Featured Story
Lorenzo Maria Pacini
October 21, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

A heartfelt appeal to the still-conscious people of Trieste: it will not be the government in Rome or the government in Brussels that will rescue you.

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Apparently, the previous article regarding Trieste, its port and the Free Territory, caused quite a stir. So much so that it will be fun to talk about it again.

So it was all true

You know, the straw tail, as we say in Italy, is typical of those who have to hide something. After I revealed the shenanigans that took place in the merry meeting between Freemasonry, the Armed and Law Enforcement Forces, American and Hungarian think tanks, and the Trieste (occupation) government, there was general panic. First, articles and TV programs came out giving prominence to the news, which was treated as a real scandal; then there was the crusade of accusations to try to discredit the author, but without touching the content on the merits, at most touching on it with some funny rhetorical ploy, crying “Russian propaganda” that works a bit like parsley and looks good on everything; after which, when the news was now all too believable and plausible, as well as confirmed by concrete evidence such as NATO military vehicles in transit and some strange movement at the Port, here came the confirmation from those same power groups, news outlets and “reliable sources” who had to confirm the incident, sweetening it with some fairy tale and trying to pass it off as the “lesser evil” anyway not avoidable. The circus of the Italian and American intelligence press had to expend itself briskly. Even in some articles names and surnames of people involved in the events recounted appeared, showing that a few heads were blown off and that they could not continue for long.

There was also a Demonstration on September 15 in opposition to the militarization of Trieste and its international free port, which brought together many groups and acronyms to make the voice of citizens heard to those who reside (illegally) in the palaces of power in Trieste, an event that the Police Headquarters tried to hijack.

So, in the end, it was all true. This was confirmed by the very delinquents of the news that came out. It is true that Trieste is a strategic port within the doctrine of the Trimarium yesterday, Three Seas Initiative; it is true that the Cotton Road passes through Trieste and, as it happens, passes there with a route run by the genocidal state Israel; it is true that Trieste is a Free Territory that is under military occupation by the Italian Republic, in violation of international treaties; it is true that there is collusion between Freemasonry, the state and foreign powers.

Any attempt to deny the evidence of these facts has turned out to be ridiculous.

But since it is not enough to tell about the facts, let us now try to go even further into them.

Understanding Trieste and its port better

Let us start from afar. In 1947 the Treaty of Paris was signed, by which peace was established and divisions of influence between the victorious and defeated countries were assigned. With the 16th resolution, the Free Territory of Trieste (FTT) was established. In 1954 the London Memorandum entrusted the provisional civil administration of Zone A to Italy and Zone B to Yugoslavia. In 1975, however, with the Treaty of Osimo, Italy and Yugoslavia established a border between territories not owned by them, violating the autonomy of the FTT and the Treaty of Paris. With the collapse of Yugoslavia and the subsequent division of the territory into several states, the FTT found itself divided between three countries-Italy, Slovenia and Croatia-which illegally occupied it, violating previous treaties and triggering disputes, political and judicial struggles, scandals and protests that continue to this day.

Let us therefore try to explore among the various sources to put ideas in order.

On the international level, one cannot fail to mention one of the most influential speeches on the FTT, delivered by Lawyer Prof. Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, the first Independent Expert for the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order of the United Nations, High Commissioner for Human Rights, an activity he held until 2018.

On Sept. 15, 2017, in Geneva, de Zayas delivered a speech whose words have remained etched in the memory of the people of Trieste and UN officials: “Among the Treaties that must be respected is the 1947 Peace Treaty. And it is peculiar how certain treaties are put in the drawer: the drawer is closed, locked, and nobody talks about it anymore. I have raised it and I intend to continue to raise it, because it is an open issue and I think you have the right to discuss it publicly. […] the problem is more complex, because nobody knows anything about your situation! The media more or less systematically ignore the issue of Trieste. […]”.

Also prof. De Zayas again spoke publicly about the FTT, at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, on the sidelines of the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, reiterating the violation of the Treaties with regard to Trieste, an occasion on which unresolved issues of the goods abandoned by Zone B citizens and their capital still frozen in European banks were discussed, and, moreover, on the problem of the disbursement of U.S. funds for the Free Territory of Trieste that are still being paid into Italian bank accounts and managed by Rome (ERP Plans / Marshall – Agreement on the Use of Counterpart Funds of U.S. Economic Aid to Trieste of February 11, 1955), in violation of the Right to Development of the citizens of Trieste, first and foremost (UN Resolution A/RES/41/128 – December 4, 1986); and again, the continued failure to apply the Citizenship of the Free Territory of Trieste to those entitled to it, as proclaimed by the Peace Treaty, a failure that has been notified to the OHCHR Registry Office.

Seems de Zayas’ words continue to be true and Trieste is not to be spoken of.

If we do not trust an experienced official, there is a 2015 UN Security Council letter, dated Oct. 23, a full 32 pages, signed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, where on page 10 it reminds us that the Free Territory of Trieste is a free zone, established by the United Nations in 1947 (Security Council resolution 16 of 1947; 1947 Peace Treaty with Italy, Arts. 4, 21 and 22, Annexes VI to VIII) and which, the text says, “terminated Italy’s sovereignty over Trieste,” and “the Security Council, however, never fulfilled its responsibilities under the Treaty with respect to the Territory because of its failure to appoint a Governor for the Territory. Instead, under the 1954 Memorandum of Understanding on the Free Territory of Trieste, Italy and Yugoslavia respectively established a civil administration in the two areas of the Territory previously administered by the United Kingdom and the United States on the one hand and by the Yugoslav Army on the other,” reiterating in the next lines the structure of the Permanent Statute of the Free Territory of Trieste, which in Article 9 defines the structure of the Government. In addition, it states that the Security Council has “the ultimate responsibility to ensure the integrity and independence of the Territory by ensuring compliance with the Permanent Statute and the maintenance of public order and security in the Territory.” Curious, isn’t it? So at the United Nations, the Free Territory is not a fantasy.

Let us cite four other significant documents.

