Tag: Roscosmos

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The Sprit of Apollo-Soyuz Is Alive… With the Russia/China Space Alliance
The Sprit of Apollo-Soyuz Is Alive… With the Russia/China Space Alliance
August 1, 2020

But a much unhappier fate may await our children and grandchildren which would make World War II look like a cake walk.

Might the Russia-China-USA Alliance for Space Exploration Define the New ‘New World Order’?
April 15, 2020

The potential for a shared future for global development stands in stark opposition to forces who would rather use the crisis of economic collapse and viral pandemics to usher in a new age of fascism.

Might the Russia-China-USA Alliance for Space Exploration Define the New ‘New World Order’?
NASA and Roscosmos Leadership Unite in Call for Asteroid Defense: A Game Changer in Global Politics
NASA and Roscosmos Leadership Unite in Call for Asteroid Defense: A Game Changer in Global Politics
May 13, 2019

The threat of asteroid collisions with the earth is very real, and provides a very serious basis for international cooperation on the common aims and in the interest of humankind.

Now for Confrontation in Space
March 25, 2019

In the words of the US Administration, “space is now a warfighting domain just like the air, land and sea” so it’s goodbye to a future of harmonious exploration and scientific research in the regions beyond our globe.

Now for Confrontation in Space
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Moscow Mulls Leaving the Joint Russian-US Space Program
Moscow Mulls Leaving the Joint Russian-US Space Program
September 25, 2018

Losing Russia as a partner will hardly benefit the United States. Its defense spending dwarfs that of other nations but it is losing its edge in emerging technologies to Russia.

Russia – Iran: Western Sanctions as a Stimulus for Development of Relations
May 14, 2014

Relations between Russia and Iran are experiencing a stage of dynamic development. Both parties are making significant efforts to reach a qualitatively new level of cooperation in all areas of interstate relations. Great expectations are attached to the upcoming visit of Russia's president to Iran. This could very well take place in the first half of this year. The schedule for Iranian president Hasan Rouhani's participation in the Caspian summit in Astrakhan in September 2014 has also been fully coordinated… 

Russia – Iran: Western Sanctions as a Stimulus for Development of Relations