Tag: Yanukovich

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Who Began this Filthy War? Why didn’t We Side with Democracy Against the Kiev Mob?
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Who Began this Filthy War? Why didn’t We Side with Democracy Against the Kiev Mob?
March 20, 2024

It is ten years, not two years, since the war in Ukraine began. And once you have grasped that, you can begin to think clearly about it. What is Britain’s interest in this conflict? Why do so many in politics and the media cheer for carnage that has devastated Ukraine, the country they claim to love and admire? What has Ukraine gained from it? What can Ukraine and its people possibly gain from it?

Yanukovych Asks Russia for Help in Restoring Law and Order in Ukraine
March 6, 2014

Ukraine’s democratically-elected President Viktor Yanukovych, in exile in Russia, sent a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin asking for Russia to use its armed forces to restore law and order to Ukraine. The fact that a third of Ukrainian ministries are now firmly in the hands of neo-Nazis representing the Svoboda and Right Sector political parties… Yanukovych’s letter to Putin was released by Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin. In the letter, Yanukovych told Putin, «The country has plunged into chaos and anarchy. The country is in the grip of outright terror and violence driven by the West. In this context, I appeal to the President of Russia Vladimir V. Putin to use the armed forces of the Russian Federation to re-establish the rule of law, peace, order, stability, and to protect the people of Ukraine»…

Yanukovych Asks Russia for Help in Restoring Law and Order in Ukraine
Turning a Cold War Tactic back on the West: Headquartering «Captive Nations» in Moscow
Turning a Cold War Tactic back on the West: Headquartering «Captive Nations» in Moscow
March 2, 2014

During the Cold War, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency concocted a scheme by which so-called «Captive Nations», so-called «satellite» nations of eastern and central Europe and countries lacking United Nations membership, such as Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, were treated as subjugated nation-states by the West… With the ouster of the democratically-elected government of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych by forces representing neo-Nazi, World Bank, and reactionary Ukrainian nationalist forces, the Russian government is in a position to grant «Captive Nation» status to not only a Ukrainian government-in-exile (GIE) but also to any other progressive government overthrown by street mobs and neo-fascists… The world is at a crossroads. It can follow the West into austerity, bankruptcy, and subjugation as a «captive planet». Or it can stand with the Ukrainian government-in-exile, Russia, China, Venezuela, Thailand, and other progressive countries against the rise of neo-fascism and tyranny…

Ukraine: Noose around Neck of US Diplomacy
February 28, 2014

The White House has decided that Ukraine is in for a transition period, though it’s not clear where exactly the country is heading to. President Obama promises to cooperate with all parties without having an idea who he means exactly. It’s not known as yet who has happened to be a winner or a loser as a result of US intervention, but the contemporary plight of Ukraine allows calling it a non-existent state. America cannot stay away from the events in Ukraine but it is not ready to act on its own. The US knows how to destabilize other countries but in the given case it would like to rectify the situation with the help of Moscow…

Ukraine: Noose around Neck of US Diplomacy
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The Massive PSYOP Employed against Ukraine by GCHQ and NSA
The Massive PSYOP Employed against Ukraine by GCHQ and NSA
February 28, 2014

…In Ukraine, the democratically-elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych fell more quickly than either Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak or Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi simply because the Western corporate media fully cooperated in FIVE EYES efforts to activate armies of sock puppets with aliases who disseminated anti-Yanukovych propaganda and, with the assistance of the global corporate news media, «pushed stories»… One media organization after another likened the shooting deaths to the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989 and Yanukovych was likened to Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi, both of whom fell victim to early embryonic computer network information operations…

Western Experts Compare Former Yugoslavia with Ukraine
February 22, 2014

 The West is intent to divide Ukraine according to Yugoslavia scenario using for the purpose the «color revolution» technology perfected during the Arab Spring. Summing it all up, that’s how the situation in Ukraine is viewed by independent Western experts… «In reality, Washington’s goal is not to push the country into the arms of the European Union, but to deprive Russia of its historical partners. To do this, the United States is prepared to ignite a new civil war on the continent», affirms Thierry Meyssan, a well-known French journalist…

Western Experts Compare Former Yugoslavia with Ukraine
War in Ukraine: What is its Hidden Purpose?
War in Ukraine: What is its Hidden Purpose?
February 21, 2014

…The events in Ukraine unfold under the direct and overt interference of the United States and the European Union. Their envoys and diplomats have constantly threatened the President of Ukraine and key members of Cabinet with sanctions… Shots were heard in Kiev, in Western Ukraine «peaceful protesters» assaulted military sites and police stations while Vice President Joe Biden was talking with President Yanukovych on the phone demanding to take the special operations forces from the streets of Ukrainian capital. Probably he wanted them away so that they would not create obstacles on the way of breaking into private homes, robbing pharmacies and killing political opponents in their own offices…

US Assistant Secretary Nuland Visits Ukraine – Some Thoughts to Share (II)
February 6, 2014

…So the democratically elected government of Ukraine somehow lacks legitimacy and the US sends «folks» to rectify the situation. State Department’s Victoria Nuland, the leader of «folks», is at the head of the process. She is openly supporting the opposition. She has visited the protesters’ headquarters and held rousing speeches in front of the excited crowds. The Assistant Secretary openly admitted that the US spent billions of dollars on ‘democratizing’ Ukraine. There is also a reason to believe that if worst comes to worst and the situation would make the US and Russia join efforts like they do in Syria, Mrs. Assistant Secretary will be a wrong person in the wrong position and at the wrong time. Because then there will be a need for constructive approach instead of brazen behavior unworthy of someone who is a career diplomat. Otherwise what career diplomats are for?

US Assistant Secretary Nuland Visits Ukraine – Some Thoughts to Share (II)