Tag: Matteo Salvini

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Let’s Add Salvini’s Return to the Growing List of Europe’s Problems
Let’s Add Salvini’s Return to the Growing List of Europe’s Problems
January 17, 2020

When you owe the bank a thousand dollars it’s your problem. When you owe the bank a few hundred billion dollars it’s the bank’s problem, in this case, specifically German banks.

Salvini Thwarted Is Not Salvini Denied
August 18, 2019

Italian Interior Minister and leader of The League Matteo Salvini was thwarted in his push to get control of Italy’s fractious political landscape recently.

Salvini Thwarted Is Not Salvini Denied
Can Salvini Beat the Italian Troika?
Can Salvini Beat the Italian Troika?
August 12, 2019

Salvini knows that timing in politics is everything. Going for a consolidation of power the people seem to want of him, while Brussels is up to its neck in Brexit and financial markets becoming more unmoored from reality every day is the right move.

Europe Won’t Admit the Mini-BOTs Are Coming
June 25, 2019

Italy’s Euroskeptic government led by Lega’s Matteo Salvini and Five Star Movement’s Luigi Di Maio are preparing an assault on the foundation of the European Union itself to save Italy.

Europe Won’t Admit the Mini-BOTs Are Coming
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Salvini Is Positioning Italy for Confrontation
Salvini Is Positioning Italy for Confrontation
April 10, 2019

First, Salvini goes into the European Parliament to disrupt proceedings and further undermine Angela Merkel’s powerbase. Second, he and Di Maio take that success back to Rome and use that to engage real EU reform of the financial system.

Brussels Shows Its Fear of Euroskeptics
March 10, 2019

Expelling Orban from the EPP will only give him more strength. It will only give Euroskeptics more ammunition. Orban, like Salvini, revels in being the outsider.

Brussels Shows Its Fear of Euroskeptics
Italy Declares War on Merkel and the EU
Italy Declares War on Merkel and the EU
October 12, 2018

If there were ever any doubts that the leaders of the Euroskeptic coalition that now runs Italy has a plan to defy the European Union its proposed budget should quell them.

Privatization, the EU and a Bridge
September 29, 2018

A Genoa bridge that collapsed last month killing 43 people is privately owned, but a key factor that has slowed basic infrastructure investment in Italy in recent years is the fault of the EU, reports Andrew Spannaus.

Privatization, the EU and a Bridge
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