Olga Shedrova
July 8, 2014
© Photo: Public domain

All the attempts at peace settlement in Ukraine have a common feature. The ink does not even get dry as the Kiev regime rushes to escalate the conflict. That’s how it was on February 21. As soon as the document on conflict management was signed added by the guarantees of European diplomats, the Neo-Nazi militants staged a coup. The scenario was repeated on April 17 when the Ukrainian government said freeing buildings and disarmament of militants had no relation to the provisions of the agreement. It also abruptly intensified the combat actions in Donbass. The same fate was in store for the Vladimir Putin – Didier Burkhalter plan as well as other peaceful initiatives… 

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On July 2 the foreign chiefs of France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia held a meeting in Berlin. All the peace efforts went down the drain as Slavyansk, Luhansk and some other populated areas came under intensive fire. The very same day French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held talks with Petro Poroshenko calling for the implementation of the accords reached on July 2. The leaders of old Europe emphasized the importance of the contact group meeting scheduled on July 5. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) called on President Poroshenko to take steps for peaceful settlement worried over high death toll among civilians. 

Ignoring the concern expressed by the European Union, the organization Ukraine had signed an association agreement with just a few days ago, as well as the appeals of some international organizations, Kiev reopened fire instead of arranging a meeting of the contact group. Moreover, the President excluded the possibility of cease fire in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions – the places where the fiercest battles are waged. 

After the Presidential election on May 25 Moscow did its best to let President Petro Poroshenko tackle the conflict trying to find a peaceful way to manage it. But the militarist fervor of Kiev is still raging on. The personal responsibility of Poroshenko for war crimes committed is evident. According to Russian President Putin, «Russia and Europe failed to convince Poroshenko that the road to peace cannot go through the war, Poroshenko has assumed political and military responsibility in full», – The President said. «So far, Petr Alekseevich still had no direct relation to orders to take military action. Now he took on this responsibility in full. Not only military but also political, that is much more important», – he explained. 

Kiev treats his international obligations lightly. It would be only natural to conjecture that it agrees to hold talks pursuing some other purpose than reaching a peaceful settlement. Somebody «ordered» to step on the war path and the Ukrainian government is carrying it out being sure of its immunity whatever the fallout is. 

According to Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine had a number of meetings on June 30 and there was an impression that the Kiev’s decision announced on July 1 to break the previously reached ceasefire was taken under the pressure of some leading members of the European Union. 

There is hardly any doubt about who is behind it. It’s more important what exactly Washington wants from Poroshenko.

A confidential document on Ukraine by the Rand Corporation has leaked to media recently. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko follows the action plan proposed by Rand analysts. This Memorandum on the «advisable course of action» automatically means that the peace plan confirmed by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is slated to fail. 

Since the 1950s Rand conducted research on United States national security concentrating on the most burning international issues. The Corporation studied military issues to come up with recommendations for the government and the military. In the 1950s it recommended President Eisenhower to get ready for nuclear war with the Soviet Union, in the 1960s it worked on plans of waging conflicts in South-East Asia. It was involved in planning military operations in the Persian Gulf. 

Rand has always been closely involved in research of problems connected to Russia. According to Jean Marabini, at the beginning of the Gold War the think tank tried to look into the future with an option the Soviet Union doesn’t exist anymore. It saw the world as the consumption society and people had to perceive the things as they were. Those immune to standardization were to be subject to the use of overwhelming psychological non-lethal weapon able to make a human being believe in taking independent decisions in pursuit of his «little happiness». According to Rand experts, the advent of nuclear weapons will put a final end to democratic myth and free the politicians in the West and in the East from a headache of acquiring the consent of common people’s majority. That’s what explains the practice of «color revolutions», «humanitarian interventions» and so on, so Washington sees the elimination of the Donbass civilian population as something routine. 

