Tag: Virginia

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Democrats Get Schooled in Politics 101: Don’t Tread on Soccer Moms
Democrats Get Schooled in Politics 101: Don’t Tread on Soccer Moms
November 11, 2021

The woke flag may be flying high inside of Democratic headquarters, but in towns and cities across America it looks every bit as ominous as the appearance of a Jolly Roger on the horizon.

Should Parents Get a Say in Education?
October 29, 2021

Who decides what is taught in the public schools that are paid for with the tax dollars of the parents who send their children there?

Should Parents Get a Say in Education?
Editor's Сhoice
The Virginia 2A Protest is the model for Counter Color Revolution
The Virginia 2A Protest is the model for Counter Color Revolution
February 3, 2020

If the Multipolar World wants to survive it has to activate its Silent Majority to protect itself from Color Revolution tactics.