Tag: Wilson

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National Independence Is a Narcissistic Delusion That Needs an Illiberal Answer
National Independence Is a Narcissistic Delusion That Needs an Illiberal Answer
August 17, 2021

The question of what is to be gained by independence or just how real said independence would be is never considered. The question of why being independent is somehow inherently good is also not open to discussion or explanation.

Woodrow Wilson Goes to Europe: One Hundred Years of Delusional American Madness
December 22, 2018

Every US president really believes that the United States is unique in history and fated to remake the entire world in its own image.

Woodrow Wilson Goes to Europe: One Hundred Years of Delusional American Madness
When the US Invaded Russia
Editor's Сhoice
When the US Invaded Russia
July 23, 2018

Amidst the backdrop of increased U.S.-Russian tensions and even talk of war, long forgotten is the time the U.S. actually invaded, explains Jeff Klein.

Trump Could Make an FDR-Style Grand Bargain with Russia
February 15, 2017

Many have been critical of President Donald J. Trump's desire to cooperate with Russia. Yet, more than half a century ago, Franklin D. Roosevelt behaved in a similar manner towards Moscow and experienced similar forces.

Trump Could Make an FDR-Style Grand Bargain with Russia
Editor's Сhoice
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Western Hypocrisy, and Why It Makes the World a Dangerous Place
Western Hypocrisy, and Why It Makes the World a Dangerous Place
October 16, 2016

The West has always been a great trembling hive of hypocrisy, portraying itself as liberal, progressive, civilised and democratic. You know the descriptors; the list is very long. Take the United States, for example, it is the «shining house upon the hill»: just, altruistic, democratic, with a «mission to extend individual liberties throughout the world».