Tag: Williamson

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Democrats Ready to Lose With Elizabeth Warren or Marianne Williamson in 2020
Democrats Ready to Lose With Elizabeth Warren or Marianne Williamson in 2020
August 5, 2019

Democrats usually choose to be stupid rather than to win. They have had only two re-elected presidents (Bill Clinton and Barack Obama) in the past three quarters of a century since Franklin Roosevelt died in 1945.

The Return of Sammy Glick
June 30, 2019

Within only weeks of being fired by Prime Minister Theresa May for flagrant irresponsibility and security leaks, former UK Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson is now a leading ally of Boris Johnson in his drive to become prime minister.

The Return of Sammy Glick
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How Gavin Williamson Almost Certainly Got Caught
Editor's Сhoice
How Gavin Williamson Almost Certainly Got Caught
May 8, 2019

It’s ironic is it not that the Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson, so close to the security services should get caught by the very surveillance services the state has been denying any knowledge of. Craig Murray, former UK ambassador makes an excellent point when it comes to Williamson’s downfall, that America did not want Britain to build 5G infrastructure using Huawei technology – and got its way, irrespective. As for Britain – unable to make even basic decisions without controversy is just another indication of the sheer ineptitude of government the nation is suffering from. Nothing like taking back control eh!

Prime Minister May and the Huawei Scandal
May 7, 2019

Last Wednesday, Senior U.K. Cabinet ministers were hauled before a leak inquiry to determine who was responsible for the unprecedented reporting of highly secret discussions concerning national security. Gavin Williamson was found to be guilty by an investigation of Theresa May’s instigation. Her letter to Williamson was not unambiguous – it categorically stated he was guilty. There was no margin for misunderstanding. As Williamson heads to the backbenches, May has made a new enemy – one who was a party whip – with all the secrets that role comes with.

Prime Minister May and the Huawei Scandal
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The ‘Boy Toys’ Who Dream of Leading the West
The ‘Boy Toys’ Who Dream of Leading the West
March 26, 2019

When ruling establishments lose every vestige of decency and confidence in public scrutiny, they turn to appointing nonentities as public figureheads, as the only figures weak enough not to threaten them with any hint of independence.

What Makes Gavin Run? Britain’s Defense Secretary and the Psychology of Military Incompetence
March 9, 2019

In less than a year and a half in office, Williamson has already established himself as the most farcical and inept defense chief in British history.

What Makes Gavin Run? Britain’s Defense Secretary and the Psychology of Military Incompetence
Gavin Williamson, Britain’s Paintball Strategist
Gavin Williamson, Britain’s Paintball Strategist
February 20, 2019

Internationally, Britain is regarded with amused derision tempered by compassion for its dithering and inchoate approach to the Brexit fiasco. Domestically it is incapacitated.

Britain’s New Aircraft Carriers: The Pride of Airstrip One
February 9, 2019

The British Empire is dead. It is time for Airstrip One to wake up and recognize its real place in a very different world.

Britain’s New Aircraft Carriers: The Pride of Airstrip One