Tag: Baltic Sea

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I giochi di potere del Mar Baltico e del Mar Nero e le linee rosse si intersecano in una “strana guerra”
I giochi di potere del Mar Baltico e del Mar Nero e le linee rosse si intersecano in una “strana guerra”
March 2, 2025

Giochi geopolitici nel Mar Nero e nel Mar Baltico, guerra in Ucraina e negoziati tra Russia e Stati Uniti. Analisi di Pepe Escobar

Denmark prepares for Russian “invasions of NATO lands”
February 27, 2025

“We have decided to offer Ukraine NATO membership. But it is also clear that we must all agree on it if it is to happen,” said Denmark’s Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen following the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels on February 13.

Denmark prepares for Russian “invasions of NATO lands”
Editor's Сhoice
Baltic/Black Sea power games and red lines intersect in a “strange war”
Baltic/Black Sea power games and red lines intersect in a “strange war”
February 27, 2025

No one ever lost money betting on the batshit crazy “policies” of the ferociously yapping Baltic chihuahuas.

Russian attack or fear of Trump: What does Denmark’s intelligence report mean?
February 15, 2025

The argument that Russia would attack toward Europe if the war in Ukraine ends has been voiced for a long time. But why on earth should it do that?

Russian attack or fear of Trump: What does Denmark’s intelligence report mean?
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Polonia, ultimo baluardo dell’atlantismo europeo
Polonia, ultimo baluardo dell’atlantismo europeo
February 8, 2025

Alla luce di una possibile intensificazione della pressione militare atlantica nei confronti di Mosca o alla frontiera bielorussa o nel corridoio di Suwalki, il ruolo della Polonia in Europa diventa sempre più centrale e la sua politica di riarmo ancora più preoccupante.

NATO announces further militarisation of Baltic Sea
January 20, 2025

NATO announced Tuesday a major strengthening of its military presence in the Baltic Sea, seizing as a pretext recent damage to undersea cables allegedly caused by ships associated with Russia’s “shadow fleet.”

NATO announces further militarisation of Baltic Sea
Editor's Сhoice
A fishy story of cable sabotage in the Baltic Sea
A fishy story of cable sabotage in the Baltic Sea
December 27, 2024

The alleged vandalism of the submarine cables is a return to the scene of the Nord Stream crime.

“Preparing for war” brochure to be distributed to public in Lithuania: Who brought war to the region?
September 16, 2024

The biggest promise of the Vilnius government to its people is war and destruction.

“Preparing for war” brochure to be distributed to public in Lithuania: Who brought war to the region?