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Afghanistan Ready to Play Connector Role in Eurasian Integration
Editor's Сhoice
Afghanistan Ready to Play Connector Role in Eurasian Integration
February 27, 2018

The US$8 billion,1,814-kilometer Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline (TAPI) was officially inaugurated on Friday, in full pomp, and with proceedings broadcast live on Afghan TV, on the Turkmen-Afghan border close to Herat.

How Turkey, Iran, Russia and India Are Playing the New Silk Roads
November 22, 2017

…Away from intractable war and peace issues, it’s even more enlightening to observe how Turkey, Iran and Russia are playing their overlapping versions of Eurasia economic integration and/or BRI-related business.

How Turkey, Iran, Russia and India Are Playing the New Silk Roads
Editor's Сhoice
Turkmen Gas and the Pipeline Politics
Turkmen Gas and the Pipeline Politics
January 26, 2014

…American taxpayers, who last year were paying USD 12 million a day for their troops to stay in Afghanistan, are now going to have to put their hands in their pockets again for the TAPI project, the cost of which is estimated to be USD 8 billion. The economic inviability of the TAPI project for the Americans has become particularly evident at the present time. China has made this project useless to the Americans, having become the main decision maker regarding Central Asia’s gas resources. The expropriation of Washington’s plans came about as a result of a contract between the state gas company Turkmengaz and the Chinese company CNPC for the sale of 25 billion cubic metres of gas per year…

A Road Show for Turkmen Gas
August 25, 2012

The Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline project [TAPI] is being taken out of its region for a Road Show in the West in September, prospecting for eligible suitors who would be interested to get engaged with it. The Asian Development Bank has been designated as the Transaction Advisor for the road show, which is proposed for September 10-20. The ADB will organize the ‘road show’ in the major financial hubs like Singapore, London and New York… The United States has voiced enthusiasm for the ‘road show’. “Many American companies are very interested in participating,” US assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asia Robert Blake said during his recent regional tour of Central Asia…

A Road Show for Turkmen Gas
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What the Future Holds for the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline
What the Future Holds for the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline
May 29, 2012

On May 23, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India penned a deal to construct the Trans-Afghanistan pipeline which is supposed to pump gas from Turkmenistan to South Asia… The invention of the project to construct a pipeline linking the Caspian region and Afghanistan dates back to the Soviet era. The theme was reopened by the US after the collapse of the USSR with the aim of reconfiguring the region's transit network so as to pull apart Russia on the one side and the Central Asia plus the Caucasus on the other… The Trans-Afghanistan pipeline project was reborn in the late 2000ies, when Ashgabat took to diversifying its gas export routes and the US needed to offer India and Pakistan viable alternatives to gas import from Iran…