Tag: Star Wars

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Star Wars Revisited: One More Nightmare From Trump
Editor's Сhoice
Star Wars Revisited: One More Nightmare From Trump
January 21, 2019

Trump’s Pentagon is reviving ideas that were abandoned after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, including weapons that can shoot down missiles from space and high energy lasers that can destroy missiles shortly after they are launched, the so-called boost phase.

Star Wars Redux: Trump’s Space Force
June 23, 2018

If Donald Trump gets his way on formation of a Space Force, the heavens would become a war zone. Inevitably, there would be military conflict in space. If the U.S. goes up into space with weapons, Russia and China, and then India and Pakistan and other countries, will follow.

Star Wars Redux: Trump’s Space Force
Editor's Сhoice
Hyping North Korea to Relaunch Reagan’s Star Wars?
Editor's Сhoice
Hyping North Korea to Relaunch Reagan’s Star Wars?
August 16, 2017

Since Trump issued "fire and fury" threats against North Korea (the DPRK), sanity has taken over among serious people. The talk of preventive strikes on North Korea within the expert community has largely ended. It was never a seriously possibility. North Korea has many options to retaliate to any strike and all would come with catastrophic damage to South Korea and Japan and thereby to U.S. interests in Asia.

Putting Weapons in Space: Top Issue to Face President Trump
January 22, 2017

This year the world marks the 50th anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty. It’s time to look back and make conclusions. Arms control is always better than an unchecked rivalry.,,

Putting Weapons in Space: Top Issue to Face President Trump
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Back to «Star Wars»: Obama Signs FY2017 Defense Bill
Back to «Star Wars»: Obama Signs FY2017 Defense Bill
December 29, 2016

As the entire system of arms control is eroding, a war in the orbit appears to be a not so distant future. The US has just taken a big step forward to unleash an arms race in space…

US Tests Space Weapon: Back to Star Wars (II)
August 24, 2015

We may not know the whole truth, but it is generally believed that until now arms systems have not been stationed in space. Weapons of mass destruction are banned from space under the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. But the Treaty does not prohibit the placement of conventional weapons in orbit…

US Tests Space Weapon: Back to Star Wars (II)
US Tests Space Weapon: Back to Star Wars (I)
US Tests Space Weapon: Back to Star Wars (I)
August 23, 2015

With public attention centered on other things the United States has been deploying new and more sophisticated weaponry in space. Step by step the Earth’s orbit is becoming primed for war. A growing number of space objects lurk in space and there is a good reason to surmise that they are possibly waiting for commands to disable other satellites and start a star war. The US deploys powerful sea-based Aegis air-defense systems that, with accurate guidance, could reach into orbit to destroy enemy spacecraft…