Tag: Sweden

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Brasil, EE.UU. y la compra de aviones suecos
Brasil, EE.UU. y la compra de aviones suecos
November 20, 2024

Una reorganización de la política interna es esencial para hacer posible cualquier intento más audaz en el área externa.

La militarización de Escandinavia y la Gran Guerra del Norte 2.0
September 15, 2024

Cómo una región de paz se convirtió en una primera línea estadounidense

La militarización de Escandinavia y la Gran Guerra del Norte 2.0
Can NATO Survive a Loss in Ukraine?
Editor's Сhoice
Can NATO Survive a Loss in Ukraine?
March 18, 2024

Killing off a bureaucracy — whether civilian or military — is nigh impossible. But the impending defeat of Ukraine on the battlefield by Russia presents one of those watershed moments in history where the raison d’etre of NATO will be exposed as a fraud. Much has been made in recent months about NATO’s supposed growing strength by citing the addition of Sweden and Finland as new NATO members. But this is illusory.

Sweden Closing Nordsteam Investigation a Shocking Coverup – Investigator
March 17, 2024

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal interviews Swedish engineer Erik Andersson, who led the first independent investigation to the site of the Nordstream pipelines blast sites, on the Swedish government’s sudden closing of the investigation into the terror attack on the eve of joining NATO.

Sweden Closing Nordsteam Investigation a Shocking Coverup – Investigator
Editor's Сhoice
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NATO Access a Strategic Suicide for Sweden
NATO Access a Strategic Suicide for Sweden
March 13, 2024

Historically neutral, Sweden is now taking part in a possible global conflict, supporting NATO against the Russian Federation.

Entrada na OTAN é um suicídio estratégico para a Suécia
March 12, 2024

Historicamente neutra, a Suécia agora toma parte em um possível conflito global, apoiando a OTAN contra a Federação Russa.

Entrada na OTAN é um suicídio estratégico para a Suécia
Sweden Is Encouraging Quran Burning
Sweden Is Encouraging Quran Burning
July 2, 2023

Muslims and Muslim immigrants living in Sweden are feeling they are not welcome, not respected, and not appreciated.

Two Bombings in One Night? That’s Normal Now in Sweden
September 24, 2022

My country just voted in a right-wing government. The almost 500 bombings since 2018 may have something to do with it.

Two Bombings in One Night? That’s Normal Now in Sweden
Editor's Сhoice