Tag: George Soros

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Meet the ‘new George Soros’ using front groups to influence elections
Editor's Сhoice
Meet the ‘new George Soros’ using front groups to influence elections
May 25, 2024

The following is an excerpt from Scott Walter’s “Arabella: The Dark Money Network of Leftist Billionaires Transforming America,” published by Encounter Books. It can be purchased here.

«Las ONG que financia Soros perjudican la lucha contra el crimen»
May 3, 2024

Denuncia que grupos como IDL en Perú, usan a la Corte IDH para desacreditar a Bukele. ‘Su negocio es altamente rentable, y consiste en tergiversar la verdad’, alerta.

«Las ONG que financia Soros perjudican la lucha contra el crimen»
Soros-Funded Election Interference Network Uncovered in Europe
Editor's Сhoice
Soros-Funded Election Interference Network Uncovered in Europe
February 23, 2024

The heads of a U.S.-based NGO are on tape admitting to influencing the Polish and Hungarian elections on behalf of their primary donor, the billionaire George Soros.

Waging WOKE Warfare Across the United States Takes a Major Hit
June 3, 2023

Not only do America’s children not want male freaks in dresses terrorising them but they do not want those freaks lecturing to them from the huge podium Disney’s movies offer them.

Waging WOKE Warfare Across the United States Takes a Major Hit
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Soros and the Kiev Regime… Supping With the Devil
Soros and the Kiev Regime… Supping With the Devil
October 17, 2022

A Jewish-born billionaire funding a Nazi regime in Ukraine to do his bidding is not beyond cynical calculation. It’s what capitalism is all about.

Has America’s Patience With George Soros Finally Run Out?
August 11, 2022

“If you would know who controls you,” Tacitus, the Roman historian and politician once advised, “see who you may not criticize.”

Has America’s Patience With George Soros Finally Run Out?
Kazakhstan: Another Western-Ordered ‘Maidan’ in the Making?
Kazakhstan: Another Western-Ordered ‘Maidan’ in the Making?
January 9, 2022

Nur-Sultan’s greatest challenge is removing self-interested foreign elements that are agitating on behalf of regional chaos.

Soros’ Dream: To Turn China Into a Neoliberal Grabitization Opportunity
September 3, 2021

George Soros is obviously upset that President Xi is not Boris Yeltsin, and that China is not following the kleptocracy dependency that warped Russia’s economy.

Soros’ Dream: To Turn China Into a Neoliberal Grabitization Opportunity
Editor's Сhoice