Nikolai Malishevski
February 22, 2014
© Photo: Public domain

The West is intent to divide Ukraine according to Yugoslavia scenario using for the purpose the «color revolution» technology perfected during the Arab Spring.  Summing it all up, that’s how the situation in Ukraine is viewed by independent Western experts.  

There are voices raised openly calling for peace enforcement like in the case of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. As the Christian Science Monitor puts it, «As with the Balkan wars of the 1990s, Europe cannot ignore this violent strife on its doorstep – and in a country whose people aspire to join the EU» (1). 

«In reality, Washington’s goal is not to push the country into the arms of the European Union, but to deprive Russia of its historical partners. To do this, the United States is prepared to ignite a new civil war on the continent», affirms Thierry Meyssan, a well-known French journalist, the founder of Reseau Voltaire political think tank, who emphasizes the fact that the Ukrainian opposition receives the weapons from outside, «It is obviously not possible to purchase weapons in Western Europe and bring them in without NATO’s green light» (2)

«The elimination of Maidan and dissipation of its activists making them scattered across the country may only aggravate the conflict» says Polish political scientist Tadeusz Olshansky, the Center for Eastern Studies (OSW, Polish: Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich), «The Ukrainian situation is similar to the events in Yugoslavia in the 1990s, when Germany provided funds to and used the family clan of Franjo Tuđman to provoke Croatian Ustasha movement into action. As a result Croatia separated from Serbia while the two peoples were incited to fight each other. The reason is the same as in the case of Ukraine- the government of Yugoslavia refused to accept under duress unfavorable conditions for association with the European Union», says another Polish researcher  Emil Zin. 

German experts stress the support rendered to Ukrainian opposition by Berlin, «The fact that Berlin comes to the defense of the Ukrainian protest demonstrations, even when violence-prone government opponents attack the government security forces with live ammunition, corresponds to a well-worn German government escalation strategy. In the 1990s, for example, the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) helped in the arms build-up of Kosovo gangs. These weapons ultimately benefited the infamous KLA guerrillas, who then escalated their struggle against Yugoslavian security forces, until finally Germany and NATO attacked». (4) 

According to Thierry Meyssan, they are going to destroy Ukraine in a similar way. Besides «a group of young Crimean Tatars who returned from Jihad in Syria especially for the occasion» Washington uses fascist groups for the purpose, «Unlike Libya and Syria, Washington does not have jihadists on hand to sow chaos (except for Tatar extremists, but they are only located in Crimea). It was therefore decided to lean on the Nazis with whom the State Department worked against the Soviets and has organized in political parties since Ukraine’s independence». He emphasizes, «In fact, Washington, who had supported the German Nazi party until 1939 and continued to do business with Nazi Germany until the end of 1941, never had a moral problem with Nazism, not more than it has today in providing military support to jihadism in Syria». (2)

«Ukraine has been suffering a profound internal schism for some time now, one that is threatening to become one of those ugly civil wars», writes Immanuel Wallerstein, Senior Research Scholar at Yale University. (5)  As to him, the Anglo-Saxon elites are behind the events in Ukraine being pursued by «nightmare of a Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis».

Evident things are realized too slowly by Europeans. According to a recent publication by European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Europe makes a mistake by waging war against the Olympic Games and «pro-Russian Ukraine» and losing the sympathies of Russians. (6)  While Europe sticks to such policy, the United States and their clients add fuel to the Ukrainian fire. In the middle of February US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt told the world that Ukraine would be pulled apart.  In a few days US Vice President Joe Biden told Yanukovych in a phone conversation to take police away from the streets of Kiev. This way he actually gave a signal to extremists who provoked a new cycle of violence. 

The situation is aggravated by nationalists-provocateurs who fire shots at their own comrade-in-arms from behind. It all happens against the background of inciting statements and outright intervention by Western politicians. Dalia Grybauskaitė, the President of Lithuania, said Ukraine was on the verge of civil war. The President of the United States addressed the Ukrainian military straight going around their Supreme Commander in Chief, German Chancellor came out with moral support for «peaceful protesters» trying to overthrow the government, and former Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius said Yanukovych should face am international trial. Similar statements were made in the middle of the 1990s when the events in the former Yugoslavia were on the radar screen.  

More frequently Western observers compare Victor Yanukovych with former President of the USSR; they say «the President of Ukraine acts like Gorbachev before the collapse of the Soviet Union».

1) Answering Ukraine's bullets //
2) Meyssan T. After Yugoslavia, Ukraine ? //
3) Olszanski T. Scenariusz silowy na Ukrainie //
5) Wallerstein I. The Geopolitics of Ukraine's Schism
6)  Meister S. The Sochi Olympics – a missed opportunity for Europe Date
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
Western Experts Compare Former Yugoslavia with Ukraine

The West is intent to divide Ukraine according to Yugoslavia scenario using for the purpose the «color revolution» technology perfected during the Arab Spring.  Summing it all up, that’s how the situation in Ukraine is viewed by independent Western experts.  

