Tag: Scotland

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UK: Labour wins major majority, but lacks popular support
Editor's Сhoice
UK: Labour wins major majority, but lacks popular support
July 6, 2024

The real momentum lies behind Reform.

‘#arrestme’: JK Rowling dares Scotland to enforce anti-free speech law
April 5, 2024

We have previously discussed the growing anti-free speech movement in Scotland with the expanding criminalization of political and religious speech. The new Scottish law is a perfect nightmare for free speech, expanding the potential of a jail sentence for merely insulting language. In response, author JK Rowling has taken a stand and dared the Scottish police to come and arrest her for criticizing transgender status.

‘#arrestme’: JK Rowling dares Scotland to enforce anti-free speech law
Editor's Сhoice
UK Support for Genocide Can Boost Scottish Independence
Editor's Сhoice
UK Support for Genocide Can Boost Scottish Independence
December 7, 2023

The U.K. government is actively complicit in genocide in Gaza. Indeed, with its supply of weapons to Israel, provision of communications intelligence and aerial surveillance and participation of U.K. special services, I would argue it is more than complicit.

Police Scotland Set Up New Unit to Tackle ‘Hate Crime’; Such As Misgendering and Denying Men Access to Ladies’ Toilets
September 22, 2023

The dedicated unit will go live in November as Humza Yousaf’s hated hate crime laws – which could see people criminalised for what they think or what they say in their own homes – will finally come into effect in 2024

Police Scotland Set Up New Unit to Tackle ‘Hate Crime’; Such As Misgendering and Denying Men Access to Ladies’ Toilets
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The Scottish Gestapo
Editor's Сhoice
The Scottish Gestapo
September 6, 2023

On 28 July a gender critical woman demonstrator, Julie Marshall, was “punched in the face” by a political opponent in Aberdeen. The man who struck her was questioned and issued with a police caution not to punch people.

From King Charles’ Coronation to the Birth of Europe’s Fourth Reich
May 3, 2023

Let us, who walk on two legs and not four, salute those unsung legions who fell to make this knock-off Caesar appear to be great.

From King Charles’ Coronation to the Birth of Europe’s Fourth Reich
NATO’s War on Women
NATO’s War on Women
April 14, 2023

Russia and China must let the world know that they are safe spaces for girls and women to follow their preferred sports.

Scotland’s War on Women
January 28, 2023

Can men menstruate? According to Google, of course they can. So remember that, as we explore “poor sister Scotland! Her doom is fell.”

Scotland’s War on Women