The first is an expertise, titled Autonomy and Self-determination, by Prof. Peter Hilpold, where in Chapter 10bis Prof. Thomas D. Grant of the University of Cambridge discusses the Free Territory of Trieste and its free port. In the publication, the author analyzes in detail all the legislation pertaining to the port and its jurisdiction. We point out some interesting excerpts:

“it is difficult to see how the administrative apparatus of the Free Port can be made operational today without radically reconfiguring the administrative scheme-that is, a fully-fledged Free Port apparatus would require the separation of the Free Port from the Free Territory provisions of the Peace Treaty.” p. 28;

“It could also be argued that while the rights and obligations associated with the Free Port have never been abrogated or suspended, the only organs that could have given concrete expression to those rights and obligations do not exist and, their enabling treaty being outdated, cannot be c established.” p. 30;

“ As noted above, the Italian Port Authority seems to understand that Trieste is a port subject to a special legal regime. 68 The recent decisions of the Italian courts have already been mentioned. This practice (administrative and judicial) would seem to indicate Italy’s acceptance of the continued existence of obligations originally derived from the Peace Treaty. Acknowledgment of the existence of an obligation is not equivalent to fulfillment of the same. obligation. The existence of a breach of the Peace Treaty provisions on the port depends on how Italy currently treats the port. depends on how Italy currently treats the port, a fact that activists for self-determination in Trieste have tried to question. How Italy receives complaints about the issue, and indeed about Trieste in general, leads to a final point: the right of the people of Trieste to make their case about the status of Trieste, the territory and its Port.” p. 31

The paper contains a masterful explanation of the anomaly of the FTT situation. I advance the suggestion of a full reading to all candidate delinquents of this paper.

The second document is a letter from the Director of the United Nations Security Council, dated May 20, 1983, protocol PO 201 PI, addressed to Giovanni Marchesich, in which the official stated that the Permanent Representation of Italy and the Permanent Representation of Yugoslavia to the United Nations had requested that the issue of the “Government of the Free Territory of Trieste” be removed from the Security Council agenda. So these politicians had a vested interest in countering the truth of the FTT. What’s more, the letter put in black and white that the issue of the appointment of the Governor (and thus the full creation of the Free Territory of Trieste) would be put back on the Security Council agenda should any UN state request it. A fateful phrase that in times like these, leaves well meaning, few words.

Fortunately, it took Ban Ki-moon a few decades later to clarify that the UN does not have a short memory.

A third interesting text is a paper written by Marina Coloni and Peter Clegg, of the University of West England. It is a paper published in 2022, with peer reviewed carried out of course, in which the affairs of the Free Territory of Trieste are addressed.

Annex VIII states verbatim, “There shall be established in the Free Territory a free port which shall be administered on the basis of the provisions of an international instrument prepared by the Council of Ministers, approved by the Security Council and annexed to this Treaty (Annex VIII). The Government of the Free Territory shall enact all necessary legislation and take all necessary measures to give effect to the provisions of that instrument.” This “authority” is, moreover, also acknowledged on the Port’s official website, where it states that “the primary normative referent of the legal regime of the Free Port of Trieste is Annex VIII to the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty.”

The conclusion is rationally motivated: there can be no Free Territory of Trieste without its Free Port and there can be no Free Port without the Free Territory of Trieste. The two were established together and intimately connected, as also recognized, despite repeated violations, by subsequent legislation.

One final document encapsulates more than one would expect. As I learned from a letter received from a source, forwarded by the Area Director of Land and Property of the Municipality of Trieste, with protocol corr. No. 7° 1/8/5-01, dated January 29, 2001, it appears to be signed by Dr. Engineer Paolo Pocecco. Up to here, nothing interesting. Yeah…too bad that Paolo Pocecco was a GLADIO agent in NATO’s Operation Stay Behind in Italy, at the time under the direction of the 7th division of SISMI, the Italian military intelligence services. Pocecco is well known in Trieste, since years ago, as part of a book presentation devoted to the subject of NATO and the Soviet Union, he came out along with former comrade-in-arms Giuseppe Pappalardo, also mentioning the names of Remigio Lampronti and the already well-known Marino Valle. The curiosity, again, is that a former (?) Italian intelligence agent who worked for the Americans in operations aimed at the total subjugation of Italy to the United States of America, ended up as an executive in the city’s public offices. A fluke? Well, there are beginning to be a few too many such coincidences.

The second aspect jumps out at you in the above-mentioned document, but also in the other official documents of the Italian public administration in the land of Trieste.

In Law, particularly from Admiralty Law onward, there is a distinction between the natural person and the legal entity. The natural person for the Italian legal system is an artificial representation of the human being. It is for all intents and purposes a legal artifact, a mask (in Latin, persona means “mask”). From nothing (in lat. ex nihilo) through a legal transaction, the legal subject is created, which is a trust, and which is represented by first and last name, which are written in capitals. With such a legal transaction, institutions clandestinely arrogate to themselves the ownership of the legal subject trust, like any movable property, forming part of a trade.

To give an example, when we obtain the ability to drive, the public administration issues the license in the name of the legal entity (NAME and SURNAME) owned by it. With that document it is not stating that we are able to drive but is entering into a contract with us. Just as he issues it, he can withdraw it, precisely as a function of the fact that the SUBJECT in whose name the document is registered is his. When the document expires, in order to renew it, they subject the holder, that is, the individual in whose name the title is registered, to tests of fitness to drive, and if he passes the tests, the document is renewed, once again, to the legal entity. In reality, the renewal is not a verification of the presence of the conditions of ability, as these are not lost with time, but remain for life (in other countries the document has no expiration date), rather the renewal of a multi-year contract of temporary administration of the legal entity NAME SURNAME, whose responsibility is accepted.

This legal artifice, in technical jargon called deminutio capitis, indicates the loss of one of the legal qualities of the individual. For the ancient Romans, deminutio capitis involved a prioritis status permuratio, that is, a change in the person’s previous status.

This stratagem is most evident in official communications from government institutions. The names of public administrations, for example, are almost always written all in capitals. In the municipality of Trieste, however, no: the writing is entirely in lower case, “comune di trieste.” This indicates, Law in hand, that Trieste is not subject to Italian corporate control. Further confirmation of the illegitimacy of territorial occupation by the Italian Republic. You know…The devil is hidden in the details!