Rand contributed to the plans of staging an intervention into Russia. In its publication Assessing Russia's Decline, Trends and Implications for the United States and the U.S. Air Force it says that «continuing trends toward military, political, economic, and social decline in Russia threaten the interests of the United States and its allies. Moscow's capacity to govern is called into question by increasing crime and corruption (and by political and economic regionalization). Both the military nuclear arsenal and the civilian nuclear power sector present risks of materials theft or diversion, as well as of tragic accident. An increasingly aging and ailing population bodes ill for Russia's future. Reversing the country's economic decline and rebuilding an effective military have proven difficult for the financially strapped government. While improvements, especially in the economic realm, are now evident, their sustainability is far from certain. The future development of these trends is critical to U.S. interests. Nuclear material from Russia could fall into the hands of terrorists-organized crime in Russia is part of a multinational network with links to global and local terror. Russia is a major oil and gas producer and transit state, and the U.S. government has identified energy interests as key to national security. A humanitarian crisis in Russia could threaten U.S. allies with refugee flows, environmental crisis, or conflict spillover. In many scenarios, it seems likely that the United States would respond. If so, the U.S. Air Force is certain to be called upon for transportation and perhaps military missions in a very demanding environment». The document describes in detail a number of options that envision an intervention into Russia. 

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The preparation of documents on ethnic cleansing of Donbass is the Rand’s cup of tea; it is exactly what the corporation specializes on. So what does it have to offer in case of Ukraine? 

First, the destruction of the Donbass industry to free the Ukrainian budget of heavy burden of subsidies and bring down dependence from Russian energy supplies. What comes to mind is a funny story about getting away from headache with the help of guillotine. That’s what Kiev is doing. The Donbass infrastructure facilities were the prime targets for artillery and combat aviation strikes of the Ukrainian armed forces. 

The US experts see another advantage in case the anti-terrorist operation continues. The pro-Russian political movement activists will be eliminated, the movement support will diminish when it comes to voting. Arrests, kidnappings and murders of the resistance movement members prove this recommendation is being complied with. 

According to Ex-Ukrainian Defense Minister Michael Koval there is a need to keep the Donbass population in internment camps and there are plans to populate the region with the people hailing from the Western part of Ukraine. It will be done exactly in accordance with the US «B» plan that President Petro Poroshenko was talking about. The mission is to be accomplished in strict accordance with the recommendations including ethnic cleansing and propaganda rhetoric of media outlets. 

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The Kiev regime is governed from Washington and the United States embassy is a link in a chain of command. It uses the peace talks involving the European Union and Russia to drag time, mix up the partners’ plans, regroup forces and deliver a striking blow against the resisting Donbass. Moscow has realized it. The European Union is still under the illusion of «transatlantic solidarity». The strong language Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland used last December reflected precisely the way the United States treats the European partners.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
Europe Cheated to be Used by War Mongers

All the attempts at peace settlement in Ukraine have a common feature. The ink does not even get dry as the Kiev regime rushes to escalate the conflict. That’s how it was on February 21. As soon as the document on conflict management was signed added by the guarantees of European diplomats, the Neo-Nazi militants staged a coup. The scenario was repeated on April 17 when the Ukrainian government said freeing buildings and disarmament of militants had no relation to the provisions of the agreement. It also abruptly intensified the combat actions in Donbass. The same fate was in store for the Vladimir Putin – Didier Burkhalter plan as well as other peaceful initiatives… 

* * *

On July 2 the foreign chiefs of France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia held a meeting in Berlin. All the peace efforts went down the drain as Slavyansk, Luhansk and some other populated areas came under intensive fire. The very same day French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held talks with Petro Poroshenko calling for the implementation of the accords reached on July 2. The leaders of old Europe emphasized the importance of the contact group meeting scheduled on July 5. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) called on President Poroshenko to take steps for peaceful settlement worried over high death toll among civilians. 

Ignoring the concern expressed by the European Union, the organization Ukraine had signed an association agreement with just a few days ago, as well as the appeals of some international organizations, Kiev reopened fire instead of arranging a meeting of the contact group. Moreover, the President excluded the possibility of cease fire in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions – the places where the fiercest battles are waged. 

After the Presidential election on May 25 Moscow did its best to let President Petro Poroshenko tackle the conflict trying to find a peaceful way to manage it. But the militarist fervor of Kiev is still raging on. The personal responsibility of Poroshenko for war crimes committed is evident. According to Russian President Putin, «Russia and Europe failed to convince Poroshenko that the road to peace cannot go through the war, Poroshenko has assumed political and military responsibility in full», – The President said. «So far, Petr Alekseevich still had no direct relation to orders to take military action. Now he took on this responsibility in full. Not only military but also political, that is much more important», – he explained. 

Kiev treats his international obligations lightly. It would be only natural to conjecture that it agrees to hold talks pursuing some other purpose than reaching a peaceful settlement. Somebody «ordered» to step on the war path and the Ukrainian government is carrying it out being sure of its immunity whatever the fallout is. 

