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Debunking the Indo-Pacific Myth
Debunking the Indo-Pacific Myth
July 9, 2019

The rampant demonization of China, now a bipartisan sport across the Beltway, on occasion even more hysterical than the demonization of Russia, also features reports on China as a serial aggressor, politically, economically and militarily, and BRI as a geoeconomic tool to coerce China’s neighbors.

Trump and Putin: What Comes Next?
November 14, 2017

As the APEC summit drew nearer, it became clear that the Russian president would not bring any agenda to Vietnam that suggested a willingness to reverse course or offer major concessions to U.S. preferences regarding Russian policy on North Korea, Syria, Iran and Ukraine.

Trump and Putin: What Comes Next?
Editor's Сhoice
China: Forward Edge of Green Modernization
China: Forward Edge of Green Modernization
December 13, 2014

The battle for eco-friendly China will be in focus of the fifth generation of Chinese leaders… While green modernization takes place inside China the government launches a vibrant diplomatic offensive aimed at efficient resolution of global problems related to climate change. This policy has broad support in Europe… The US Republicans begin to get exasperated by China’s successes. It’s not only the desire to attack Democrats on a major issue. The shale revolution that boosts the US economy is too unstable because of ecological problems, something they don’t like to talk about in America. Are they afraid of Greenpeace?

APEC Summit Over: Hobbled Hegemon and Assertive Leader
November 19, 2014

The dialogue between the US and Chinese leaders was a major event at the recent APEC summit that wound up last week. Before that the US President visited China in 2009. A lot of things related to the bilateral relationship have changed since then – with its global clout grown, China has become increasingly confident and assertive.  The title of the article A Beleaguered Barack Obama Goes to Meet a Confident Xi Jinping at APEC published by US weekly Times mirrors the things almost precisely as they are…

APEC Summit Over: Hobbled Hegemon and Assertive Leader
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The APEC Circus: Unfree Trade and Growing Insecurity
Editor's Сhoice
The APEC Circus: Unfree Trade and Growing Insecurity
November 12, 2014

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation gathering in Beijing has been another excuse to go through the motions of old problems and old requests.  Rivalries are being scratched and aggravated.  The speech writers have been busy attempting to give the leaders some mettle to work with.

APEC – «Bali Tunes»
October 11, 2013

The APEC annual summit took place on the island of Bali (Indonesia) in early October.  The APEC encompasses 21 states situated in Asia, Australia, South and North America.  The goal has never changed since the foundation; it is the economic and commercial liberalization in the Asia-Pacific region.  With over 20 summits behind, the rhetoric is forever the same saying economic growth is impossible without fostering export, providing free access to outside markets for transnational corporations as well as relentless fight against protectionism. The longer the global crisis lasts, the less convincing it sounds… 

APEC – «Bali Tunes»
Russia in the Asia-Pacific Region: An Open Project
Russia in the Asia-Pacific Region: An Open Project
October 9, 2013

The APEC summit has ended without US President attending. There is a certain symbolism in this; opinions on how to improve the economic situation in the megaregion and in the world economy as a whole are mainly being exchanged by Asian states, which have demonstrated high growth rates in the new century, despite waves of crisis which periodically roll in from across the ocean…

India and APEC: Center of Mutual Gravitation
September 3, 2012

The 24th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) annual summit is to take place on September 2-8 in Vladivostok. Today APEC is the largest economic forum for 21 Asia-Pacific nations accounting for 57% of world GNP and 48% of world trade. As is known India has requested membership in the organization. Russia strongly supports the urge of the «world’s largest Democracy» to accede. Moscow rightly believes that adding the dynamic economy of the Elephant to the Dragon (China), an active APEC participant, will open new opportunities for all those who have joined the forum…

India and APEC: Center of Mutual Gravitation