Dmitriy Sedov
September 26, 2013
© Photo: Public domain

The anti-terrorist operation in Nairobi is over. The hostages are free; the terrorists remaining at large are hiding in the underground of Westgate shopping mole. The death toll is being counted. On September 24 it is estimated to be 62 dead and over 200 injured.

According to media reports, the Somalia's Al Qaeda affiliated Al Shabab organization did what it threatened to do since a long time ago – to attack Kenya to take revenge for Kenyan troops invading Somalia’s neighboring areas in 2011 to halt cross-border raids by militants operating on Somalian soil. Back then the Kenyan forces delivered a blow against the military structure of Al Shabab, the group that controls over 40 percent of Somalia’s territory. 

The Nairobi operation wound up with rather unexpected results. According to official sources, with 10 terrorists captured and three dead none of them happened to be the citizens of Somalia. According to the passports found, they crime perpetrators were the nationals of the United States, Great Britain and the Netherlands. It proves the fact that the criminal act was committed by an Al Qaeda affiliated international terrorist network. Its activities are coordinated and spread around the whole world; it would be erroneous to think that the terrorist acts in different countries (Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan and Kenya) were isolated cases.

The interethnic wars have been waged in Somali for many years. As time went by, Al Shabab has become a leading force pursuing the goal of creating an Islamic caliphate. Today the group controls the southern part of the country, including Kismayo, a port city in the southern Lower Juba (Jubbada Hoose) province of Somalia. It is the commercial capital of the autonomous Jubaland region. No doubt it’s an achievement for Al Qaeda affiliated forces. As a result there are two springboards of Islamic extremism situated in the vicinity of each other – the southern part of Yemen and the south of Somalia which are divided by the rather narrow strip of the Red Sea. Just like a cancer tumor it encircles the confined Bab-El-Mandeb Strait, a waterway for oil tankers. The intelligence data on the Al Qaeda’s strategic goals is not made public. The world is simply intimidated with a bogey that it just hates the human kind, so it kills people wherever it is possible. Willy-nilly one gets the impression that this kind of image is created for some purpose… 

What does Al Qaeda want to achieve in Syria? The goal is to destroy the state and create a caliphate instead. In this case why does the West fight Bashar Assad instead of Al Qaeda? 

Washington and its allies never mention the objectives pursued by terrorists in Syria or the threat they pose. Sounds strange, especially in view that, according to official version, it was Al Qaeda behind the September 11, 2001 events that caused a «historic trauma» for American people. 

If the threat to close the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait and, this way, provoke oil prices hikes is imminent, then why Washington does not sound alarm? Or do the terrorist plans coincide with the ones of American oil giants? If the war in Libya gave rise to Islamists activities in the Sahel region, then why the United Nations does not study the results of the intervention and the consequent impact on international security? Perhaps because such a study will make inevitable the recognition of the fact that the Libyan war is an example of state terrorism on the part of the West acting in concert with Al Qaeda. 

It all gives a rise to the question: if the international terrorism is steadily and effectively making new steps on the way of gaining ground, then what the United Nations Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee is doing? It was founded exactly for the purpose of fighting terrorism in the wake of terrorist acts committed in New York on September 11, 2001? To answer this question one should have a look at the way the resolution N 1373 of United Nations Security Council is implemented. 1 For instance, it states that all states shall:

«Prevent and suppress the financing of terrorist acts».

Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are involved in providing funds for the terrorist groups that act of the territory of Syria. Is the Committee unaware of the fact? 

– «Freeze without delay funds and other financial assets or economic resources of persons who commit, or attempt to commit, terrorist acts or participate in or facilitate the commission of terrorist acts; of entities owned or controlled directly or indirectly by such persons; and of persons and entities acting on behalf of, or at the direction of such persons and entities, including funds derived or generated from property owned or controlled directly or indirectly by such persons and associated persons and entities».

The Islamists across the entire globe collect funds for those who «fight for the purity of faith». Neither the banking accounts, nor the routes used by couriers with cash are a secret for Western special services. So why do they not stop the financial flows? 

«Deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support, or commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens»;

The militants injured in combat while fighting the Syrian army are getting medical help in Israeli hospitals, Al Qaeda affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra is free to spread its propaganda on the territories of refugee camps situated in Jordan. There is nothing to say about how other provisions of the resolution N 1373 are implemented. 

«Afford one another the greatest measure of assistance in connection with criminal investigations or criminal proceedings relating to the financing or support of terrorist acts, including assistance in obtaining evidence in their possession necessary for the proceedings; of terrorist acts, including assistance in obtaining evidence in their possession necessary for the proceedings».

The Russian Special services have accumulated rather bitter experience of collaborating with Western colleagues in this field. Neither Ahmad Zakayev, the ideological leader of Chechen terrorists and the former leader of an armed gang, nor a number of other, less known, murderers have been extradited to Russia so that they could face justice. 

As a result, we have what we have. On the one hand, the terrorist threat is growing, on the other – what we have is just shooting the breeze in the United Nations, the organizations that has failed to unite the countries in a joint effort to stand up to the terrorist threat. The only thing left is to surmise that this endless breeze shooting, that starts any time the ways to counter the menace are discussed, follows some purpose. The crisis in Syria shows that Al Qaeda is useful for those who aspire to lead the process of «global control». 

The reluctance to act and fight the terrorist threat on the part of international community results in the miserable situation that the USA Today mentions in its comments on the events in Nairobi. The terrorists could attack anywhere in the world and commit the acts of horror, «After the Nairobi attack, the message should be «We Are All Kenyans». Not just in our sympathy. But also in going all out to prevent another terrorist attack».