Step by step, the plan proceeds

Because, let’s be honest: in violation of Treaties and agreements, the Italian Republic and its master, aka USA, continue to do what they want in Trieste. The 3SI and the Cotton Road are proceeding expeditiously.

Some recent examples are the mess with Mediterranean Shipping Company and Wartsila. MSC, the world’s first company in seaborne cargo handling, was founded by billionaire shipowner Gianluigi Ponte, married to Zionist billionaire Rafaela Diamant, with CEO their son Diego Aponte since 2014, signed a trade agreement with Finnish multinational Warstila…enforcing Annex VIII of the 1947 Treaty of Paris, so as to enjoy international free port. A nice ploy to pay less and earn more. But how, does the FTT then exist? Or, rather, it exists, but it is enforced only when it suits the international capital, certainly not for the good of the citizens. A few days later, in the local press the fact was justified by saying the agreement was signed under Italian Law 3054/1952 and the other treaties related to the…Free Territory of Trieste! Then again, to satisfy Israel’s business in the Cotton Road, they chose a Zionist-led company so there would be no hindrances. Another coincidence to add to the list.

Curious, too, how the City of Trieste’s spatial planning put an Italian Army Selected Reserve Officer, Major Architect Beatrice Micovilovich, with experience gained in foreign missions in conflict zones. It may be a coincidence, it’s likely, but with the winds of war continually being called by European politicians and the mass media, it really comes across as not very credible.

Now, however, let us return to the topics of the previous article, because in the meantime things are moving forward. An article by Paolo Deganutti published in the Limes Club of Trieste comes to our aid, some interesting excerpts of which we will quote below. We thank Deganutti for the information provided.

Let’s go step by step…

Paolo Messa, founder of the Base per altezza group , which edits the Italian “intelligence” magazine Formiche (which we thank for the publicity through the sympathetic articles that attempted to dismantle the Trieste scandal), which echoes The National Interest and Atlantic Council, has quit the management of his group to become, until December 2023, the executive vice president of Leonardo – the Italian arms firm par excellence – as well as responsible for geo-strategic relations with the US. Now Messa is vice president at the National Italian American Foundation in Washington and serves as a Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council.

Also at Leonardo, the formerly well-known Defense Minister Guido Crosetto worked as an advisor from 2018 to 2021, also working on Orizzonti Sistemi Navali, a joint venture between Leonardo and Fincantieri.

Leonardo is being sold off to the giant BlackRock through the invitation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, as we recently illustrated. Into all this comes David Patraeus, former commander of the United States Central Command, with strategic responsibility over the Middle Orinte, who later became the 23rd director of the CIA. Patraeus is on the board of KKR, a large U.S. fund that is in control of the Telecom Italia network and supports SACE, a government-controlled insurance group specializing in business support.

As Deganutti writes, Patreus has been proposed in interlocutory meetings in Trieste and Washinghton as a possible U.S. patron of the ‘operation studied in the U.S. that would like to make the port of Trieste simultaneously the apex of the Cotton Road Mumbay-Dubay-Trieste triangle , signed by Prime Minister Meloni in September 2023 during the G20 in Delhi, and of the Trieste-Gdansk-Constance securitarian triangle (NATO’s Trimarium), illustrated by Kaush Arha, Paolo Messa and other influential authors, including former Monti government Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi di Sant’ Agata, who, another truly inexplicable coincidence, was Ambassador to Israel, the United States and the United Nations. The perfect resume. We are honored to have gotten into his good graces, so much so that we have devoted articles to him in Atlantic Council, The National Interest, Ants and two full pages in Il Piccolo of Trieste.

So, the project of this new iron curtain is proceeding apace, with the whole of Europe being thrown into a hopeless war in which it is the few masters of capital who gain and whole peoples who lose out.

So, the question is, who is afraid of Trieste?

A heartfelt appeal to the still-conscious people of Trieste: it will not be the government in Rome or the government in Brussels that will rescue you. The freedom of Trieste and its Territory is your battle. But know that in the multipolar world that is emerging, there are many supporting you.

Who is afraid of Trieste?

A heartfelt appeal to the still-conscious people of Trieste: it will not be the government in Rome or the government in Brussels that will rescue you.

❗️Join us on TelegramTwitter, and VK.

Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su

Apparently, the previous article regarding Trieste, its port and the Free Territory, caused quite a stir. So much so that it will be fun to talk about it again.

So it was all true

You know, the straw tail, as we say in Italy, is typical of those who have to hide something. After I revealed the shenanigans that took place in the merry meeting between Freemasonry, the Armed and Law Enforcement Forces, American and Hungarian think tanks, and the Trieste (occupation) government, there was general panic. First, articles and TV programs came out giving prominence to the news, which was treated as a real scandal; then there was the crusade of accusations to try to discredit the author, but without touching the content on the merits, at most touching on it with some funny rhetorical ploy, crying “Russian propaganda” that works a bit like parsley and looks good on everything; after which, when the news was now all too believable and plausible, as well as confirmed by concrete evidence such as NATO military vehicles in transit and some strange movement at the Port, here came the confirmation from those same power groups, news outlets and “reliable sources” who had to confirm the incident, sweetening it with some fairy tale and trying to pass it off as the “lesser evil” anyway not avoidable. The circus of the Italian and American intelligence press had to expend itself briskly. Even in some articles names and surnames of people involved in the events recounted appeared, showing that a few heads were blown off and that they could not continue for long.

There was also a Demonstration on September 15 in opposition to the militarization of Trieste and its international free port, which brought together many groups and acronyms to make the voice of citizens heard to those who reside (illegally) in the palaces of power in Trieste, an event that the Police Headquarters tried to hijack.

So, in the end, it was all true. This was confirmed by the very delinquents of the news that came out. It is true that Trieste is a strategic port within the doctrine of the Trimarium yesterday, Three Seas Initiative; it is true that the Cotton Road passes through Trieste and, as it happens, passes there with a route run by the genocidal state Israel; it is true that Trieste is a Free Territory that is under military occupation by the Italian Republic, in violation of international treaties; it is true that there is collusion between Freemasonry, the state and foreign powers.

