Tag: Bernie Sanders

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De Sanders a Kennedy Jr. o la audacia de la desesperanza
De Sanders a Kennedy Jr. o la audacia de la desesperanza
September 2, 2024

Sanders y Kennedy Jr. serán recordados como traidores de lo que representaban en buena hora.

Reducing U.S. Military Spending Always Meets With Resistance; Increasing It Never Does
April 10, 2021

Sanders’ bill was killed in the Senate by a vote of 23 to 77, with half of Senate Democrats stepping up to help Republicans stomp it dead. It’s companion bill in the House of Representatives was killed by a margin of 93 to 324, with a majority of House Democrats (92 to 139) voting nay.

Reducing U.S. Military Spending Always Meets With Resistance; Increasing It Never Does
Editor's Сhoice
Who The #Resistance Was Actually #Resisting These Last Four Years
Editor's Сhoice
Who The #Resistance Was Actually #Resisting These Last Four Years
December 12, 2020

Which begs the question: if an entire political faction needed to sacrifice all its principles, all its values and all its morality to get rid of Trump… what exactly was the point of getting rid of Trump?

Progressivism Versus Liberalism
November 6, 2020

The popular confusion between progressivism and liberalism is beneficial to the aristocracy, but harmful to the public, Eric Zuesse writes.

Progressivism Versus Liberalism
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Bernie’s Political Funeral
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Bernie’s Political Funeral
April 18, 2020

The end of the Bernie Sanders campaign always had a destination that was not the White House. I assume for many like myself, Sanders was a huge compromise, but one we signed on for anyway.

American Politics Without Sanders
April 15, 2020

It’s possible Biden is learning from Sanders. Perhaps, Biden is discovering himself outside the Obama influence. He might keep Sanders as his close personal advisor. And I would hope the emergency of the current plague has shattered any doubts one might have about the vision of Trump and his Republican conservative supporters.

American Politics Without Sanders
Editor's Сhoice
Bernie Got A Lot Of Love, But He Failed To Grow
Editor's Сhoice
Bernie Got A Lot Of Love, But He Failed To Grow
April 10, 2020

Sanders has good reason to hope that the young socialists following him will ultimately grow into the Democratic Party of tomorrow, even if progressives are increasingly animated by race, gender and identity politics rather than economics or class.

Corrupt and Incompetent Presidential Campaigns Are Becoming the Norm
April 7, 2020

But if someone is completely unable to run a campaign effectively they have no business being President of the United States of America.

Corrupt and Incompetent Presidential Campaigns Are Becoming the Norm