The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
«We’re all Kenyans»

The anti-terrorist operation in Nairobi is over. The hostages are free; the terrorists remaining at large are hiding in the underground of Westgate shopping mole. The death toll is being counted. On September 24 it is estimated to be 62 dead and over 200 injured.

According to media reports, the Somalia's Al Qaeda affiliated Al Shabab organization did what it threatened to do since a long time ago – to attack Kenya to take revenge for Kenyan troops invading Somalia’s neighboring areas in 2011 to halt cross-border raids by militants operating on Somalian soil. Back then the Kenyan forces delivered a blow against the military structure of Al Shabab, the group that controls over 40 percent of Somalia’s territory. 

The Nairobi operation wound up with rather unexpected results. According to official sources, with 10 terrorists captured and three dead none of them happened to be the citizens of Somalia. According to the passports found, they crime perpetrators were the nationals of the United States, Great Britain and the Netherlands. It proves the fact that the criminal act was committed by an Al Qaeda affiliated international terrorist network. Its activities are coordinated and spread around the whole world; it would be erroneous to think that the terrorist acts in different countries (Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan and Kenya) were isolated cases.

The interethnic wars have been waged in Somali for many years. As time went by, Al Shabab has become a leading force pursuing the goal of creating an Islamic caliphate. Today the group controls the southern part of the country, including Kismayo, a port city in the southern Lower Juba (Jubbada Hoose) province of Somalia. It is the commercial capital of the autonomous Jubaland region. No doubt it’s an achievement for Al Qaeda affiliated forces. As a result there are two springboards of Islamic extremism situated in the vicinity of each other – the southern part of Yemen and the south of Somalia which are divided by the rather narrow strip of the Red Sea. Just like a cancer tumor it encircles the confined Bab-El-Mandeb Strait, a waterway for oil tankers. The intelligence data on the Al Qaeda’s strategic goals is not made public. The world is simply intimidated with a bogey that it just hates the human kind, so it kills people wherever it is possible. Willy-nilly one gets the impression that this kind of image is created for some purpose… 

What does Al Qaeda want to achieve in Syria? The goal is to destroy the state and create a caliphate instead. In this case why does the West fight Bashar Assad instead of Al Qaeda? 

Washington and its allies never mention the objectives pursued by terrorists in Syria or the threat they pose. Sounds strange, especially in view that, according to official version, it was Al Qaeda behind the September 11, 2001 events that caused a «historic trauma» for American people. 

If the threat to close the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait and, this way, provoke oil prices hikes is imminent, then why Washington does not sound alarm? Or do the terrorist plans coincide with the ones of American oil giants? If the war in Libya gave rise to Islamists activities in the Sahel region, then why the United Nations does not study the results of the intervention and the consequent impact on international security? Perhaps because such a study will make inevitable the recognition of the fact that the Libyan war is an example of state terrorism on the part of the West acting in concert with Al Qaeda. 

It all gives a rise to the question: if the international terrorism is steadily and effectively making new steps on the way of gaining ground, then what the United Nations Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee is doing? It was founded exactly for the purpose of fighting terrorism in the wake of terrorist acts committed in New York on September 11, 2001? To answer this question one should have a look at the way the resolution N 1373 of United Nations Security Council is implemented. 1 For instance, it states that all states shall:

«Prevent and suppress the financing of terrorist acts».

Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are involved in providing funds for the terrorist groups that act of the territory of Syria. Is the Committee unaware of the fact? 

– «Freeze without delay funds and other financial assets or economic resources of persons who commit, or attempt to commit, terrorist acts or participate in or facilitate the commission of terrorist acts; of entities owned or controlled directly or indirectly by such persons; and of persons and entities acting on behalf of, or at the direction of such persons and entities, including funds derived or generated from property owned or controlled directly or indirectly by such persons and associated persons and entities».

The Islamists across the entire globe collect funds for those who «fight for the purity of faith». Neither the banking accounts, nor the routes used by couriers with cash are a secret for Western special services. So why do they not stop the financial flows? 

«Deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support, or commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens»;

The militants injured in combat while fighting the Syrian army are getting medical help in Israeli hospitals, Al Qaeda affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra is free to spread its propaganda on the territories of refugee camps situated in Jordan. There is nothing to say about how other provisions of the resolution N 1373 are implemented. 

«Afford one another the greatest measure of assistance in connection with criminal investigations or criminal proceedings relating to the financing or support of terrorist acts, including assistance in obtaining evidence in their possession necessary for the proceedings; of terrorist acts, including assistance in obtaining evidence in their possession necessary for the proceedings».

The Russian Special services have accumulated rather bitter experience of collaborating with Western colleagues in this field. Neither Ahmad Zakayev, the ideological leader of Chechen terrorists and the former leader of an armed gang, nor a number of other, less known, murderers have been extradited to Russia so that they could face justice. 

As a result, we have what we have. On the one hand, the terrorist threat is growing, on the other – what we have is just shooting the breeze in the United Nations, the organizations that has failed to unite the countries in a joint effort to stand up to the terrorist threat. The only thing left is to surmise that this endless breeze shooting, that starts any time the ways to counter the menace are discussed, follows some purpose. The crisis in Syria shows that Al Qaeda is useful for those who aspire to lead the process of «global control». 

The reluctance to act and fight the terrorist threat on the part of international community results in the miserable situation that the USA Today mentions in its comments on the events in Nairobi. The terrorists could attack anywhere in the world and commit the acts of horror, «After the Nairobi attack, the message should be «We Are All Kenyans». Not just in our sympathy. But also in going all out to prevent another terrorist attack».

