Tag: Jair Bolsonaro

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A monetização do YouTube causa problemas para a soberania brasileira
A monetização do YouTube causa problemas para a soberania brasileira
June 30, 2024

O mero fato de os brasileiros despenderem tanta energia com rede social achando que isso é política já é um atraso para o país.

YouTube’s monetization jeopardizes Brazilian sovereignty
June 29, 2024

The sheer fact that Brazilians dispend so much energy on social media, thinking that it is politics, is, in itself, a delay for the country.

YouTube’s monetization jeopardizes Brazilian sovereignty
Milei y Bolsonaro, ¿a imagen y semejanza?
Milei y Bolsonaro, ¿a imagen y semejanza?
December 5, 2023

El paralelo entre Milei y Bolsonaro se repite en los análisis comparativos que inundan los diarios de todo el mundo. Sin embargo, establecer criterios claros para distinguir las diferencias entre los procesos es fundamental para evaluar los pronósticos sobre Argentina y el escenario latinoamericano. En el presente artículo, Danilo Paris, dirigente del Movimento Revolucionário de Trabalhadores (MRT) y analista político de Esquerda Diário de Brasil, analiza las semejanzas y diferencias entre ambos fenómenos.

Can China Help Brazil Restart Its Global Soft Power?
December 31, 2022

Ten days of full immersion in Brazil are not for the faint-hearted. Even restricted to the top two megalopolises, Sao Paulo and Rio, watching live the impact of interlocking economic, political, social and environmental crises exacerbated by the Jair Bolsonaro project leaves one stunned.

Can China Help Brazil Restart Its Global Soft Power?
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What Worries the U.S. Most About Lula
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What Worries the U.S. Most About Lula
November 3, 2022

Steve Ellner says opposition to NATO’s stance on Ukraine has created fertile ground for the expansion of a bloc of non-aligned nations, now with a progressive possibly at the helm.

Comeback kid Lula in the eye of a volcano
November 1, 2022

Luis Ignacio “Lula” da Silva may be the ultimate 21st century political comeback kid. At 77, fit and sharp, leading an alliance of 10 political parties, he has just been elected as Brazilian president for what will be a de facto third term after his first two from 2003 to 2010.

Comeback kid Lula in the eye of a volcano
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State-Backed Violence Against Indigenous Communities in Brazil Contradicts Plans for Protection
State-Backed Violence Against Indigenous Communities in Brazil Contradicts Plans for Protection
November 10, 2021

It is only the indigenous communities who are clarifying the importance of their inclusion in political decision-making with regards to the environment.

Broken Environmental Pledges in Brazil
May 1, 2021

It remains to be seen whether the international community can curb Brazil’s neoliberal profit upon environmental exploitation, Ramona Wadi writes.

Broken Environmental Pledges in Brazil