Tag: Rockefeller

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How the Trilateral Commission Drove a Bankers’ Coup Across America
How the Trilateral Commission Drove a Bankers’ Coup Across America
August 12, 2019

Under Carter’s reign, the Trilateral Commission overturned the last remnants of anti-imperial impulses left over from the vision provided by Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, converting America into the self-destructive basket case we have come to know it as today.

David Rockefeller & October Surprise Case
March 25, 2017

David Rockefeller’s death at age 101 brought effusive eulogies, but no recollection of his mysterious role in the Iran hostage crisis of 1980, which helped sink President Carter’s reelection, writes Robert Parry.

David Rockefeller & October Surprise Case
Editor's Сhoice
London Gold Fix Closed – Sign of Drastic Changes the World Financial System Is To Go Through
London Gold Fix Closed – Sign of Drastic Changes the World Financial System Is To Go Through
March 23, 2015

The closer of London Gold Fix (LGF) on March 20 is big news. The first London gold fixing was performed in 1919; it had a short way to go till its anniversary… For many years LGF was perceived to be an ideal instrument for fixing the gold price on the world market, especially for individual contracts and derivatives (paper gold)… The elimination of LGF is part of big game played by the «money bosses» – the Rotshields and Rockefellers (the both are the leading shareholders of US Federal Reserve System). Gold is what the Rotshields are after, while the Rockefellers rely on the dollar – the world currency the Federal Reserve System issues…

Gold: Back to Money World (II)
April 27, 2013

There are two interpretations of the reasons behind the military intervention against Libya – the defense of human rights and the desire to grab the Gaddafi’s oil. Both are wrong. The real reason is the fact, that Colonel Gaddafi was brave enough to follow the example of General De Gaulle. He tried to bring into life the idea of getting away from paper money in favor of gold standard. By doing so he threatened the owners of printing press or, in other words, the major share owners of the private company under the name of the US Federal Reserve System… 

Gold: Back to Money World (II)
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Crisis of Papacy
Crisis of Papacy
February 20, 2013

The on-going events reflect the fact that the Catholic Church goes through crisis today. It has failed to stand up to the process of dechristianization spreading up in the Western society.  Actually it is the collapse of the very institution of Papacy. A Pope’s resignation is usually outstanding news, but this time it was taken in stride by the world. It was perceived as an ordinary resignation, something that undermined even more the image of Pope as «God’s Lieutenant on earth» after a number of down to earth, mundane scandals shook Vatican…

Millionaire Tompkins is the operator of a U.S. Empire in Patagonia
December 4, 2012

In the late 1980's millionaire Douglas Tompkins from the U.S. made a reconnaissance trip to Siberia. He did not deny that he was looking to select «suitable area» to create a giant-scale natural park with a view to the implementation of a «deep ecology» project. Tompkins turned down the Siberian option after coming up against specific complications from the Russians: «The situation is not yet ripe». After visits to Alaska and Canada, he turned his gaze on Chile, with its uninhabited areas in the south, and Argentina, where the economic crisis facilitated the buying up of agricultural land…

Millionaire Tompkins is the operator of a U.S. Empire in Patagonia
Rockefeller Global Tentacles Exposed in 1959 by the Soviet Union
Rockefeller Global Tentacles Exposed in 1959 by the Soviet Union
September 15, 2012

The Rockefeller global oil and banking empire has been the subject of much critical commentary on the Internet. However, the Rockefeller Octopus’s tentacles into every facet of America’s banking, oil (through their control of Standard Oil), military, educational, and foreign policy apparatus was exposed in a monograph prepared by the Soviet Union in 1959. An English translation of the Soviet article prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency’s Foreign Documents Division and dated December 16, 1959, was uncovered from the CIA’s archives. The paper is titled: “About Those Who Are Against Peace.”…There is nothing in the Soviet paper that rings false about the Rockefellers…