Tag: Addiction

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The Drug Catastrophe in Afghanistan
The Drug Catastrophe in Afghanistan
November 8, 2018

Time after time the US-NATO and Afghan authorities “initially deny” that there have been civilian deaths or casualties caused by airstrikes and are then found to be disguising the truth.

America’s Addictions
July 12, 2018

When you think of addiction in America today, one thing comes to mind: the opioid epidemic. And it should. It’s serious. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, almost 64,000 Americans died of opioid overdoses in 2016 (more than died in the Vietnam War), an average of 175 people a day.

America’s Addictions
Editor's Сhoice
Denying the Imperium of Death
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Denying the Imperium of Death
November 24, 2017

The tens of thousands of American deaths from drug overdoses are a measure of the hopeless desperation left behind by the soul-starving socio-economic system of late-stage capitalism, writes poet Phil Rockstroh.

If We Don’t Regulate What We Do to the Climate, We’ll Commit Suicide…
March 25, 2017

If we don’t regulate what we do to the climate, we’ll commit suicide and kill everyone else, too. The vast majority of planets have no life on them. Climate changes. Right now, ours is changing with accelerating speed, from livable toward unlivable.

If We Don’t Regulate What We Do to the Climate, We’ll Commit Suicide…
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Did Trump Kill ‘Liberal Democracy’?
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Did Trump Kill ‘Liberal Democracy’?
January 13, 2017

Donald Trump’s victory has spurred commentary about the “death of liberal democracy,” but the seeds of that demise were planted in the 1980s amid elite orthodoxy in favor of neoliberal economics, argues Mike Lofgren.

Drugs and Surging Violence — The Afghanistan Disaster
November 7, 2016

Perhaps Donald Trump has a valid point about Mexico’s threat to the United States, because the 2016 US National Heroin Threat Assessment notes that «Mexican traffickers have taken a larger role in the US heroin market, increasing their heroin production and pushing into eastern US markets». The report points out that 10,574 Americans died of heroin overdoses in 2014 and that the figure is rising — but there is no mention of heroin coming from Afghanistan, where, as reported in the UN Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 Opium Survey, the area under poppy cultivation increased from 183,000 to 201,000 hectares in 2015-2016, and opium production has risen by 43 %.

Drugs and Surging Violence — The Afghanistan Disaster
Extensive Heroin Use in US. The Real Afghanistan Surge is in Opium Production
Editor's Сhoice
Extensive Heroin Use in US. The Real Afghanistan Surge is in Opium Production
September 17, 2015

Recently I worked in another Maine city and was astonished at the number of patients I encountered who were using heroin. I had never seen anything like it, during a lifetime practicing medicine. In New Hampshire, it was said, deaths from heroin now exceed deaths from car accidents. Nationwide, CDC noted, “Between 2002 and 2013, the rate of heroin-related overdose deaths nearly quadrupled, and more than 8,200 people died in 2013.” Massachusetts (population under 7 million) had 1,000 deaths related to (all) opioids in 2014, “the highest ever recorded.“

A Transit Point for Cargo or Drugs?
March 17, 2012

There are things that are indisputable. For instance, the existence of the most influential drug-trafficking networks in the USA that supply the world’s biggest (56%) army of addicts consuming about 86% of the world drug production. It’s a real big business… Afghanistan produced heroin’s share is fast growing bringing the highest profit… The biggest in the world heroin syndicate has been established in Afghanistan encompassing influential sectors of local and occupational powers. The country has been transformed into a drugs producing workshop. All air and ground routes out of it are illegal trafficking channels…

A Transit Point for Cargo or Drugs?