Robert Bridge
June 29, 2019
© Photo: Wikimedia

These days, to defy the celebrity leftist cult that dominates Hollywood with an iron fist requires a brave man. A very brave man. We’re talking Dirty Harry and Josey Wales brave. And it certainly doesn’t hurt to own your own production company either.

Iconic actor and director Clint Eastwood announced he will be ‘filming his latest movie, ‘The Battle of Richard Jewell,” in Atlanta, Georgia this summer despite calls in the movie industry to sanction the state over its so-called ‘Heartbeat’ law, which prohibits women from having an abortion once a heartbeat in the fetus can be detected.

Although the law seems highly ethical and logical, based as it is on the most unmistakable sign of life known to man, Hollywood, along with members of the Democratic Party, slammed it as an example of the male fraternity attempting to prevent women from having “autonomy over their bodies.”

There are two immediate problems with that argument. First, it assumes, wrongly, that only knuckle-dragging men, predictably white, are opposed to abortion. Why? Apparently because they enjoy the spectacle of dominating females, not because they are opposed to the idea of terminating a living being with a heartbeat, which usually occurs around the sixth week. It may be difficult for some Liberals to believe, but there are many men who shudder at the thought of killing an unborn fetus. Again, this particular sentiment has nothing at all in common with wanting to ‘dominate women’; in fact, that point rarely enters into the calculus.

A person needn’t be a religious fanatic or a male chauvinist pig to wonder how Democratic legislators from the state of New York stood and applauded the passage of the so-called Reproductive Health Act, which allows for abortions in the 24th week of pregnancy if the mother’s “wellbeing” is at stake. With such ambiguity at play, women in the state of New York will be able to terminate the life of a baby at any point – even if the baby somehow survives an initial abortion attempt. Murder on demand, if you will.

But the situation gets worse. At the very same time the Liberals are demanding the right to terminate unborn babies almost at will, they want to flood the country with illegal immigrants and their children because the spectacle of hordes of homeless people at America’s doormat supposedly moves them to tears. In other words, a fully developed baby in the mother’s womb deservers less protection than the child who has traveled with an adult, illegally, across the US border. Next the Democrats will be warning about a ‘demographic crisis’ of their own making so as to allow in more illegal immigrants – who are almost guaranteed to vote blue in future elections.

Second, the Liberals casually ignore the fact that millions of women are also fiercely opposed to the practice of abortion. It is not just a bunch of old white legislators dreaming up ways to repress the female species. There are women both inside of government and out who are advocating against the practice. In fact, despite the ‘attractive’ Liberal argument that says women should be free to do whatever they want with their bodies, polls show that fewer women than men support abortion rights.

The Republican Party has relied heavily on support from white women, especially those who identify as evangelical Christians, to pass tougher restrictions on abortions. They are the driving force in those states – from Alabama and Georgia to Kentucky and Missouri – that have passed the most restrictive anti-abortion legislation. Now with more states considering their own variations of anti-abortion laws, and fears growing that the 1973 Supreme Court ruling Roe vs. Wade is endangered, the Hollywood Liberals are foot-stomping mad.

This brings us back to Clint Eastwood. If anyone is capable of standing up to the leftist elite who pull the political strings of Hollywood, Eastwood is certainly that person. He possesses the clout, the reputation and the integrity to be a voice of reason in a sea of absolute madness.

Sex strike to stop abortion bills? Alyssa Milano’s protest raises eyebrows

Admittedly, the power to shame someone in the public realm, especially in these days of omnipresent social media, is a powerful technique indeed. Nobody wants to be branded a bigot, for example, or someone who engages in ‘hate speech,’ whatever that is, so what happens is that nobody speaks out, nobody does anything. Fear takes over and the ‘progressives’ are given the green light to continue in their destructive ways.

What is required to confront the Liberals is a degree of fearlessness in the face of groundless attacks on one’s character, to act according to one’s consciousness without due concern for the screaming theatrics that will inevitably accompany the act. Thankfully, Mr. Eastwood, at 89 years of age, demonstrated that courage in a clown world turned upside down. Such noble men are in limited supply today.