Any attempt to deny the evidence of these facts has turned out to be ridiculous.

But since it is not enough to tell about the facts, let us now try to go even further into them.

Understanding Trieste and its port better

Let us start from afar. In 1947 the Treaty of Paris was signed, by which peace was established and divisions of influence between the victorious and defeated countries were assigned. With the 16th resolution, the Free Territory of Trieste (FTT) was established. In 1954 the London Memorandum entrusted the provisional civil administration of Zone A to Italy and Zone B to Yugoslavia. In 1975, however, with the Treaty of Osimo, Italy and Yugoslavia established a border between territories not owned by them, violating the autonomy of the FTT and the Treaty of Paris. With the collapse of Yugoslavia and the subsequent division of the territory into several states, the FTT found itself divided between three countries-Italy, Slovenia and Croatia-which illegally occupied it, violating previous treaties and triggering disputes, political and judicial struggles, scandals and protests that continue to this day.

Let us therefore try to explore among the various sources to put ideas in order.

On the international level, one cannot fail to mention one of the most influential speeches on the FTT, delivered by Lawyer Prof. Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, the first Independent Expert for the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order of the United Nations, High Commissioner for Human Rights, an activity he held until 2018.

On Sept. 15, 2017, in Geneva, de Zayas delivered a speech whose words have remained etched in the memory of the people of Trieste and UN officials: “Among the Treaties that must be respected is the 1947 Peace Treaty. And it is peculiar how certain treaties are put in the drawer: the drawer is closed, locked, and nobody talks about it anymore. I have raised it and I intend to continue to raise it, because it is an open issue and I think you have the right to discuss it publicly. […] the problem is more complex, because nobody knows anything about your situation! The media more or less systematically ignore the issue of Trieste. […]”.

Also prof. De Zayas again spoke publicly about the FTT, at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, on the sidelines of the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, reiterating the violation of the Treaties with regard to Trieste, an occasion on which unresolved issues of the goods abandoned by Zone B citizens and their capital still frozen in European banks were discussed, and, moreover, on the problem of the disbursement of U.S. funds for the Free Territory of Trieste that are still being paid into Italian bank accounts and managed by Rome (ERP Plans / Marshall – Agreement on the Use of Counterpart Funds of U.S. Economic Aid to Trieste of February 11, 1955), in violation of the Right to Development of the citizens of Trieste, first and foremost (UN Resolution A/RES/41/128 – December 4, 1986); and again, the continued failure to apply the Citizenship of the Free Territory of Trieste to those entitled to it, as proclaimed by the Peace Treaty, a failure that has been notified to the OHCHR Registry Office.

Seems de Zayas’ words continue to be true and Trieste is not to be spoken of.

If we do not trust an experienced official, there is a 2015 UN Security Council letter, dated Oct. 23, a full 32 pages, signed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, where on page 10 it reminds us that the Free Territory of Trieste is a free zone, established by the United Nations in 1947 (Security Council resolution 16 of 1947; 1947 Peace Treaty with Italy, Arts. 4, 21 and 22, Annexes VI to VIII) and which, the text says, “terminated Italy’s sovereignty over Trieste,” and “the Security Council, however, never fulfilled its responsibilities under the Treaty with respect to the Territory because of its failure to appoint a Governor for the Territory. Instead, under the 1954 Memorandum of Understanding on the Free Territory of Trieste, Italy and Yugoslavia respectively established a civil administration in the two areas of the Territory previously administered by the United Kingdom and the United States on the one hand and by the Yugoslav Army on the other,” reiterating in the next lines the structure of the Permanent Statute of the Free Territory of Trieste, which in Article 9 defines the structure of the Government. In addition, it states that the Security Council has “the ultimate responsibility to ensure the integrity and independence of the Territory by ensuring compliance with the Permanent Statute and the maintenance of public order and security in the Territory.” Curious, isn’t it? So at the United Nations, the Free Territory is not a fantasy.

Let us cite four other significant documents.

The first is an expertise, titled Autonomy and Self-determination, by Prof. Peter Hilpold, where in Chapter 10bis Prof. Thomas D. Grant of the University of Cambridge discusses the Free Territory of Trieste and its free port. In the publication, the author analyzes in detail all the legislation pertaining to the port and its jurisdiction. We point out some interesting excerpts:

“it is difficult to see how the administrative apparatus of the Free Port can be made operational today without radically reconfiguring the administrative scheme-that is, a fully-fledged Free Port apparatus would require the separation of the Free Port from the Free Territory provisions of the Peace Treaty.” p. 28;

“It could also be argued that while the rights and obligations associated with the Free Port have never been abrogated or suspended, the only organs that could have given concrete expression to those rights and obligations do not exist and, their enabling treaty being outdated, cannot be c established.” p. 30;

“ As noted above, the Italian Port Authority seems to understand that Trieste is a port subject to a special legal regime. 68 The recent decisions of the Italian courts have already been mentioned. This practice (administrative and judicial) would seem to indicate Italy’s acceptance of the continued existence of obligations originally derived from the Peace Treaty. Acknowledgment of the existence of an obligation is not equivalent to fulfillment of the same. obligation. The existence of a breach of the Peace Treaty provisions on the port depends on how Italy currently treats the port. depends on how Italy currently treats the port, a fact that activists for self-determination in Trieste have tried to question. How Italy receives complaints about the issue, and indeed about Trieste in general, leads to a final point: the right of the people of Trieste to make their case about the status of Trieste, the territory and its Port.” p. 31

The paper contains a masterful explanation of the anomaly of the FTT situation. I advance the suggestion of a full reading to all candidate delinquents of this paper.

The second document is a letter from the Director of the United Nations Security Council, dated May 20, 1983, protocol PO 201 PI, addressed to Giovanni Marchesich, in which the official stated that the Permanent Representation of Italy and the Permanent Representation of Yugoslavia to the United Nations had requested that the issue of the “Government of the Free Territory of Trieste” be removed from the Security Council agenda. So these politicians had a vested interest in countering the truth of the FTT. What’s more, the letter put in black and white that the issue of the appointment of the Governor (and thus the full creation of the Free Territory of Trieste) would be put back on the Security Council agenda should any UN state request it. A fateful phrase that in times like these, leaves well meaning, few words.

