Tag: Rothschild

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Soros y la dinastía Rothschild eligieron: Kamala Harris
Soros y la dinastía Rothschild eligieron: Kamala Harris
July 23, 2024

Soros y The Economist/Rothschild oficializan su apoyo a Kamala Harris para vencer a Trump tras la renuncia de Biden

Neo-con politicians take major hits in Eastern Europe
June 19, 2015

Political leaders supported by an unholy alliance of U.S. neo-conservative circles and George Soros’s pro-globalization forces have suffered a string of political defeats in Eastern Europe. Perhaps the biggest catastrophe for the neo-cons was in Poland where one of the stars of America’s interventionist foreign policy, Polish parliament speaker Radoslaw (Radek) Sikorski, announced his resignation after secret recordings emerged. The secret tapes scandal, known as «Waitergate», revealed Sikorski and several governing Civic Platform party officials discussing illegal deals involving bribery and extortion over expensive meals, rare bottles of wine, and Cuban cigars at plush restaurants in Warsaw…

Neo-con politicians take major hits in Eastern Europe
London Gold Fix Closed – Sign of Drastic Changes the World Financial System Is To Go Through
London Gold Fix Closed – Sign of Drastic Changes the World Financial System Is To Go Through
March 23, 2015

The closer of London Gold Fix (LGF) on March 20 is big news. The first London gold fixing was performed in 1919; it had a short way to go till its anniversary… For many years LGF was perceived to be an ideal instrument for fixing the gold price on the world market, especially for individual contracts and derivatives (paper gold)… The elimination of LGF is part of big game played by the «money bosses» – the Rotshields and Rockefellers (the both are the leading shareholders of US Federal Reserve System). Gold is what the Rotshields are after, while the Rockefellers rely on the dollar – the world currency the Federal Reserve System issues…

Ukraine and the Rothschild Family
March 17, 2015

A group of large international investors buy out Ukrainian government’s securities. Franklin Templton is one of them… Franklin Templton has all the makings of a «financial vulture»… According to a recent Bloomberg report, the investment fund acts under US jurisdiction and is controlled by Rothschilds, the family known for its death grip… The Bloomberg’s information is not detailed but it allows to make the following conclusions: first, the default of Ukraine is inevitable and the credit holders are aware of this fact, second, the default will be accompanied by restructuring on tough terms unfavorable for Ukraine…

Ukraine and the Rothschild Family
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Behind-the-scenes games with gold: in anticipation of the great turn (II)
Behind-the-scenes games with gold: in anticipation of the great turn (II)
June 7, 2013

…The Rothschilds would probably like to once again play the same game they played in the 19th century, a game known as the «gold standard» and which poses no risk to them. It would be impossible to introduce it to every country simultaneously. If the process began successfully in Great Britain two centuries ago, today it seems like China is being regarded as the «pioneer». In every way possible, the Rothschilds are stirring up the Celestial Empire’s gold ambitions, pushing the country to accumulate considerable gold reserves and suggesting that the yuan should be an international currency, but that is only possible if it becomes gold…

Gold: Back to Money World (II)
April 27, 2013

There are two interpretations of the reasons behind the military intervention against Libya – the defense of human rights and the desire to grab the Gaddafi’s oil. Both are wrong. The real reason is the fact, that Colonel Gaddafi was brave enough to follow the example of General De Gaulle. He tried to bring into life the idea of getting away from paper money in favor of gold standard. By doing so he threatened the owners of printing press or, in other words, the major share owners of the private company under the name of the US Federal Reserve System… 

Gold: Back to Money World (II)
Crisis of Papacy
Crisis of Papacy
February 20, 2013

The on-going events reflect the fact that the Catholic Church goes through crisis today. It has failed to stand up to the process of dechristianization spreading up in the Western society.  Actually it is the collapse of the very institution of Papacy. A Pope’s resignation is usually outstanding news, but this time it was taken in stride by the world. It was perceived as an ordinary resignation, something that undermined even more the image of Pope as «God’s Lieutenant on earth» after a number of down to earth, mundane scandals shook Vatican…

«Dragon Family Gold» and US Federal Reserve System (II)
December 10, 2012

David Wilcock, the author of a series of publications under a single name Financial Tyranny thinks the concentration of giant reserves of gold in clandestine storages was needed by the world oligarchy for the issuance of paper money flows without any back up. Some other authors share the support of this version referring to Adam Smith, who in his The Wealth of Nations made a thorough study of the woes inherent in the financial system backed by gold and the ways to make it without gold currency. He proved it to be evil for capitalists and the whole society. The only beneficiary of the gold standard, imposed on many states by the end of the XIX century, were the Rothschilds, who controlled the major portion of gold, at least in Europe, if not in the whole world…

«Dragon Family Gold» and US Federal Reserve System (II)