Tag: Yellow Vests

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Now Is the Time for a Right-Wing ‘Eurovision’
Now Is the Time for a Right-Wing ‘Eurovision’
May 31, 2019

The European Parliament elections are not a moment of triumph for today’s winners who want a self-respecting, powerful and dignified Europe to make its return, but this victory is at least an opportunity to make further strides towards that end.

Maimed Yellow Vest Protestors: Worse Than Getting Shot
May 2, 2019

One bizarre irony in our strange postmodern times is that if the Yellow Vests were actually being shot at by real guns and being killed they would be far closer to achieving some sort of systemic change.

Maimed Yellow Vest Protestors: Worse Than Getting Shot
Notre-Dame Fire: the Drama and the Interpretations
Notre-Dame Fire: the Drama and the Interpretations
April 17, 2019

The key thing to understand from a philosophical perspective is that we can view this event from any angle that we wish, and from a political perspective we can use this event to push any narrative that we desire.

Globalism’s Last Disgrace: The Army vs. the Yellow Vests
March 27, 2019

The real fear for Macron is not a violent demonstration that ends with protestors shot and killed. No, the real fear is the protests that are peaceful.

Globalism’s Last Disgrace: The Army vs. the Yellow Vests
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Yellow Vest Movement Not Yet Changing Its Color to Green
Editor's Сhoice
Yellow Vest Movement Not Yet Changing Its Color to Green
March 22, 2019

From Paris, Léa Bouchoucha reports for Consortium News on two sets of demonstrators, some of whom are mingling while others keep a distance.

Italian Meddling at French Maidan: When Will Russia Be Accused?
February 14, 2019

There is an official boogeyman for France to blame: Italian Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio who has met and openly been photographed with key players inside the yellow vest movement.

Italian Meddling at French Maidan: When Will Russia Be Accused?
France’s Red Scarves: Ready-Made Counter-Protest and New Media Darlings
Editor's Сhoice
France’s Red Scarves: Ready-Made Counter-Protest and New Media Darlings
January 30, 2019

As the “Yellow Vest,” or Gilet Jaunes, protest in France continues to perplex and concern the French government and European elites, a new “counter-protest” has emerged in response to the popular protest movement now entering its 12th week.

The Yellow Vests, the Crisis of the Welfare State and Socialism
January 26, 2019

Socialism is the only answer to this situation, the crisis of the welfare state. The only way to keep the results of economic activity inside the country and available for social services is to nationalize the industries, so that they become public goods, owned collectively and not by private individuals and stockholders.

The Yellow Vests, the Crisis of the Welfare State and Socialism
Editor's Сhoice