Hugo Dionísio
Hugo Dionísio is a Lawyer, researcher and geopolitics’ analyst. He is the owner of Blog and co-founder of MultipolarTv, a Youtube Channel targeted to geopolitical analysis. He develops activity as Human Rights and Social rights activist as board member of the Portuguese Democratic Lawyers Association. He is also a researcher at the Portuguese Workers Trade Union Confederation (CGTP-IN).
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Everything that the Democratic Party and its followers try so hard to hide from the people… is no longer secret
Tudo o que o Partido Democrata e seus seguidores e esforçam tanto por esconder ao povo… Deixou de ser secreto!
Numa Europa que não sabe o que é a independência, autonomia e soberania, defendê-las, determina que automaticamente fiquemos de fora dos tais “valores europeus”.
What is at stake is nothing more than the struggle between rentier, financialized capitalism and the brutal gains it makes for an increasingly wealthy and small handful, who need a world with no limitations other than those imposed by themselves.
What the West can’t stand are leaders who prioritize national independence and sovereignty, the common interest, and social welfare.
O que o ocidente não suporta são líderes que não façam da independência e soberania nacionais, do interesse comum e do bem-estar social, limites à apropriação privada pelos interesses económicos e financeiros internacionais.
Will desperation lead the U.S. to internationalist brotherhood, or to accelerated rapine and plunder?
O desespero levará os EUA à fraternidade internacionalista, ou à aceleração da rapina?
In un momento in cui le “democrazie” invocano la guerra e la fine dei programmi sociali e le “autocrazie” sembrano preferire la pace e i programmi di sviluppo, le scelte di von der Leyen e António Costa rappresentano soprattutto le scelte per l’autodistruzione dell’UE.
At a time when “democracies” advocate war and the end of social programs and “autocracies” seem to prefer peace and development programs, von der Leyen’s and António Costa’s choices represent, above all, the choices for the EU self-destruction.