To NATO, people are just one more cash cow following the same bath tub trajectory, with similarly predictable massive losses through rejection and defects at the start and at the end.
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The New York Post’s report that Zoraya ter Beek, a physically healthy but chronically depressed 29-year old Dutch woman, was recently “terminated with extreme prejudice” is, in the bigger scheme of things, just more evidence that the Nazis’ eugenics ideology continues to make the mother of all comebacks.
This is apparent both in theory and in practice, which we will look at through the prism of the bathtub curve, which describes the life cycle of consumer products, which suffer relatively high failure rates at the start and at the end of their life cycles but generally motor along without too much fanfare between those two extremes.
To NATO, people are just one more cash cow following the same bath tub trajectory, with similarly predictable massive losses through rejection and defects at the start and at the end. The simplest way for Wall St to tweak those extremes is with abortion at the front end and euthanasia at the back end. If some budding Beethoven is going to be a personal or societal headache, just terminate him with extreme prejudice and maybe listen to Madonna of the many facelifts instead.
It was for “that greater good” that Uncle Sam’s Armed Forces were one of the first major sponsors of the abortion industry. You can’t go around sending your pregnant women into war unless, of course, you are the increasingly desperate Ukrainian junta, for whom surrogate deliveries were a major cash crop. Because Uncle Sam needs female killers, not women with “women’s problems,” abortion makes sound economic sense.
Although widespread abortion causes labour bottlenecks further down the line, that can be solved through massive immigration and any secondary problems arising therefrom can be wallpapered over as they arise. For NATO, the world is their oyster and Ukrainian women forced to rent out their wombs to narcissistic Westerners are their plaything. As long as the cash keeps flowing and there are enough hookers to satiate Orgy Island’s top brass, all is good.
If our first year of life is our most dangerous, then our golden years are the most expensive as various parts of our bodies go on the blink. In my case, my feet, neck and eyes are in almost open rebellion and, though I can still motor on, the preferred solution for problems like mine for those, who lack the necessary wherewithal to buy a reprieve, in Switzerland, the Netherlands and Canada, is the Final Solution, “assisted suicide with extreme prejudice”. The situation in Canada is so extreme that Army veterans complaining of almost any illness big or small are being encouraged to top themselves for the greater good. It is quite the story in Blackface Trudeau’s realm.
The late Pope John Paul II deliberately eschewed that utilitarian approach. Despite very advanced, very debilitating and very noticeable Parkinson’s disease, the late Pontiff steeled himself to carry on his mission as Christ’s Vicar on Earth to the bitter end.
But Blackface Trudeau does not share the Pope’s mission. His job is to cut costs and boost profits. Costs can best be trimmed by offing those, like the old, who have outlived their economic usefulness, and whacking those, who will cost more than they are worth. It is an economic, not a moral decision.
Having trimmed the front and rear ends of the bathtub curve, the job of Trudeau and his clones is to milk the middle, to get the maximum benefit from us during our “productive years”. This is where Raytheon comes in, as bombs epitomise capitalism at its finest. Bombs are expensive and, once they are dropped, they are gone and must be replaced with yet more expensive ordnance. For Trudeau’s true stakeholders, it is a no lose situation, all the more so as NATO’s bombs keep an array of countries off balance. And, though the money spent on Raytheon’s bombs could be spent elsewhere, on health and education, as his critics say, they have not a snowball’s chance in hell of matching the profits the arms industry begets for Trudeau’s core stakeholders.
This is not to say that the arms industry is the only game in town; it is not. Big Pharma is Wall St’s sweet spot as the profits there far outstrip all other sectors. Though we have all seen the big assed freaks that are the Kardashian family, the marketing wonder is that millions of young women and girls aspire to be deformed in their image and they are prepared to pay big bucks for it. The solution to life’s problems, they have been induced to believe, is to get more plastic in their boobs, more filler into their lips or more botox into their young faces and those of their pet chihuahuas.
Whereas I used to laugh at Filipina women who bought fake creams to make their legs longer, the United States now has such surgical procedures available, at a price, for those who think they are too short. And, no doubt, there are also procedures for those who would like to shorten their legs or torsos by a few inches.
Although we can laugh at all this, the cosmetic surgery market is not only highly lucrative but extremely stratified to a degree other industries that are not part of NATO’s trans human face, or are not manipulating the apex of Maslov’s hierarchy of needs, can only envy.
And, then, of course, there are the ISIS chop shops, where humans are dismembered for their lucrative body parts to serve the needs of elderly Swiss or Israelis, who need a new kidney, lung or piece of skin. And, although the late Pope John Paul 11 would have been aghast at all that, he was a priest, not a NATO economist, even though he lived when the Third Reich pioneered all this hi tech savagery, which has been normalised by the likes of former Dutch Prime Minister Drie van Agt, who elected to have himself and his wife terminated with extreme prejudice.
Whereas van Agt and his wife rejected life, and their oh so tolerant Dutch society enticed ter Beek to do the same, the Polish Pontiff carried on to the end and, by thus showing that life is something more than NATO’s creepy little bathtub curve, he deserves to be not only saluted but emulated as well.
Although the great Steven Weinberg famously said that life is meaningless, that is to miss its essence, which can be found not only in the Desiderata but in the little children who right now are playing their childish games in the park outside of my window or in my middle aged neighbour, a happy go lucky Liverpool supporter, who was very severely crippled in a bus crash when he was barely out of diapers but who spends his days dragging his worse foot behind him as he “walks” laps on his frame around that same park those children, happy as the day is long, play in.
I am, in truth, a wee but coy to rap on about them lest Raytheon call in an air strike against them because, in NATO’s bathtub model, those children, boys being boys and girls being girls, have no economic utility unless and until they can be milked to the bone.
And, as for myself and those like me, non serviam. I reject the Kardashians, their fake bathtub curves, their fake boob jobs and all NATO’s other fake distractions and I hope, out of Polish pig headedness, if nothing else, I and millions like me likewise carry on with extreme prejudice to NATO and all its pomps to the bitter end.