Tag: US Special Operations Forces

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Pentagon Wants to Return Special Ops Propagandists to Ukraine
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Pentagon Wants to Return Special Ops Propagandists to Ukraine
February 13, 2023

Nobody’s going to consent to being made poorer, colder, and less safe over some global power struggle that doesn’t benefit them unless that consent is actively manufactured.

Shadowy U.S. Spy Firm Promises to Surveil Crypto Users for the Highest Bidder
December 16, 2022

Leaked files reviewed by MintPress expose how intelligence services the world over can track cryptocurrency transactions to their source and therefore identify users by monitoring the movements of smartphone and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, such as Amazon Echo. The contents comprehensively detonate the myth of crypto anonymity, and have grave implications for individuals and states seeking to shield their financial activity from the prying eyes of hostile governments and authorities.

Shadowy U.S. Spy Firm Promises to Surveil Crypto Users for the Highest Bidder
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VIDEO: Former Top Pentagon Advisor Col. Doug Macgregor on Russia-Ukraine War
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VIDEO: Former Top Pentagon Advisor Col. Doug Macgregor on Russia-Ukraine War
March 18, 2022

Former senior advisor the Secretary of Defense Col. Doug Macgregor joined Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate for a candid, live discussion of the Russia-Ukraine war.

‘We Trained Nazis’ – Former U.S. Marine Corp Intelligence Officer, Scott Ritter
March 18, 2022

“We Trained Nazis” – Former US Marine Corp Intelligence Officer, Scott Ritter. “The first troops to be trained by US and British soldiers were the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion”

‘We Trained Nazis’ – Former U.S. Marine Corp Intelligence Officer, Scott Ritter
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Using and abusing Djibouti: How the U.S. transformed a tiny African state into a hub of imperial aggression
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Using and abusing Djibouti: How the U.S. transformed a tiny African state into a hub of imperial aggression
January 2, 2022

From Djibouti, the US trains proxies and bombs strategically-important countries in the name of democracy and counterterrorism. To justify the country’s militarization, Washington hypes fears over China’s regional ambitions.

Former ISIS Commanders Rehabilitated as Traffic Cops in Raqqa Suburbs Under US Watch
April 22, 2019

Locals of Ein Issa, a Syrian town just north of the city of Raqqa are reportedly fed up with former ISIS members and commanders who have been rehabilitated by U.S. proxy forces as traffic cops.

Former ISIS Commanders Rehabilitated as Traffic Cops in Raqqa Suburbs Under US Watch
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Make No Mistake: ISIS Needs the US to Survive
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Make No Mistake: ISIS Needs the US to Survive
January 21, 2019

This week's fatal attack was a calculated event designed to sow chaos amid American withdrawal. And the Blob is responding predictably.

US Troops Came to Syria to Stay
December 17, 2018

Wherever US forces show up, mass slaughter and destruction follow. Syria is Obama’s war, inherited and escalated by Trump regime hardliners in charge of his geopolitical agenda.

US Troops Came to Syria to Stay
Editor's Сhoice