Tag: US Nuclear Posture Review

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Did Trump Just Threaten to Attack Iran With Nukes?
Editor's Сhoice
Did Trump Just Threaten to Attack Iran With Nukes?
July 26, 2019

He said he could destroy Afghanistan but was signaling elsewhere. The scary part is there’s already a plan.

Russia Expert’s 2017 Prophecy About the Nuclear Threat of Russiagate Is Coming True
June 19, 2019

The New York Times has published an anonymously sourced report titled “U.S. Escalates Online Attacks on Russia’s Power Grid” about the “placement of potentially crippling malware inside the Russian system at a depth and with an aggressiveness that had never been tried before” which could potentially “plunge Russia into darkness or cripple its military,” with one anonymous official reporting that “We are doing things at a scale that we never contemplated a few years ago.”

Russia Expert’s 2017 Prophecy About the Nuclear Threat of Russiagate Is Coming True
Editor's Сhoice
US Nuclear Safety: A Critical Problem That Has Largely Been Kept Out of the Public Eye
US Nuclear Safety: A Critical Problem That Has Largely Been Kept Out of the Public Eye
September 22, 2018

Nuclear safety in the US is a critical issue that deserves far more public attention.

Trump Needs to Put Up or Shut Up on Russian Arms Race
July 15, 2018

If in Helsinki, Trump and Putin could agree only to have the SVC conduct special inspections to resolve these issues, it would represent no small achievement. It would also pave the way for more meaningful arms reductions to come.

Trump Needs to Put Up or Shut Up on Russian Arms Race
Editor's Сhoice
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US Challenges Russia to Nuclear War
US Challenges Russia to Nuclear War
June 6, 2018

Trump is now pushing to the limit, presumably in the confident expectation that as the US President, he can safely grab any territory and steal any oil or other natural resource that he wishes.

US Congress Set to Fund New Low-Yield Nuclear Warhead
May 30, 2018

The new flexible warhead dangerously lowers the nuclear threshold. Any commander-in-chief would feel less restrained from using low-yield ordnance in a crisis.

US Congress Set to Fund New Low-Yield Nuclear Warhead
Why the World Is a More Dangerous Place Today Than It Was During the Cold War
Why the World Is a More Dangerous Place Today Than It Was During the Cold War
March 23, 2018

On 9 August 2017 President Trump tweeted “My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before.” This statement was apparently intended to intimidate the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, who tested a nuclear-capable ballistic missile three months later.

The Expanding Threat from Washington’s Nuclear Weapons
February 12, 2018

The threat to world peace from expanding US military operations and nuclear development is increasing day by day. The New Cold War emphasis on massive destruction has brought the world closer to Doomsday.

The Expanding Threat from Washington’s Nuclear Weapons