Tag: Stephen Lendman

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US Hostility Toward Russia Risks Nuclear War
Editor's Сhoice
US Hostility Toward Russia Risks Nuclear War
January 19, 2018

They were deplorable before Trump entered office, greatly deteriorated since his inauguration – an unacceptably dangerous situation, showing no signs of changing.

WaPo’s Editorial War on Russia
January 13, 2018

The neocon Washington Post is a CIA house organ, serving its pure evil agenda, its targeted assassinations, its orchestrated color revolution attempts to topple foreign governments.

WaPo’s Editorial War on Russia
Editor's Сhoice
No Joy to the World This Holiday Season
Editor's Сhoice
No Joy to the World This Holiday Season
December 26, 2017

How can there be joy with Washington and its imperial allies waging war on humanity, raping and destroying countries, responsible for millions of casualties post-9/11 alone!

Will Trump Drain the Swamp As Promised?
November 20, 2016

Promises are easy to make, fulfilling them another matter entirely. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Trump has lots of proving to do. I intend cutting him some slack, withholding criticism like media scoundrels and many others until he starts governing – then holding his feet to the fire if he fails to deliver, commending him for what’s praiseworthy…

Will Trump Drain the Swamp As Promised?