There are voices raised openly calling for peace enforcement like in the case of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. As the Christian Science Monitor puts it, «As with the Balkan wars of the 1990s, Europe cannot ignore this violent strife on its doorstep – and in a country whose people aspire to join the EU» (1). 

«In reality, Washington’s goal is not to push the country into the arms of the European Union, but to deprive Russia of its historical partners. To do this, the United States is prepared to ignite a new civil war on the continent», affirms Thierry Meyssan, a well-known French journalist, the founder of Reseau Voltaire political think tank, who emphasizes the fact that the Ukrainian opposition receives the weapons from outside, «It is obviously not possible to purchase weapons in Western Europe and bring them in without NATO’s green light» (2)

«The elimination of Maidan and dissipation of its activists making them scattered across the country may only aggravate the conflict» says Polish political scientist Tadeusz Olshansky, the Center for Eastern Studies (OSW, Polish: Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich), «The Ukrainian situation is similar to the events in Yugoslavia in the 1990s, when Germany provided funds to and used the family clan of Franjo Tuđman to provoke Croatian Ustasha movement into action. As a result Croatia separated from Serbia while the two peoples were incited to fight each other. The reason is the same as in the case of Ukraine- the government of Yugoslavia refused to accept under duress unfavorable conditions for association with the European Union», says another Polish researcher  Emil Zin. 

German experts stress the support rendered to Ukrainian opposition by Berlin, «The fact that Berlin comes to the defense of the Ukrainian protest demonstrations, even when violence-prone government opponents attack the government security forces with live ammunition, corresponds to a well-worn German government escalation strategy. In the 1990s, for example, the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) helped in the arms build-up of Kosovo gangs. These weapons ultimately benefited the infamous KLA guerrillas, who then escalated their struggle against Yugoslavian security forces, until finally Germany and NATO attacked». (4) 

According to Thierry Meyssan, they are going to destroy Ukraine in a similar way. Besides «a group of young Crimean Tatars who returned from Jihad in Syria especially for the occasion» Washington uses fascist groups for the purpose, «Unlike Libya and Syria, Washington does not have jihadists on hand to sow chaos (except for Tatar extremists, but they are only located in Crimea). It was therefore decided to lean on the Nazis with whom the State Department worked against the Soviets and has organized in political parties since Ukraine’s independence». He emphasizes, «In fact, Washington, who had supported the German Nazi party until 1939 and continued to do business with Nazi Germany until the end of 1941, never had a moral problem with Nazism, not more than it has today in providing military support to jihadism in Syria». (2)

«Ukraine has been suffering a profound internal schism for some time now, one that is threatening to become one of those ugly civil wars», writes Immanuel Wallerstein, Senior Research Scholar at Yale University. (5)  As to him, the Anglo-Saxon elites are behind the events in Ukraine being pursued by «nightmare of a Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis».

Evident things are realized too slowly by Europeans. According to a recent publication by European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Europe makes a mistake by waging war against the Olympic Games and «pro-Russian Ukraine» and losing the sympathies of Russians. (6)  While Europe sticks to such policy, the United States and their clients add fuel to the Ukrainian fire. In the middle of February US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt told the world that Ukraine would be pulled apart.  In a few days US Vice President Joe Biden told Yanukovych in a phone conversation to take police away from the streets of Kiev. This way he actually gave a signal to extremists who provoked a new cycle of violence. 

The situation is aggravated by nationalists-provocateurs who fire shots at their own comrade-in-arms from behind. It all happens against the background of inciting statements and outright intervention by Western politicians. Dalia Grybauskaitė, the President of Lithuania, said Ukraine was on the verge of civil war. The President of the United States addressed the Ukrainian military straight going around their Supreme Commander in Chief, German Chancellor came out with moral support for «peaceful protesters» trying to overthrow the government, and former Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius said Yanukovych should face am international trial. Similar statements were made in the middle of the 1990s when the events in the former Yugoslavia were on the radar screen.  

More frequently Western observers compare Victor Yanukovych with former President of the USSR; they say «the President of Ukraine acts like Gorbachev before the collapse of the Soviet Union».

1) Answering Ukraine's bullets //
2) Meyssan T. After Yugoslavia, Ukraine ? //
3) Olszanski T. Scenariusz silowy na Ukrainie //
5) Wallerstein I. The Geopolitics of Ukraine's Schism
6)  Meister S. The Sochi Olympics – a missed opportunity for Europe Date