Fortunately, it took Ban Ki-moon a few decades later to clarify that the UN does not have a short memory.

A third interesting text is a paper written by Marina Coloni and Peter Clegg, of the University of West England. It is a paper published in 2022, with peer reviewed carried out of course, in which the affairs of the Free Territory of Trieste are addressed.

Annex VIII states verbatim, “There shall be established in the Free Territory a free port which shall be administered on the basis of the provisions of an international instrument prepared by the Council of Ministers, approved by the Security Council and annexed to this Treaty (Annex VIII). The Government of the Free Territory shall enact all necessary legislation and take all necessary measures to give effect to the provisions of that instrument.” This “authority” is, moreover, also acknowledged on the Port’s official website, where it states that “the primary normative referent of the legal regime of the Free Port of Trieste is Annex VIII to the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty.”

The conclusion is rationally motivated: there can be no Free Territory of Trieste without its Free Port and there can be no Free Port without the Free Territory of Trieste. The two were established together and intimately connected, as also recognized, despite repeated violations, by subsequent legislation.

One final document encapsulates more than one would expect. As I learned from a letter received from a source, forwarded by the Area Director of Land and Property of the Municipality of Trieste, with protocol corr. No. 7° 1/8/5-01, dated January 29, 2001, it appears to be signed by Dr. Engineer Paolo Pocecco. Up to here, nothing interesting. Yeah…too bad that Paolo Pocecco was a GLADIO agent in NATO’s Operation Stay Behind in Italy, at the time under the direction of the 7th division of SISMI, the Italian military intelligence services. Pocecco is well known in Trieste, since years ago, as part of a book presentation devoted to the subject of NATO and the Soviet Union, he came out along with former comrade-in-arms Giuseppe Pappalardo, also mentioning the names of Remigio Lampronti and the already well-known Marino Valle. The curiosity, again, is that a former (?) Italian intelligence agent who worked for the Americans in operations aimed at the total subjugation of Italy to the United States of America, ended up as an executive in the city’s public offices. A fluke? Well, there are beginning to be a few too many such coincidences.

The second aspect jumps out at you in the above-mentioned document, but also in the other official documents of the Italian public administration in the land of Trieste.

In Law, particularly from Admiralty Law onward, there is a distinction between the natural person and the legal entity. The natural person for the Italian legal system is an artificial representation of the human being. It is for all intents and purposes a legal artifact, a mask (in Latin, persona means “mask”). From nothing (in lat. ex nihilo) through a legal transaction, the legal subject is created, which is a trust, and which is represented by first and last name, which are written in capitals. With such a legal transaction, institutions clandestinely arrogate to themselves the ownership of the legal subject trust, like any movable property, forming part of a trade.

To give an example, when we obtain the ability to drive, the public administration issues the license in the name of the legal entity (NAME and SURNAME) owned by it. With that document it is not stating that we are able to drive but is entering into a contract with us. Just as he issues it, he can withdraw it, precisely as a function of the fact that the SUBJECT in whose name the document is registered is his. When the document expires, in order to renew it, they subject the holder, that is, the individual in whose name the title is registered, to tests of fitness to drive, and if he passes the tests, the document is renewed, once again, to the legal entity. In reality, the renewal is not a verification of the presence of the conditions of ability, as these are not lost with time, but remain for life (in other countries the document has no expiration date), rather the renewal of a multi-year contract of temporary administration of the legal entity NAME SURNAME, whose responsibility is accepted.

This legal artifice, in technical jargon called deminutio capitis, indicates the loss of one of the legal qualities of the individual. For the ancient Romans, deminutio capitis involved a prioritis status permuratio, that is, a change in the person’s previous status.

This stratagem is most evident in official communications from government institutions. The names of public administrations, for example, are almost always written all in capitals. In the municipality of Trieste, however, no: the writing is entirely in lower case, “comune di trieste.” This indicates, Law in hand, that Trieste is not subject to Italian corporate control. Further confirmation of the illegitimacy of territorial occupation by the Italian Republic. You know…The devil is hidden in the details!

Step by step, the plan proceeds

Because, let’s be honest: in violation of Treaties and agreements, the Italian Republic and its master, aka USA, continue to do what they want in Trieste. The 3SI and the Cotton Road are proceeding expeditiously.

Some recent examples are the mess with Mediterranean Shipping Company and Wartsila. MSC, the world’s first company in seaborne cargo handling, was founded by billionaire shipowner Gianluigi Ponte, married to Zionist billionaire Rafaela Diamant, with CEO their son Diego Aponte since 2014, signed a trade agreement with Finnish multinational Warstila…enforcing Annex VIII of the 1947 Treaty of Paris, so as to enjoy international free port. A nice ploy to pay less and earn more. But how, does the FTT then exist? Or, rather, it exists, but it is enforced only when it suits the international capital, certainly not for the good of the citizens. A few days later, in the local press the fact was justified by saying the agreement was signed under Italian Law 3054/1952 and the other treaties related to the…Free Territory of Trieste! Then again, to satisfy Israel’s business in the Cotton Road, they chose a Zionist-led company so there would be no hindrances. Another coincidence to add to the list.

Curious, too, how the City of Trieste’s spatial planning put an Italian Army Selected Reserve Officer, Major Architect Beatrice Micovilovich, with experience gained in foreign missions in conflict zones. It may be a coincidence, it’s likely, but with the winds of war continually being called by European politicians and the mass media, it really comes across as not very credible.

Now, however, let us return to the topics of the previous article, because in the meantime things are moving forward. An article by Paolo Deganutti published in the Limes Club of Trieste comes to our aid, some interesting excerpts of which we will quote below. We thank Deganutti for the information provided.

Let’s go step by step…

Paolo Messa, founder of the Base per altezza group , which edits the Italian “intelligence” magazine Formiche (which we thank for the publicity through the sympathetic articles that attempted to dismantle the Trieste scandal), which echoes The National Interest and Atlantic Council, has quit the management of his group to become, until December 2023, the executive vice president of Leonardo – the Italian arms firm par excellence – as well as responsible for geo-strategic relations with the US. Now Messa is vice president at the National Italian American Foundation in Washington and serves as a Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council.

