Alastair Crooke
Former British diplomat, founder and director of the Beirut-based Conflicts Forum.
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Occidente no tiene la influencia financiera necesaria para perseguir la primacía mundial, si es que alguna vez la tuvo.
Trump may not appreciate just how isolated the U.S. and Israel are among Israel’s Arab and Sunni neighbours.
The West doesn’t have the financial clout to pursue global primacy – if it ever did.
Of course, a victory narrative was too valuable to be foregone. Yet nonetheless, unexplained events matter.
Todos os “jogos” de guerra realizados ao longo de anos sucessivos resultaram na derrota dos Estados Unidos.
Israel teeters at the edge: it will not be able to impose itself over the plurality of resistance that it faces.
All the war “games” played over successive years have resulted in America losing.
‘Jugar limpio’ no cambiará su paradigma. El fracaso sí.
Playing nice’ won’t change its paradigm. Failure does.
O Ocidente está passando por pelo menos uma, potencialmente duas, derrotas esmagadoras no momento – e então surge a pergunta: as lições serão aprendidas?