Tag: U.S. Department of State

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Antony Blinken’s irrelevance
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Antony Blinken’s irrelevance
June 13, 2024

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has become the subject of mockery again following the bizarre incident where he took the stage and played electric guitar in the Ukrainian capital. It must have been poor compensation for the soldiers who came expecting reassurance that their return to the front line would not be in vain.

Scott Ritter another American voice for sanity and peace gets cancelled
June 7, 2024

The prevention of Ritter travelling to speak and broadcast from Russia is a sure sign that the Western imperialist warmongers are afraid of the truth.

Scott Ritter another American voice for sanity and peace gets cancelled
Blinken’s visa threats expose U.S. hypocrisy
Editor's Сhoice
Blinken’s visa threats expose U.S. hypocrisy
May 10, 2024

“A good example,” said Pope Francis, “brings about so much good, but hypocrisy brings about so much evil.”

U.S. State Dept’s Favorite Celebrity Chef Builds Gaza Aid Dock With Stolen Rubble
March 28, 2024

After years of accusing Russia of using food as a weapon in its conflict with Ukraine, State Department “culinary ambassador” José Andrés is working with the Israeli government to supplant UNRWA as the main supplier of aid to northern Gaza.

U.S. State Dept’s Favorite Celebrity Chef Builds Gaza Aid Dock With Stolen Rubble
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Nuland Should Have Gone Sooner
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Nuland Should Have Gone Sooner
March 22, 2024

I wish I could take more pleasure in Victoria Nuland’s retirement from government service, which the State Department announced today. Don’t get me wrong; I take some pleasure in it. Who could not? For more than three decades, under six presidents (but notably not Donald Trump), Nuland pushed American foreign policy in a neoconservative direction and sowed instability around the globe.

Exit of Victoria Nuland Presents Opportunity for Peace in Ukraine
March 15, 2024

The imperative must be to chart a path back from this hopeless but ever-escalating war of attrition to the negotiating table that the U.S. and Britain upended nearly two years ago

Exit of Victoria Nuland Presents Opportunity for Peace in Ukraine
Editor's Сhoice
15 U.S.-Backed Officers had Hand in 12 West African Coups
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15 U.S.-Backed Officers had Hand in 12 West African Coups
October 6, 2023

But the State Department doesn’t know anything about it — or doesn’t want to. Why?

American Citizen Journalist Sitting in Ukraine Prison, State Dept. Confirms, as Biden Begs for Billions More to Protect Ukrainian ‘Freedom’
September 21, 2023

While lawmakers on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. debate sending billions more in military aid to Ukraine, an American citizen journalist, Gonzalo Lira, is languishing in a Ukrainian prison on allegations of spreading Russian propaganda, throwing into question the status of free speech in the supposed democracy the Biden administration argues is worthy of more taxpayer dollars.

American Citizen Journalist Sitting in Ukraine Prison, State Dept. Confirms, as Biden Begs for Billions More to Protect Ukrainian ‘Freedom’
Editor's Сhoice