
Igor Shumeyko

Journalist, writer and historian. Member of Russian Union of Writers

all articles

November 3, 2016
How Hitler Became Hitler and Why It’s Important Today

In October 2016, the American magazine The National Interest took a look at the historical experience of the 20th century, publishing an article by David Axe entitled The Shocking Way Hitler Became Hitler.

February 24, 2016
What the Renunciation of Chemical Weapons Has Meant for Syria

Propaganda, slander, and envious gossip about the effectiveness of the Russian air strikes are all part of the discussions about the operations of Russia’s Aerospace Defense Forces in Syria, although approval of «Putin’s loyalty to his allies» – compared with that «big wuss» Obama – can also be heard. But there has been no careful examination of one fairly important reason why Russia is supporting Syria’s Bashar al-Assad…

February 10, 2016
The Pentagon’s Priorities and «Prompt Global Strike»

A few days ago President Obama approved the Pentagon’s proposal to increase spending on the latest weapons and to beef up US military positions in Europe. The strategic significance of this step is fully evident in Missy Ryan’s Feb. 2 article in the Washington Post: «Pentagon unveils budget priority for next year: Countering Russia and China»…

January 17, 2016
Polish Fronde in Europe

Once the Law and Justice Party (PiS) took power in Poland, relations between the new Polish government and the European Union started getting complicated…

November 3, 2015
Has Realpolitik Arrived to Middle East?

The Vienna meeting on Syria could have produced unexpected results or no results at all. The first success was achieved at the stage of forming «the chosen group of powers» invited to discuss the issue. After four years of arbitrary discrimination Iran became a party to the parley…

October 4, 2015
Autumn 2015: End of Arab Spring

In the speech Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered to the UN General Assembly on Sept. 28, his conclusion regarding the misfortunes that have befallen Syria and the entire Middle East was extremely harsh: there is and has been aggressive foreign interference…

September 18, 2015
Jeremy Corbyn vs. “Bush’s poodle”

After the leader of the British Labour Party was elected on Sept. 12, observers described the situation with platitudes such as “putting a good face on a bad matter,” but frankly, “putting a bad face on a terrible matter” would be more appropriate…

September 8, 2015
Suez Canal Between Seas of Politics and History

In August, Egypt held a ceremony to inaugurate the second phase of the Suez Canal. The construction was scheduled to last for three years, but at President Abdel el-Sisi’s insistence the new channel was completed in only 14 months. The New Suez Canal is 72 km long, and Egypt’s annual revenue from usage fees (currently $5.3 billion) will soon increase 150%, and then triple by 2020…