Tag: Schiff

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US Arming of Ukraine Is a Scandal on Its Own
Editor's Сhoice
US Arming of Ukraine Is a Scandal on Its Own
October 10, 2019

There is growing evidence that President Donald Trump briefly froze U.S. military assistance to Ukraine for political goals. Max Blumenthal explores how the Ukrainegate scandal overlooks the dangers of those weapons sales to Ukraine and the corrupt interests behind it.

Ukrainegate Should Be Called Adam Schiffgate or Schiff/Bidengate
October 5, 2019

Trump’s team has lots of ammunition to turn allegations directed at him against his accusers and make them stick — enough perhaps to undermine Biden’s presidential aspirations and take down Schiff at the same time.

Ukrainegate Should Be Called Adam Schiffgate or Schiff/Bidengate
Editor's Сhoice