consagrado como o pilar ideológico do liberalismo, no âmbito econômico eles costumeiramente lançaram mão do protecionismo como ferramenta de garantia das empresas nacionais.

O protecionismo de Trump: Aberração inédita ou retorno ao «Sistema Americano»?
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The farcical fate of the corporate droid and their Cadmean victories
The farcical fate of the corporate droid and their Cadmean victories
March 10, 2025

Even the biggest fire starts with a spark. So burn.

Chainsaw the paper-passers
March 9, 2025

In the 1950s, a mild-mannered British naval historian named Cyril Northcote Parkinson stuck a devastating blow against bureaucracy. His crucial analysis is even truer today than when The Economist published it in 1955.

Chainsaw the paper-passers
Editor's Сhoice
Gaza is not for sale
Gaza is not for sale
February 14, 2025

In the midst of one of humanity’s most disastrous crises, Donald Trump has found the courage to make very aggressive statements toward Palestine. We had no doubt, the American goal remains the same.

What is good for the U.S. is also good for Elon Musk, and vice versa
January 20, 2025

Nothing has changed in the last 70 years. Only that GM has given way to Tesla.

What is good for the U.S. is also good for Elon Musk, and vice versa