Tag: Ron DeSantis

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Black people are killed for being black
Editor's Сhoice
Black people are killed for being black
September 13, 2023

The irony is almost too rich: While thousands gathered Saturday on the National Mall to mark the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, a racist White man in Jacksonville, Fla., killed three African Americans for the unforgivable crime of being African American.

Why Trump Is Winning the Primary – So Far
August 2, 2023

In a decade and a half of punditry, I’ve had to eat my share of crow for incorrectly predicting voter behavior. I was notably wrong about Brexit and wrong about the 2016 U.S. presidential election, calling them for Remain and Hillary, respectively. The opinion writer’s weakness for wishcasting is partly to blame.

Why Trump Is Winning the Primary – So Far
Editor's Сhoice
Has America’s Patience With George Soros Finally Run Out?
Has America’s Patience With George Soros Finally Run Out?
August 11, 2022

“If you would know who controls you,” Tacitus, the Roman historian and politician once advised, “see who you may not criticize.”