Also at Leonardo, the formerly well-known Defense Minister Guido Crosetto worked as an advisor from 2018 to 2021, also working on Orizzonti Sistemi Navali, a joint venture between Leonardo and Fincantieri.

Leonardo is being sold off to the giant BlackRock through the invitation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, as we recently illustrated. Into all this comes David Patraeus, former commander of the United States Central Command, with strategic responsibility over the Middle Orinte, who later became the 23rd director of the CIA. Patraeus is on the board of KKR, a large U.S. fund that is in control of the Telecom Italia network and supports SACE, a government-controlled insurance group specializing in business support.

As Deganutti writes, Patreus has been proposed in interlocutory meetings in Trieste and Washinghton as a possible U.S. patron of the ‘operation studied in the U.S. that would like to make the port of Trieste simultaneously the apex of the Cotton Road Mumbay-Dubay-Trieste triangle , signed by Prime Minister Meloni in September 2023 during the G20 in Delhi, and of the Trieste-Gdansk-Constance securitarian triangle (NATO’s Trimarium), illustrated by Kaush Arha, Paolo Messa and other influential authors, including former Monti government Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi di Sant’ Agata, who, another truly inexplicable coincidence, was Ambassador to Israel, the United States and the United Nations. The perfect resume. We are honored to have gotten into his good graces, so much so that we have devoted articles to him in Atlantic Council, The National Interest, Ants and two full pages in Il Piccolo of Trieste.

So, the project of this new iron curtain is proceeding apace, with the whole of Europe being thrown into a hopeless war in which it is the few masters of capital who gain and whole peoples who lose out.

So, the question is, who is afraid of Trieste?

A heartfelt appeal to the still-conscious people of Trieste: it will not be the government in Rome or the government in Brussels that will rescue you. The freedom of Trieste and its Territory is your battle. But know that in the multipolar world that is emerging, there are many supporting you.

A heartfelt appeal to the still-conscious people of Trieste: it will not be the government in Rome or the government in Brussels that will rescue you.

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Apparently, the previous article regarding Trieste, its port and the Free Territory, caused quite a stir. So much so that it will be fun to talk about it again.

So it was all true

You know, the straw tail, as we say in Italy, is typical of those who have to hide something. After I revealed the shenanigans that took place in the merry meeting between Freemasonry, the Armed and Law Enforcement Forces, American and Hungarian think tanks, and the Trieste (occupation) government, there was general panic. First, articles and TV programs came out giving prominence to the news, which was treated as a real scandal; then there was the crusade of accusations to try to discredit the author, but without touching the content on the merits, at most touching on it with some funny rhetorical ploy, crying “Russian propaganda” that works a bit like parsley and looks good on everything; after which, when the news was now all too believable and plausible, as well as confirmed by concrete evidence such as NATO military vehicles in transit and some strange movement at the Port, here came the confirmation from those same power groups, news outlets and “reliable sources” who had to confirm the incident, sweetening it with some fairy tale and trying to pass it off as the “lesser evil” anyway not avoidable. The circus of the Italian and American intelligence press had to expend itself briskly. Even in some articles names and surnames of people involved in the events recounted appeared, showing that a few heads were blown off and that they could not continue for long.

There was also a Demonstration on September 15 in opposition to the militarization of Trieste and its international free port, which brought together many groups and acronyms to make the voice of citizens heard to those who reside (illegally) in the palaces of power in Trieste, an event that the Police Headquarters tried to hijack.

So, in the end, it was all true. This was confirmed by the very delinquents of the news that came out. It is true that Trieste is a strategic port within the doctrine of the Trimarium yesterday, Three Seas Initiative; it is true that the Cotton Road passes through Trieste and, as it happens, passes there with a route run by the genocidal state Israel; it is true that Trieste is a Free Territory that is under military occupation by the Italian Republic, in violation of international treaties; it is true that there is collusion between Freemasonry, the state and foreign powers.

Any attempt to deny the evidence of these facts has turned out to be ridiculous.

But since it is not enough to tell about the facts, let us now try to go even further into them.

Understanding Trieste and its port better

Let us start from afar. In 1947 the Treaty of Paris was signed, by which peace was established and divisions of influence between the victorious and defeated countries were assigned. With the 16th resolution, the Free Territory of Trieste (FTT) was established. In 1954 the London Memorandum entrusted the provisional civil administration of Zone A to Italy and Zone B to Yugoslavia. In 1975, however, with the Treaty of Osimo, Italy and Yugoslavia established a border between territories not owned by them, violating the autonomy of the FTT and the Treaty of Paris. With the collapse of Yugoslavia and the subsequent division of the territory into several states, the FTT found itself divided between three countries-Italy, Slovenia and Croatia-which illegally occupied it, violating previous treaties and triggering disputes, political and judicial struggles, scandals and protests that continue to this day.

Let us therefore try to explore among the various sources to put ideas in order.

On the international level, one cannot fail to mention one of the most influential speeches on the FTT, delivered by Lawyer Prof. Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, the first Independent Expert for the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order of the United Nations, High Commissioner for Human Rights, an activity he held until 2018.

On Sept. 15, 2017, in Geneva, de Zayas delivered a speech whose words have remained etched in the memory of the people of Trieste and UN officials: “Among the Treaties that must be respected is the 1947 Peace Treaty. And it is peculiar how certain treaties are put in the drawer: the drawer is closed, locked, and nobody talks about it anymore. I have raised it and I intend to continue to raise it, because it is an open issue and I think you have the right to discuss it publicly. […] the problem is more complex, because nobody knows anything about your situation! The media more or less systematically ignore the issue of Trieste. […]”.

