Tag: Boeing

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La crisi di Boeing e la campagna contro Embraer
La crisi di Boeing e la campagna contro Embraer
January 18, 2025

È fondamentale ricordare che i conglomerati mediatici non sono semplicemente attività giornalistiche, ma rappresentano settori di propaganda per interessi finanziari internazionali e nient’altro.

A crise da Boeing e a campanha contra a Embraer
January 13, 2025

É necessário recordar que os conglomerados midiáticos não são meras atividades jornalísticas, mas representam setores propagandísticos de interesses financeiros internacionais.

A crise da Boeing e a campanha contra a Embraer
The Boeing crisis and the campaign against Embraer
The Boeing crisis and the campaign against Embraer
January 11, 2025

It is crucial to remember that media conglomerates are not merely journalistic activities but represent propaganda sectors for international financial interests and nothing more.

La guerra es negocio muy rentable del imperialismo norteamericano
October 31, 2024

Esta economía de guerra garantiza la hegemonía, estimula conflictos y es clave en el comercio exterior estadounidense.

La guerra es negocio muy rentable del imperialismo norteamericano
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The Suspicious ‘Suicide’ of Boeing Whistleblower John Barnett
Editor's Сhoice
The Suspicious ‘Suicide’ of Boeing Whistleblower John Barnett
March 18, 2024

The death of Boeing whistleblower John “Mitch” Barnett, the 62-year-old former employee of the aerospace corporation, was declared a suicide two days after he was found dead in a truck parked in a hotel lobby. There are ample reasons to question this narrative.

America’s Merchants of Death: Then and Now
August 24, 2021

Few defense giants these days come anywhere close to that 100-times ratio. At Raytheon, for instance, the chief exec last year pulled down 193 times the pay of the company’s most typical worker — and that relatively “modest” gap, by U.S. corporate standards, came only after the Raytheon CEO took a temporary Covid-time pay haircut!

America’s Merchants of Death: Then and Now
Editor's Сhoice
Selling Death
Editor's Сhoice
Selling Death
May 27, 2021

William Hartung says the bombing of Gaza this month by the U.S.-financed and supplied Israeli military is just the latest example of the devastating toll exacted by American weapons transfers.

Capitalism Can’t Be Repaired, Coronavirus Shows Its Huge Weaknesses
April 27, 2020

Profit-driven capitalism proved extremely inefficient in its response to the virus. Wealth already lost from the coronavirus far exceeds what it would have cost to prepare properly.

Capitalism Can’t Be Repaired, Coronavirus Shows Its Huge Weaknesses
Editor's Сhoice