Tag: Al-Sisi

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Russian-Egyptian Military Cooperation on the Rise
Editor's Сhoice
Russian-Egyptian Military Cooperation on the Rise
December 21, 2017

A few hours before Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Cairo to meet with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Dec. 11, he ordered the Hmeimim air base in Syria’s Latakia province to begin withdrawing the bulk of Russian troops stationed in Syria, while maintaining a presence at Hmeimim and the Russian naval facility in Tartus.

Is Egypt’s Sisi losing Coptic support?
December 27, 2016

CAIRO — Driven by rage, Mina Safwat, an Egyptian man in his 20s, took part in the Coptic demonstrations in front of the headquarters of St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in the Abbasiya district in Cairo on Dec. 11. The demonstrations come after an explosion ripped through the St. Peter and St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Church in Cairo, claiming the lives of 26 people and wounding 48, mostly women and children…

Is Egypt’s Sisi losing Coptic support?
Editor's Сhoice
Might Egypt Play a Role in the War Against the Islamic State?
Might Egypt Play a Role in the War Against the Islamic State?
December 20, 2016

The news that Palmyra had once again succumbed to an onslaught launched by Islamic State (IS) militants arrived along with notification of the bloody terrorist attack, injuring dozens, at a church near the cathedral housing the seat of the Coptic Church in Cairo. Palmyra is an ancient landmark of global cultural significance, and according to legend, this Coptic center where many relics from the earliest centuries of Christianity can be found sheltered the Holy Family after their flight into Egypt…

Egypt: A Hope for the Restoration of Arab Political Independence
April 16, 2016

Reports have recently emerged from news agencies that the ban on flights to Egypt by Russian airlines will be extended through 2016. That ban dates back to October 31, 2015, when a Russian airliner, an Airbus A321, crashed in the Sinai peninsula. 

Egypt: A Hope for the Restoration of Arab Political Independence
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Suez Canal Between Seas of Politics and History
Suez Canal Between Seas of Politics and History
September 8, 2015

In August, Egypt held a ceremony to inaugurate the second phase of the Suez Canal. The construction was scheduled to last for three years, but at President Abdel el-Sisi’s insistence the new channel was completed in only 14 months. The New Suez Canal is 72 km long, and Egypt’s annual revenue from usage fees (currently $5.3 billion) will soon increase 150%, and then triple by 2020…

Egypt Waiting for Russia
February 13, 2015

America’s strategy in Ukraine, along with other important global policy issues, hinges on setting up the international isolation of Russia… The jackpot for America so far in this game was the European Union, which was initially in no hurry to shoot itself in the foot, but which finally gave in to pressure from Washington.  Our world is a big one, however, and is not limited to Europe… The outcome of President Putin’s visit to Egypt is yet more evidence of America’s failed attempts to isolate Russia in the international arena. And the significance of the visit is not just limited to Egypt…

Egypt Waiting for Russia
Russia – Egypt Boost Strategic Cooperation
Russia – Egypt Boost Strategic Cooperation
August 19, 2014

…As a result of the events in Crimea and Ukraine Russia faces a stand-off with the West. The international events make one presume it’s not the last confrontation. To counter the challenge Russia needs allies outside the Western world – in Asia, Latin America and Africa. With its long history of ties with Russia, Egypt, a leading Arab nation, can become a Russian ally.

Field Marshal El-Sisi Close to Victory in the Fight for Egypt’s Future
February 12, 2014

On February 6 the world media, quoting the Kuwaiti publication Al-Seyassah, reported that the strong man of Egypt, Commander in Chief and recently-promoted Field Marshal el-Sisi, has announced that he will run for president. The important thing is that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces of Egypt has already nominated the defense minister as a presidential candidate. It is obvious to all that el-Sisi will be the most likely victor at the presidential election, which is to take place no later than April 19. And it is primarily on this man, whom the people see as a «new Nasser», that the path Egypt takes in the future will depend…

Field Marshal El-Sisi Close to Victory in the Fight for Egypt’s Future