Also prof. De Zayas again spoke publicly about the FTT, at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, on the sidelines of the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, reiterating the violation of the Treaties with regard to Trieste, an occasion on which unresolved issues of the goods abandoned by Zone B citizens and their capital still frozen in European banks were discussed, and, moreover, on the problem of the disbursement of U.S. funds for the Free Territory of Trieste that are still being paid into Italian bank accounts and managed by Rome (ERP Plans / Marshall – Agreement on the Use of Counterpart Funds of U.S. Economic Aid to Trieste of February 11, 1955), in violation of the Right to Development of the citizens of Trieste, first and foremost (UN Resolution A/RES/41/128 – December 4, 1986); and again, the continued failure to apply the Citizenship of the Free Territory of Trieste to those entitled to it, as proclaimed by the Peace Treaty, a failure that has been notified to the OHCHR Registry Office.

Seems de Zayas’ words continue to be true and Trieste is not to be spoken of.

If we do not trust an experienced official, there is a 2015 UN Security Council letter, dated Oct. 23, a full 32 pages, signed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, where on page 10 it reminds us that the Free Territory of Trieste is a free zone, established by the United Nations in 1947 (Security Council resolution 16 of 1947; 1947 Peace Treaty with Italy, Arts. 4, 21 and 22, Annexes VI to VIII) and which, the text says, “terminated Italy’s sovereignty over Trieste,” and “the Security Council, however, never fulfilled its responsibilities under the Treaty with respect to the Territory because of its failure to appoint a Governor for the Territory. Instead, under the 1954 Memorandum of Understanding on the Free Territory of Trieste, Italy and Yugoslavia respectively established a civil administration in the two areas of the Territory previously administered by the United Kingdom and the United States on the one hand and by the Yugoslav Army on the other,” reiterating in the next lines the structure of the Permanent Statute of the Free Territory of Trieste, which in Article 9 defines the structure of the Government. In addition, it states that the Security Council has “the ultimate responsibility to ensure the integrity and independence of the Territory by ensuring compliance with the Permanent Statute and the maintenance of public order and security in the Territory.” Curious, isn’t it? So at the United Nations, the Free Territory is not a fantasy.

Let us cite four other significant documents.

The first is an expertise, titled Autonomy and Self-determination, by Prof. Peter Hilpold, where in Chapter 10bis Prof. Thomas D. Grant of the University of Cambridge discusses the Free Territory of Trieste and its free port. In the publication, the author analyzes in detail all the legislation pertaining to the port and its jurisdiction. We point out some interesting excerpts:

“it is difficult to see how the administrative apparatus of the Free Port can be made operational today without radically reconfiguring the administrative scheme-that is, a fully-fledged Free Port apparatus would require the separation of the Free Port from the Free Territory provisions of the Peace Treaty.” p. 28;

“It could also be argued that while the rights and obligations associated with the Free Port have never been abrogated or suspended, the only organs that could have given concrete expression to those rights and obligations do not exist and, their enabling treaty being outdated, cannot be c established.” p. 30;

“ As noted above, the Italian Port Authority seems to understand that Trieste is a port subject to a special legal regime. 68 The recent decisions of the Italian courts have already been mentioned. This practice (administrative and judicial) would seem to indicate Italy’s acceptance of the continued existence of obligations originally derived from the Peace Treaty. Acknowledgment of the existence of an obligation is not equivalent to fulfillment of the same. obligation. The existence of a breach of the Peace Treaty provisions on the port depends on how Italy currently treats the port. depends on how Italy currently treats the port, a fact that activists for self-determination in Trieste have tried to question. How Italy receives complaints about the issue, and indeed about Trieste in general, leads to a final point: the right of the people of Trieste to make their case about the status of Trieste, the territory and its Port.” p. 31

The paper contains a masterful explanation of the anomaly of the FTT situation. I advance the suggestion of a full reading to all candidate delinquents of this paper.

The second document is a letter from the Director of the United Nations Security Council, dated May 20, 1983, protocol PO 201 PI, addressed to Giovanni Marchesich, in which the official stated that the Permanent Representation of Italy and the Permanent Representation of Yugoslavia to the United Nations had requested that the issue of the “Government of the Free Territory of Trieste” be removed from the Security Council agenda. So these politicians had a vested interest in countering the truth of the FTT. What’s more, the letter put in black and white that the issue of the appointment of the Governor (and thus the full creation of the Free Territory of Trieste) would be put back on the Security Council agenda should any UN state request it. A fateful phrase that in times like these, leaves well meaning, few words.

Fortunately, it took Ban Ki-moon a few decades later to clarify that the UN does not have a short memory.

A third interesting text is a paper written by Marina Coloni and Peter Clegg, of the University of West England. It is a paper published in 2022, with peer reviewed carried out of course, in which the affairs of the Free Territory of Trieste are addressed.

Annex VIII states verbatim, “There shall be established in the Free Territory a free port which shall be administered on the basis of the provisions of an international instrument prepared by the Council of Ministers, approved by the Security Council and annexed to this Treaty (Annex VIII). The Government of the Free Territory shall enact all necessary legislation and take all necessary measures to give effect to the provisions of that instrument.” This “authority” is, moreover, also acknowledged on the Port’s official website, where it states that “the primary normative referent of the legal regime of the Free Port of Trieste is Annex VIII to the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty.”

The conclusion is rationally motivated: there can be no Free Territory of Trieste without its Free Port and there can be no Free Port without the Free Territory of Trieste. The two were established together and intimately connected, as also recognized, despite repeated violations, by subsequent legislation.

One final document encapsulates more than one would expect. As I learned from a letter received from a source, forwarded by the Area Director of Land and Property of the Municipality of Trieste, with protocol corr. No. 7° 1/8/5-01, dated January 29, 2001, it appears to be signed by Dr. Engineer Paolo Pocecco. Up to here, nothing interesting. Yeah…too bad that Paolo Pocecco was a GLADIO agent in NATO’s Operation Stay Behind in Italy, at the time under the direction of the 7th division of SISMI, the Italian military intelligence services. Pocecco is well known in Trieste, since years ago, as part of a book presentation devoted to the subject of NATO and the Soviet Union, he came out along with former comrade-in-arms Giuseppe Pappalardo, also mentioning the names of Remigio Lampronti and the already well-known Marino Valle. The curiosity, again, is that a former (?) Italian intelligence agent who worked for the Americans in operations aimed at the total subjugation of Italy to the United States of America, ended up as an executive in the city’s public offices. A fluke? Well, there are beginning to be a few too many such coincidences.