‘Go Ahead, Make My Baby’. Clint Eastwood Snubs Hollywood’s Georgia Boycott Over ‘Heartbeat’ Law

These days, to defy the celebrity leftist cult that dominates Hollywood with an iron fist requires a brave man. A very brave man. We’re talking Dirty Harry and Josey Wales brave. And it certainly doesn’t hurt to own your own production company either.

Iconic actor and director Clint Eastwood announced he will be ‘filming his latest movie, ‘The Battle of Richard Jewell,” in Atlanta, Georgia this summer despite calls in the movie industry to sanction the state over its so-called ‘Heartbeat’ law, which prohibits women from having an abortion once a heartbeat in the fetus can be detected.

Although the law seems highly ethical and logical, based as it is on the most unmistakable sign of life known to man, Hollywood, along with members of the Democratic Party, slammed it as an example of the male fraternity attempting to prevent women from having “autonomy over their bodies.”

There are two immediate problems with that argument. First, it assumes, wrongly, that only knuckle-dragging men, predictably white, are opposed to abortion. Why? Apparently because they enjoy the spectacle of dominating females, not because they are opposed to the idea of terminating a living being with a heartbeat, which usually occurs around the sixth week. It may be difficult for some Liberals to believe, but there are many men who shudder at the thought of killing an unborn fetus. Again, this particular sentiment has nothing at all in common with wanting to ‘dominate women’; in fact, that point rarely enters into the calculus.

A person needn’t be a religious fanatic or a male chauvinist pig to wonder how Democratic legislators from the state of New York stood and applauded the passage of the so-called Reproductive Health Act, which allows for abortions in the 24th week of pregnancy if the mother’s “wellbeing” is at stake. With such ambiguity at play, women in the state of New York will be able to terminate the life of a baby at any point – even if the baby somehow survives an initial abortion attempt. Murder on demand, if you will.

But the situation gets worse. At the very same time the Liberals are demanding the right to terminate unborn babies almost at will, they want to flood the country with illegal immigrants and their children because the spectacle of hordes of homeless people at America’s doormat supposedly moves them to tears. In other words, a fully developed baby in the mother’s womb deservers less protection than the child who has traveled with an adult, illegally, across the US border. Next the Democrats will be warning about a ‘demographic crisis’ of their own making so as to allow in more illegal immigrants – who are almost guaranteed to vote blue in future elections.

Second, the Liberals casually ignore the fact that millions of women are also fiercely opposed to the practice of abortion. It is not just a bunch of old white legislators dreaming up ways to repress the female species. There are women both inside of government and out who are advocating against the practice. In fact, despite the ‘attractive’ Liberal argument that says women should be free to do whatever they want with their bodies, polls show that fewer women than men support abortion rights.

The Republican Party has relied heavily on support from white women, especially those who identify as evangelical Christians, to pass tougher restrictions on abortions. They are the driving force in those states – from Alabama and Georgia to Kentucky and Missouri – that have passed the most restrictive anti-abortion legislation. Now with more states considering their own variations of anti-abortion laws, and fears growing that the 1973 Supreme Court ruling Roe vs. Wade is endangered, the Hollywood Liberals are foot-stomping mad.

This brings us back to Clint Eastwood. If anyone is capable of standing up to the leftist elite who pull the political strings of Hollywood, Eastwood is certainly that person. He possesses the clout, the reputation and the integrity to be a voice of reason in a sea of absolute madness.

Sex strike to stop abortion bills? Alyssa Milano’s protest raises eyebrows

Admittedly, the power to shame someone in the public realm, especially in these days of omnipresent social media, is a powerful technique indeed. Nobody wants to be branded a bigot, for example, or someone who engages in ‘hate speech,’ whatever that is, so what happens is that nobody speaks out, nobody does anything. Fear takes over and the ‘progressives’ are given the green light to continue in their destructive ways.

What is required to confront the Liberals is a degree of fearlessness in the face of groundless attacks on one’s character, to act according to one’s consciousness without due concern for the screaming theatrics that will inevitably accompany the act. Thankfully, Mr. Eastwood, at 89 years of age, demonstrated that courage in a clown world turned upside down. Such noble men are in limited supply today.

