Tag: Ukrainegate

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¡Abran los ojos!: El periodista de EEUU Gonzalo Lira, que había criticado a Zelenski y Biden, murió tras brutales torturas en una prisión ucraniana
¡Abran los ojos!: El periodista de EEUU Gonzalo Lira, que había criticado a Zelenski y Biden, murió tras brutales torturas en una prisión ucraniana
January 25, 2024

En julio del año pasado, el Servicio de Seguridad de Ucrania (SBU) informó que había detenido al bloguero estadounidense Gonzalo Lira. Según el SBU, fue arrestado por “justificar la agresión rusa contra Ucrania”. Es decir, habló sobre la situación actual en Ucrania, las atrocidades del régimen de Kiev y criticó a la OTAN y a la administración Biden.

Insane Signals, One Conclusion… U.S. and NATO Partners Are Inciting War Against Russia
January 21, 2022

Washington and its NATO allies are jeopardizing peace in Europe. They are creating the conditions for war between nuclear powers.

Insane Signals, One Conclusion… U.S. and NATO Partners Are Inciting War Against Russia
From RussiaGate to UkraineGate: Route to Apocalypse
Editor's Сhoice
From RussiaGate to UkraineGate: Route to Apocalypse
April 16, 2021

Corruption and supposed efforts to reduce it have become a neoconservative weapon of choice with which to operate the controls on the funding sluice gates to acolytes of the U.S.-led international neoconservative empire.

U.S. Empire: Biden and Kerry Gave Orders to Ukraine’s President
May 28, 2020

Whether or not there are already ongoing negotiations between the Trump team and the Obama team regarding how America will be run (or how America’s ‘elections’ will be run), is even less certain.

U.S. Empire: Biden and Kerry Gave Orders to Ukraine’s President
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Hidden Evidence Regarding Ukrainegate
Hidden Evidence Regarding Ukrainegate
December 18, 2019

Given the way in which Trump’s State Department buried the release of this data-dump, Trump has not been eager to get the real story out there.

Why the UkraineGate Hearings Didn’t Move the Dial
December 2, 2019

Trump violated established presidential and foreign policy norms by trying to trade arms to Ukraine in return for political filth on Biden.

Why the UkraineGate Hearings Didn’t Move the Dial
Editor's Сhoice
Ukraine, Trump, Biden — The Real Story Behind ‘Ukrainegate’
Ukraine, Trump, Biden — The Real Story Behind ‘Ukrainegate’
November 27, 2019

The politically topsy-turvy result is Democrats trying to impeach the Republican Trump for his trying to cut back on Obama’s imperialistic (anti-FDR) agenda. Trump, after all, didn’t do the coup to Ukraine; Obama did.

Yes, Ukraine Interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election
November 26, 2019

The hacking of email accounts belonging to the John Podesta and the Democratic National Committee revealed to Americans the corruption of the Democratic Party, including the way that the primaries are run.

Yes, Ukraine Interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election
Editor's Сhoice