The second aspect jumps out at you in the above-mentioned document, but also in the other official documents of the Italian public administration in the land of Trieste.

In Law, particularly from Admiralty Law onward, there is a distinction between the natural person and the legal entity. The natural person for the Italian legal system is an artificial representation of the human being. It is for all intents and purposes a legal artifact, a mask (in Latin, persona means “mask”). From nothing (in lat. ex nihilo) through a legal transaction, the legal subject is created, which is a trust, and which is represented by first and last name, which are written in capitals. With such a legal transaction, institutions clandestinely arrogate to themselves the ownership of the legal subject trust, like any movable property, forming part of a trade.

To give an example, when we obtain the ability to drive, the public administration issues the license in the name of the legal entity (NAME and SURNAME) owned by it. With that document it is not stating that we are able to drive but is entering into a contract with us. Just as he issues it, he can withdraw it, precisely as a function of the fact that the SUBJECT in whose name the document is registered is his. When the document expires, in order to renew it, they subject the holder, that is, the individual in whose name the title is registered, to tests of fitness to drive, and if he passes the tests, the document is renewed, once again, to the legal entity. In reality, the renewal is not a verification of the presence of the conditions of ability, as these are not lost with time, but remain for life (in other countries the document has no expiration date), rather the renewal of a multi-year contract of temporary administration of the legal entity NAME SURNAME, whose responsibility is accepted.

This legal artifice, in technical jargon called deminutio capitis, indicates the loss of one of the legal qualities of the individual. For the ancient Romans, deminutio capitis involved a prioritis status permuratio, that is, a change in the person’s previous status.

This stratagem is most evident in official communications from government institutions. The names of public administrations, for example, are almost always written all in capitals. In the municipality of Trieste, however, no: the writing is entirely in lower case, “comune di trieste.” This indicates, Law in hand, that Trieste is not subject to Italian corporate control. Further confirmation of the illegitimacy of territorial occupation by the Italian Republic. You know…The devil is hidden in the details!

Step by step, the plan proceeds

Because, let’s be honest: in violation of Treaties and agreements, the Italian Republic and its master, aka USA, continue to do what they want in Trieste. The 3SI and the Cotton Road are proceeding expeditiously.

Some recent examples are the mess with Mediterranean Shipping Company and Wartsila. MSC, the world’s first company in seaborne cargo handling, was founded by billionaire shipowner Gianluigi Ponte, married to Zionist billionaire Rafaela Diamant, with CEO their son Diego Aponte since 2014, signed a trade agreement with Finnish multinational Warstila…enforcing Annex VIII of the 1947 Treaty of Paris, so as to enjoy international free port. A nice ploy to pay less and earn more. But how, does the FTT then exist? Or, rather, it exists, but it is enforced only when it suits the international capital, certainly not for the good of the citizens. A few days later, in the local press the fact was justified by saying the agreement was signed under Italian Law 3054/1952 and the other treaties related to the…Free Territory of Trieste! Then again, to satisfy Israel’s business in the Cotton Road, they chose a Zionist-led company so there would be no hindrances. Another coincidence to add to the list.

Curious, too, how the City of Trieste’s spatial planning put an Italian Army Selected Reserve Officer, Major Architect Beatrice Micovilovich, with experience gained in foreign missions in conflict zones. It may be a coincidence, it’s likely, but with the winds of war continually being called by European politicians and the mass media, it really comes across as not very credible.

Now, however, let us return to the topics of the previous article, because in the meantime things are moving forward. An article by Paolo Deganutti published in the Limes Club of Trieste comes to our aid, some interesting excerpts of which we will quote below. We thank Deganutti for the information provided.

Let’s go step by step…

Paolo Messa, founder of the Base per altezza group , which edits the Italian “intelligence” magazine Formiche (which we thank for the publicity through the sympathetic articles that attempted to dismantle the Trieste scandal), which echoes The National Interest and Atlantic Council, has quit the management of his group to become, until December 2023, the executive vice president of Leonardo – the Italian arms firm par excellence – as well as responsible for geo-strategic relations with the US. Now Messa is vice president at the National Italian American Foundation in Washington and serves as a Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council.

Also at Leonardo, the formerly well-known Defense Minister Guido Crosetto worked as an advisor from 2018 to 2021, also working on Orizzonti Sistemi Navali, a joint venture between Leonardo and Fincantieri.

Leonardo is being sold off to the giant BlackRock through the invitation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, as we recently illustrated. Into all this comes David Patraeus, former commander of the United States Central Command, with strategic responsibility over the Middle Orinte, who later became the 23rd director of the CIA. Patraeus is on the board of KKR, a large U.S. fund that is in control of the Telecom Italia network and supports SACE, a government-controlled insurance group specializing in business support.

As Deganutti writes, Patreus has been proposed in interlocutory meetings in Trieste and Washinghton as a possible U.S. patron of the ‘operation studied in the U.S. that would like to make the port of Trieste simultaneously the apex of the Cotton Road Mumbay-Dubay-Trieste triangle , signed by Prime Minister Meloni in September 2023 during the G20 in Delhi, and of the Trieste-Gdansk-Constance securitarian triangle (NATO’s Trimarium), illustrated by Kaush Arha, Paolo Messa and other influential authors, including former Monti government Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi di Sant’ Agata, who, another truly inexplicable coincidence, was Ambassador to Israel, the United States and the United Nations. The perfect resume. We are honored to have gotten into his good graces, so much so that we have devoted articles to him in Atlantic Council, The National Interest, Ants and two full pages in Il Piccolo of Trieste.

So, the project of this new iron curtain is proceeding apace, with the whole of Europe being thrown into a hopeless war in which it is the few masters of capital who gain and whole peoples who lose out.

So, the question is, who is afraid of Trieste?

A heartfelt appeal to the still-conscious people of Trieste: it will not be the government in Rome or the government in Brussels that will rescue you. The freedom of Trieste and its Territory is your battle. But know that in the multipolar world that is emerging, there are many supporting you.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.