Robert Bridge

American writer and journalist.
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Whether the coalition government last that long is a question many Germans are anxiously pondering today.

After weeks without sitting down for an interview with the media, she finally agreed to a chat with liberal-friendly CNN. The results were telling.

With no European bogeyman waiting to pounce on its neighbors from the shadows, there is no longer a need for overriding American influence and outlandish spending on the continent.

It is the time for educators in the U.S. to heed both the advice of the pope and scientific studies and reverse their stance on gender theory.

Western morale – as witnessed by the lack of desire to serve their countries in the event of another world war – has rarely been so bleak.

The United States has more firearms than citizens, and increasingly those weapons end up in the hands of disturbed youth determined to carry out deadly rampages. It doesn’t have to be that way.

The threat of a right-wing takeover appears imminent, and Europe has only itself to blame for that, Robert Bridge writes.

The spectacle of huge waves of Russian forces – or Ukrainian, for that matter – running across open fields in some kind of mad dash to storm enemy defenses only exists in the imagination of the mainstream media.

Since 2020, the wealthiest five individuals in the world have seen their fortunes explode, while during the same period some five billion people around the world have become poorer.

The Democrats are attempting to interfere in the election process, and the people are not stupid, Robert Bridge writes.