Matthew Ehret

Matthew J.L. Ehret is a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review.
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The Anglo-American foreign policy hawks imagine that the world is yearning to be liberated from Beijing’s nefarious agenda to end poverty

Something worse than anything seen even amidst the dark years of the Cold War has awoken, Matthew Ehret writes.

The spirits of great leaders like Lincoln, Juarez, FDR, and Cardenas would certainly smile at Mexico’s emerging potential.

Will Americans wake up to the reality that they’ve been walking on the wrong side of history for too long or has the point of no-return been crossed?

In this final segment of his series, Matthew Ehret gives the last word to several leading scientists who took a stand in our modern age against the rise of the cult of darkness.

Whether we review the growth of eugenics or even the growth of modern ecologism and transhumanism out of cybernetics, the seeds of Aristotle’s oligarchical cosmology can be felt viscerally.

Just as Kepler attacked Aristotle, and just as Leibniz attacked both Locke, Aristotle, Descartes and Newton for the crime of denying the immortal soul to mankind, so too did Carey attack the system of Malthus and Ricardo on similar grounds.

The idea that anti-republican John Locke inspired the founding of the USA has been a strategic myth which has kept generations of Americans from understanding their own moral roots.

Is human society destined for self-annihilation or were we made for something better?

During the Cold War and especially after 1991, too few asked the question: Upon whose blood did such abundance and “freedom” arise?