According to Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine had a number of meetings on June 30 and there was an impression that the Kiev’s decision announced on July 1 to break the previously reached ceasefire was taken under the pressure of some leading members of the European Union. 

There is hardly any doubt about who is behind it. It’s more important what exactly Washington wants from Poroshenko.

A confidential document on Ukraine by the Rand Corporation has leaked to media recently. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko follows the action plan proposed by Rand analysts. This Memorandum on the «advisable course of action» automatically means that the peace plan confirmed by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is slated to fail. 

Since the 1950s Rand conducted research on United States national security concentrating on the most burning international issues. The Corporation studied military issues to come up with recommendations for the government and the military. In the 1950s it recommended President Eisenhower to get ready for nuclear war with the Soviet Union, in the 1960s it worked on plans of waging conflicts in South-East Asia. It was involved in planning military operations in the Persian Gulf. 

Rand has always been closely involved in research of problems connected to Russia. According to Jean Marabini, at the beginning of the Gold War the think tank tried to look into the future with an option the Soviet Union doesn’t exist anymore. It saw the world as the consumption society and people had to perceive the things as they were. Those immune to standardization were to be subject to the use of overwhelming psychological non-lethal weapon able to make a human being believe in taking independent decisions in pursuit of his «little happiness». According to Rand experts, the advent of nuclear weapons will put a final end to democratic myth and free the politicians in the West and in the East from a headache of acquiring the consent of common people’s majority. That’s what explains the practice of «color revolutions», «humanitarian interventions» and so on, so Washington sees the elimination of the Donbass civilian population as something routine. 

Rand contributed to the plans of staging an intervention into Russia. In its publication Assessing Russia's Decline, Trends and Implications for the United States and the U.S. Air Force it says that «continuing trends toward military, political, economic, and social decline in Russia threaten the interests of the United States and its allies. Moscow's capacity to govern is called into question by increasing crime and corruption (and by political and economic regionalization). Both the military nuclear arsenal and the civilian nuclear power sector present risks of materials theft or diversion, as well as of tragic accident. An increasingly aging and ailing population bodes ill for Russia's future. Reversing the country's economic decline and rebuilding an effective military have proven difficult for the financially strapped government. While improvements, especially in the economic realm, are now evident, their sustainability is far from certain. The future development of these trends is critical to U.S. interests. Nuclear material from Russia could fall into the hands of terrorists-organized crime in Russia is part of a multinational network with links to global and local terror. Russia is a major oil and gas producer and transit state, and the U.S. government has identified energy interests as key to national security. A humanitarian crisis in Russia could threaten U.S. allies with refugee flows, environmental crisis, or conflict spillover. In many scenarios, it seems likely that the United States would respond. If so, the U.S. Air Force is certain to be called upon for transportation and perhaps military missions in a very demanding environment». The document describes in detail a number of options that envision an intervention into Russia. 

* * *

The preparation of documents on ethnic cleansing of Donbass is the Rand’s cup of tea; it is exactly what the corporation specializes on. So what does it have to offer in case of Ukraine? 

First, the destruction of the Donbass industry to free the Ukrainian budget of heavy burden of subsidies and bring down dependence from Russian energy supplies. What comes to mind is a funny story about getting away from headache with the help of guillotine. That’s what Kiev is doing. The Donbass infrastructure facilities were the prime targets for artillery and combat aviation strikes of the Ukrainian armed forces. 

The US experts see another advantage in case the anti-terrorist operation continues. The pro-Russian political movement activists will be eliminated, the movement support will diminish when it comes to voting. Arrests, kidnappings and murders of the resistance movement members prove this recommendation is being complied with. 

According to Ex-Ukrainian Defense Minister Michael Koval there is a need to keep the Donbass population in internment camps and there are plans to populate the region with the people hailing from the Western part of Ukraine. It will be done exactly in accordance with the US «B» plan that President Petro Poroshenko was talking about. The mission is to be accomplished in strict accordance with the recommendations including ethnic cleansing and propaganda rhetoric of media outlets. 

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The Kiev regime is governed from Washington and the United States embassy is a link in a chain of command. It uses the peace talks involving the European Union and Russia to drag time, mix up the partners’ plans, regroup forces and deliver a striking blow against the resisting Donbass. Moscow has realized it. The European Union is still under the illusion of «transatlantic solidarity». The strong language Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland used last December reflected precisely the way the United States treats the European partners.