These days, to defy the celebrity leftist cult that dominates Hollywood with an iron fist requires a brave man. A very brave man. We’re talking Dirty Harry and Josey Wales brave. And it certainly doesn’t hurt to own your own production company either.

Iconic actor and director Clint Eastwood announced he will be ‘filming his latest movie, ‘The Battle of Richard Jewell,” in Atlanta, Georgia this summer despite calls in the movie industry to sanction the state over its so-called ‘Heartbeat’ law, which prohibits women from having an abortion once a heartbeat in the fetus can be detected.

Although the law seems highly ethical and logical, based as it is on the most unmistakable sign of life known to man, Hollywood, along with members of the Democratic Party, slammed it as an example of the male fraternity attempting to prevent women from having “autonomy over their bodies.”

There are two immediate problems with that argument. First, it assumes, wrongly, that only knuckle-dragging men, predictably white, are opposed to abortion. Why? Apparently because they enjoy the spectacle of dominating females, not because they are opposed to the idea of terminating a living being with a heartbeat, which usually occurs around the sixth week. It may be difficult for some Liberals to believe, but there are many men who shudder at the thought of killing an unborn fetus. Again, this particular sentiment has nothing at all in common with wanting to ‘dominate women’; in fact, that point rarely enters into the calculus.

A person needn’t be a religious fanatic or a male chauvinist pig to wonder how Democratic legislators from the state of New York stood and applauded the passage of the so-called Reproductive Health Act, which allows for abortions in the 24th week of pregnancy if the mother’s “wellbeing” is at stake. With such ambiguity at play, women in the state of New York will be able to terminate the life of a baby at any point – even if the baby somehow survives an initial abortion attempt. Murder on demand, if you will.

But the situation gets worse. At the very same time the Liberals are demanding the right to terminate unborn babies almost at will, they want to flood the country with illegal immigrants and their children because the spectacle of hordes of homeless people at America’s doormat supposedly moves them to tears. In other words, a fully developed baby in the mother’s womb deservers less protection than the child who has traveled with an adult, illegally, across the US border. Next the Democrats will be warning about a ‘demographic crisis’ of their own making so as to allow in more illegal immigrants – who are almost guaranteed to vote blue in future elections.

Second, the Liberals casually ignore the fact that millions of women are also fiercely opposed to the practice of abortion. It is not just a bunch of old white legislators dreaming up ways to repress the female species. There are women both inside of government and out who are advocating against the practice. In fact, despite the ‘attractive’ Liberal argument that says women should be free to do whatever they want with their bodies, polls show that fewer women than men support abortion rights.

The Republican Party has relied heavily on support from white women, especially those who identify as evangelical Christians, to pass tougher restrictions on abortions. They are the driving force in those states – from Alabama and Georgia to Kentucky and Missouri – that have passed the most restrictive anti-abortion legislation. Now with more states considering their own variations of anti-abortion laws, and fears growing that the 1973 Supreme Court ruling Roe vs. Wade is endangered, the Hollywood Liberals are foot-stomping mad.

This brings us back to Clint Eastwood. If anyone is capable of standing up to the leftist elite who pull the political strings of Hollywood, Eastwood is certainly that person. He possesses the clout, the reputation and the integrity to be a voice of reason in a sea of absolute madness.

Sex strike to stop abortion bills? Alyssa Milano’s protest raises eyebrows

Admittedly, the power to shame someone in the public realm, especially in these days of omnipresent social media, is a powerful technique indeed. Nobody wants to be branded a bigot, for example, or someone who engages in ‘hate speech,’ whatever that is, so what happens is that nobody speaks out, nobody does anything. Fear takes over and the ‘progressives’ are given the green light to continue in their destructive ways.

What is required to confront the Liberals is a degree of fearlessness in the face of groundless attacks on one’s character, to act according to one’s consciousness without due concern for the screaming theatrics that will inevitably accompany the act. Thankfully, Mr. Eastwood, at 89 years of age, demonstrated that courage in a clown world turned upside down. Such noble men are in limited supply today.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.