Tag: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

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President Putin’s Valdai Speech: Obama’s Legacy Can Be Rectified
President Putin’s Valdai Speech: Obama’s Legacy Can Be Rectified
October 30, 2016

At a meeting of the Valdai international discussion club, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he hoped for improvement of Russia-US relationship after a new president takes office in Washington. According to the president, Russia and the United States should «break out of this vicious circle» and proceed to a new level of relations…

Europe Moving Away from the US to Become More Independent
September 13, 2016

Federica Mogherini, the current High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, has said a timetable setting out steps to create EU military structures, billed by some countries as the foundation of a «European army», will be announced in a few days…

Europe Moving Away from the US to Become More Independent
US Faces Major Setback As Europeans Revolt Against TTIP
US Faces Major Setback As Europeans Revolt Against TTIP
September 4, 2016

France wants to halt thorny EU-US trade talks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) as President Francois Hollande underlined there would be no deal until after President Barack Obama leaves office in January…

Brexit’s Potential Impact on the Transatlantic Partnership
July 8, 2016

As is known, the conclusion of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement being lobbied for by Washington would create the world’s largest free trade zone and the free movement of capital. Today, the US and EU together (including the UK) are estimated to account for half of global GDP and a third of world trade. Brexit, however, may introduce new elements into the Transatlantic Partnership equation…

Brexit’s Potential Impact on the Transatlantic Partnership
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TTIP, “Economic Nato”
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TTIP, “Economic Nato”
June 23, 2016

Citizens, local authorities, parliaments, governments, entire states depleted of economic choices, placed in the hands of organizations controlled by multinationals and financial groups, violating labour rights, environmental protection and food security, demolishing public services and communal goods. It is for these reasons, articulated by the campaign “Stop TTIP” that sponsored the demonstration held on 7 May at Rome, that the “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership” (TTIP) must be rejected. The EU and the US have been negotiating the TTIP in secret…

The Collapse of the European Union: Return to National Sovereignty and to Happy Europeans?
May 22, 2016

Imagine – the European Union were to collapse tomorrow – or any day soon for that matter. Europeans would dance in the streets. The EU has become a sheer pothole of fear and terror: Economic sanctions – punishment, mounting militarization, the abolition of civil rights for most Europeans. A group of unelected technocrats, representing 28 countries, many of them unfit to serve in their own countries’ political system, but connected well enough to get a plum job in Brussels – are deciding the future of Europe. In small groups and often in secret chambers they decide the future of Europe.

The Collapse of the European Union: Return to National Sovereignty and to Happy Europeans?
Editor's Сhoice
Kill TTIP Now
Editor's Сhoice
Kill TTIP Now
May 16, 2016

In his May 9, 2016, speech to European medical professionals, Michael Hudson points out that the result of TTIP for Europe will be the privatization of health care systems with the associated much higher costs.

Trade Deals and the Environmental Crisis
May 14, 2016

With the release of leaked documents from the TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) ‘trade’ deal Greenpeace framed its conclusions more diplomatically than I will: the actions of the U.S. political leadership undertaken at the behest of American corporate ‘leaders’ and their masters in the capitalist class make it among the most profoundly destructive forces in human history. At a time when environmental milestones pointing to irreversible global warming are being reached on a daily basis, the U.S. political leadership’s response is to pronounce publicly that it favors environmental resolution while using ‘trade’ negotiations to assure that effective resolution never takes place…

Trade Deals and the Environmental Crisis
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