Hugo Dionísio
Hugo Dionísio is a Lawyer, researcher and geopolitics’ analyst. He is the owner of Blog and co-founder of MultipolarTv, a Youtube Channel targeted to geopolitical analysis. He develops activity as Human Rights and Social rights activist as board member of the Portuguese Democratic Lawyers Association. He is also a researcher at the Portuguese Workers Trade Union Confederation (CGTP-IN).
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At a time when “democracies” advocate war and the end of social programs and “autocracies” seem to prefer peace and development programs, von der Leyen’s and António Costa’s choices represent, above all, the choices for the EU self-destruction.
O que está longe de ser um drama, refira-se! Por este caminho, pode muito bem ser a nossa salvação!
Como a cualquier mafioso, si no le pagamos por las buenas, alguien nos lo hará pagar por las malas. Y von der Leyen está aquí para asegurarse de ello.
Votar por Trump esperando que resuelva los problemas de las condiciones de vida de las masas trabajadoras estadounidenses es como abandonar a un sediento en el desierto.
Al neoliberalismo les es imperativo «asesinar» a la figura del maestro para perfeccionar su dominio y llegar hasta el alumno.
Como qualquer gangster, se não pagamos a bem, alguém nos faz pagar a mal. Von der Leyen está cá para o garantir.
Voting for Trump to solve the problems of the living conditions of the U.S. working class is like leaving someone in the desert because he is thirsty.
A derrota de Kamala é a vitória da demagogia política, do messianismo providencialista e do Supremacismo.
Von der Leyen not only guarantees the continuation of the risks she feeds with his extremism. She also guarantees that these risks are the ideal pretext for denying the next European generations a future.
By destroying the teacher, the neoliberal West is destroying something even more important: our self-awareness!