
Paul Craig Roberts

Former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan Administration

all articles

August 28, 2017
Weaponization of History and Journalism

In the United States facts, an important element of truth, are not important. They are not important in the media, politics, universities, or the courtroom. Non-factual explanations of the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings are served up as the official explanation. Facts have been politicized, emotionalized, weaponized and simply ignored. As David Irving has shown, Anglo-American histories of World War 2 are, for the most part, feel-good histories, as are «civil war» histories as Thomas DiLorenzo and others have demonstrated. Of course, they are feel good only for the victors. Their emotional purpose means that inconvenient facts are unpalatable and ignored.

August 13, 2017
How Conspiracy Theories Really Work

In the United States «conspiracy theory» is the name given to explanations that differ from those that serve the ruling oligarchy, the establishment or whatever we want to call those who set and control the agendas and the explanations that support the agendas.

June 4, 2017
Washington’s Empire Is Not Unraveling

The military/security complex spent seven decades building its empire. The complex assassinated one American president (JFK) who threatened the empire and drove another (Richard Nixon) out of office. The complex does not tolerate the election of politicians in Europe who might not follow Washington’s line on foreign and economic policy.

June 2, 2017
Zbigniew Brzezinski As I Knew Him

Brzezinski’s death at 89 years of age has generated a load of propaganda and disinformation, all of which serves one interest group or another or the myths that people find satisfying. I am not an expert on Brzezinski, and this is not an apology for him. He was a Cold Warrior, as essentially was everyone in Washington during the Soviet era.

February 14, 2017
Western Interests Aim To Flummox Russia

An article by Robert Berke in, which describes itself as «The No. 1 Source for Oil & Energy News», illustrates how interest groups control outcomes by how they shape policy choices.

February 6, 2017
Is The Trump Administration Already Over?

Hopes for the Trump administration are not burning brightly. Trump’s military chief, Gen. Mattis, is turning out to be true to his «mad dog» nickname. He has just declared that Iran «is the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world». Where is the evidence for this ignorant accusation? There is none…

January 3, 2017
Can Trump Fix The Economy In 2017?

The Western world and that part of the world that partakes of Western explanations live in a fictional world. We see this everywhere we look — in the alleged machinations of Russia to elect Donald Trump president of the US, in claims that Saddam Hussein and his (nonexistent) weapons of mass destruction were a threat to the United States…

November 12, 2016
The Anti-Trump Protesters Are Tools of the Oligarchy

Who are the anti-Trump protesters besmirching the name of progressives by pretending to be progressives and by refusing to accept the outcome of the presidential election? They look like, and are acting worse than, the «white trash» that they are denouncing. I think I know who they are.

October 28, 2016
The Failure of US Democracy

I am now convinced that the Oligarchy that rules America intends to steal the presidential election. In the past, the oligarchs have not cared which candidate won as the oligarchs owned both. But they do not own Trump. Most likely you are unaware of what Trump is telling people as the media does not report it. A person who speaks like this…

October 24, 2016
Why Cooperation with the West on Syria May Become a Trap for Russia

A UN report orchestrated by Washington has accused Syria and Russia of war crimes in Aleppo. According to the report, «indiscriminate airstrikes across the eastern part of the city by Government forces and their allies [Russia] are responsible for the overwhelming majority of civilian casualties. These violations constitute war crimes. And if knowingly committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against civilians, they constitute crimes against humanity». 
