Tag: Butina

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US Mass Media-Government Ties Remain Strong on Russia-Bashing
US Mass Media-Government Ties Remain Strong on Russia-Bashing
November 12, 2019

The fact that someone can have a pro-American or pro-Russian stance, without coordinating their views with a government doesn’t omit the possibility of such a person periodically interacting with government or government-connected people.

Jared Kushner, Not Maria Butina, Is America’s Real Foreign Agent
April 25, 2019

Maria Butina is in jail for doing nothing while Jared Kushner, who needed a godfathered security clearance due to his close Israeli ties, struts through the White House as senior advisor to the president.

Jared Kushner, Not Maria Butina, Is America’s Real Foreign Agent
Of Suspected Spies & Cathedrals… and Western Media Hypocrisy
Of Suspected Spies & Cathedrals… and Western Media Hypocrisy
January 27, 2019

It’s hilarious to see the double standards of Western media applied in the case of alleged American spy Paul Whelan who is being detained in Russia and facing trial.

Celebrating Another Regulatory Conviction in the Anti-Russia Brouhaha
December 13, 2018

The Pentagon and the CIA have made it clear, especially through the mainstream press, that Russia is to be considered, once again, an official enemy of the United States. Maria Butina’s conviction for befriending the United States without having first registered her name with U.S. officials confirms that.

Celebrating Another Regulatory Conviction in the Anti-Russia Brouhaha
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Two Stories from the Propaganda War
Two Stories from the Propaganda War
October 25, 2018

Two recent stories about Russians have demonstrated how the news is selected and manipulated in the United States.

Have You Committed Your Three Felonies Today?
August 18, 2018

It is hard to escape the notion that we are approaching the edge of some profound historical moment that will have far-reaching, literally life and death consequences, both domestically and internationally.

Have You Committed Your Three Felonies Today?
Butina Case: Neo-McCarthyism Engulfs America
Butina Case: Neo-McCarthyism Engulfs America
August 9, 2018

If you are a Russian and you are caught talking to anyone in any way influential, there is potentially hell to pay because the FBI will be watching you. You are automatically assumed to be part of a conspiracy. Once “evidence” is collected, you will be indicted and sent to prison, mostly to send a message to Moscow.